The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups  перевод - The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups  английский как сказать

The early English settlements in Am

The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups of people, like the Mayflower emigrants. These colonies grew larger and became important factors in Britain's struggle for greater role in the world. They gave Britain different materials and much money.From the mid - 1700s relations between Britain and the 13 British colonies on the east cost of North America began to break down. After the British defeated France in the Seven Years War in 1763, they tried to exert more power over the colonies. The colonies had no right to trade with other nations than England. They also had to pay duty on everything imported by England to the colonies from other countries. At the same time the American colonies themselves were becoming stronger and were establishing their own industry, agriculture and trade. They ignored many rules introduced by the British Parliament, which did not let them trade with other nations.The colonies did not want to pay the duties on products brought from Britain and her other colonies. They were especially against the duty on all tea imported into colonies, and duties on some other less important products like paper. So late in 1773, when the colonists learned that seven British ships carrying tea were on their way to New York, Boston and other ports, they decided that the tea duty was not going to be paid and that the tea was not going to be landed. When the first ship, the Dartmouth , reached Boston, a meeting was called to discuss the problem and decide what to do.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups of people, like the Mayflower emigrants. These colonies grew larger and became important factors in Britain's struggle for greater role in the world. They gave Britain different materials and much money . <br>From the mid - 1700s relations between Britain and the 13 British colonies on the east cost of North America began to break down. After the British defeated France in the Seven Years War in 1763, they tried to exert more power over the colonies. The colonies had no right to trade with other nations than England. They also had to pay duty on everything imported by England to the colonies from other countries.<br>At the same time the American colonies themselves were becoming stronger and were establishing their own industry, agriculture and trade. They ignored many rules introduced by the British Parliament, which did not let them trade with other nations. <br>The colonies did not want to pay the duties on products brought from Britain and her other colonies. They were especially against the duty on all tea imported into colonies, and duties on some other less important products like paper. <br>So late in 1773, when the colonists learned that seven British ships carrying tea were on their way to New York, Boston and other ports, they decided that the tea duty was not going to be paid and that the tea was not going to be landed .<br> When the first ship, the Dartmouth, reached Boston, a meeting was called to discuss the problem and decide what to do.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups of people, like the Mayflower emigrants. These colonies grew larger and became important factors in Britain's struggle for greater role in the world. They gave Britain different materials and much money.<br>From the mid- 1700s relations between Britain and the 13 British colonies on the east cost of North America began to break down. After the British defeated France in the Seven Years War in 1763, they tried to exert more power over the colonies. The colonies had no right to trade with other nations than England. They also had to pay duty on everything imported by England to the colonies from other countries.<br> At the same time the American colonies themselves were becoming stronger and were establishing their own industry, agriculture and trade. They ignored many rules introduced by the British Parliament, which did not let them trade with other nations.<br>The colonies did not want to pay the duties on products brought from Britain and her other colonies. They were especially against the duty on all tea imported into colonies, and duties on some other less important products like paper.<br> So late in 1773, when the colonists learned that seven British ships carrying tea were on their way to New York, Boston and other ports, they decided that the tea duty was not going to be paid and that the tea was not going to be landed.<br> When the first ship, the Dartmouth, reached Boston, a meeting was called to discuss the problem and decide what to do.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups of people,like the Mayflower emigrants. These colonies great bigger and become important factors in Britain's structure for greater role in the world They brought different materials and a lot of money to Britain.<br>From the mid-1700s relations between Britain and the 13 British colonies on the east cost of North America began to break down. After the British Defenated France in the Seven Years War in 1763,they tried to expert more power over the colonies. They had no right to trade with other nations than England They also have to pay for everything that England imports into other countries in Corleone.<br>"At the same time, major groups in the United States have chosen stronger forces and built their own industries, agriculture and trade." They ignored many of the rules of the British Parliament that did not allow them to trade with other countries.<br>They did not want to pay the duties on products brought from Britain and other colonies They are particularly sensitive to the production of all tea imports into colones and are concerned about the production of some other less important products like paper.<br>So late in 1773,when the colonists learned that seven British ships carrying tea were on their way to New York,Boston and other ports,they decided that the tea duty was not going to be paid and that the tea was not going to be landed.<br>When the first ship, Dartmouth, reached Boston, the meeting was asked to discuss issues and make decisions.<br>
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