я просил тебя о простом, сказать что ты думаешь о русских, раз у тебя нет о нас мнения я сделаю его таким как считаю нужным, удачи торговать своей жопой американская шлюха.
I asked you a simple, say what you think about the Russians, the times you have no opinions about us I will make him so as I think fit, good luck to trade their American-assed whore.
I asked you a simple, say what you think of Russian, once you have no opinion about us, I will do it so as I saw fit, good luck to trade his ass American whore.
I have asked you about the simple, to say that you think the Russians, once again you don't have views on the us i'll do it in such as I think it is proper, good luck trading its жопои american compelling aura.