Бриджит участвует в лотерее и имеет приметы, которые должны принести е перевод - Бриджит участвует в лотерее и имеет приметы, которые должны принести е английский как сказать

Бриджит участвует в лотерее и имеет

Бриджит участвует в лотерее и имеет приметы, которые должны принести ей удачу. Гектор озадачен, особенно когда ему говорят, что его оранжевая футболка принесет неудачу. Его просят забрать одежду из химчистки, но к сожалению, он берет лотерейный билет вместо билета химчистки. Когда он встречает Ника, тот использует билет, чтобы записать номер телефона девушки, которую он только что встретил. Когда о лотерейных номерах объявляют, Бриджит занимается своей йогой и когда числа показывают на экране, она смотрит телевизор в режиме «без звука» вверх тормашками. Она очень волнуется, так как понимает, что она — победительница. Она и Энни фантазируют о том, что она сделает с деньгами, и Бриджит оставляет сообщение на работе, о её увольнении по собственному желанию. Тогда она обнаруживает, что билет пропал. Гектор потерял билет, чем он сильнее усугубил положение. Для Ника это тоже катастрофа, ему очень нужен номер телефона девушки. Гектора посылают на поиски билета. Тем временем Энни находит билет, и взволнованная Бриджит звонит, чтобы потребовать ее приз, но узнаёт, что числа неправильны. Гектор догадался в чём дело и объясняет это тем, что она, должно быть, прочитала их вверх тормашками. Тем временем Ник пытается позвонить девушке, которую он встретил. Однако, он также разочарован …, она дала ему неправильный номер.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Bridget participates in the lottery and has signs that should bring her luck. Hector puzzled, especially when he is told that his Orange t-shirt will bring misfortune. Asked to pick up clothes from dry cleaners, but unfortunately, he takes a lottery ticket instead of a dry cleaning ticket. When he meets Nick, that uses a ticket to write down the phone number of a girl he just met. When the lottery private declare Bridget deals with its Yoga and when numbers show on the screen, she watches tv in silent mode, upside down. She is very worried because realizes that she is a beauty. She and Annie fantasize about what it would do with the money, and Bridget leaves a message at work about her dismissal. Then she discovers that the ticket was gone. Hector lost ticket than he stronger exacerbated the situation. For NIKA is also a disaster, he really needs a girl's phone number. Hector sent in search of tickets. Meanwhile, Annie finds a ticket, and agitated Bridget calling to claim her prize, but discovers that the numbers are wrong. Hector guessed the thing and explains that she must have read them upside down. Meanwhile, Nick tries to call the girl, whom he met. However, it also disappointed ... She gave him the wrong number.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Brigitte participate in the lottery and has signs that should bring her good luck. Hector puzzled, especially when he is told that his orange t-shirt will fail. He is asked to pick clothes from the dry cleaner, but unfortunately, it takes a lottery ticket instead of the dry-cleaning ticket. When he meets Nick, who uses the card to record the phone number of a girl he had just met. When about to announce the lottery numbers, Brigitte engaged in yoga and when their numbers are shown on the screen, she was watching TV in the "silent" upside down. She is very worried, because he understands what it is - the winner. She and Annie fantasize about what it will do with the money, and Bridget leaves a message on the work of her resignation on their own. Then she discovers that the ticket was gone. Hector lost ticket, he is stronger than worsened the situation. For Nick is also a disaster, he really need the phone number of the girl. Hector sent in search of the ticket. Meanwhile, Annie finds the ticket, Bridget and excited calls to ask her prize, but finds out that the numbers are wrong. Hector realized what was happening and explain it by the fact that it must have read them upside down. Meanwhile, Nick tries to call the girl, whom he met. However, he also disappointed ... she gave him the wrong number.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
bridget participates in the lottery and has the characteristics that should bring her luck. hector puzzled, especially when he is told that his orange t-shirt will fail. he is asked to pick up the dry cleaning.but unfortunately, he takes a lottery ticket in the ticket thing. when he meets nick, he uses the ticket to get a girl's phone number, which he had just met.when the lottery numbers and bridget is your yoga, and when the number of shows on the screen, she watches tv in the mode of "without звука» upside down. she is very worried, so as to understandshe is the winner. she and annie are fantasizing about what she will do with the money, and bridget leaves a message on the work of her leave of their own accord. then she discovers that the ticket is gone.hector lost ticket, the stronger he aggravated the situation. for nick's accident, he wants a girl's phone number. hector sent to search for tickets. meanwhile, annie finds a ticketand worried bridget calls to claim the prize, but discovers that the number is wrong. hector know what it is, and explains that she must read them upside down.meanwhile, nick tries to call a girl he met. however, he was disappointed, she gave him a wrong number.
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