Я думаю, что настоящий исполнитель не тот, кто только поет, но кто и сочиняет музыку сам. 13. Каждый музыкант мечтает стать популярным, но со временем бесконечные туры и навязчивые папарацци надоедают и слава не кажется такой желанной.
I think that this artist is not someone who just sings, but who composes music himself. 13. Every musician dreams of becoming popular, but over time the endless tours and obsessive paparazzi annoy and fame doesn't seem such a coveted.
I think that this artist is not someone who only sings, but who and composes himself. 13. Every musician dreams of becoming popular, but over time the endless tours and intrusive paparazzi bored and fame does not seem so desirable.
i think that the real perpetrator not who only sings, but who and composes music.13. every musician wants to be popular, but eventually the endless tours and pesky paparazzi teasing and glory does not seem desirable.