1. Смотав шерсть в клубок, она заявила, что о вкусах не спорят.
2. Задев локтем за кофейник, он пожалел, что согласился работать с огоньком.
3. Попади он в беду, они соберут деньги, чтобы помочь ему.
4. Вечно ты манипулируешь моим братом, будто он тупой!
5. Неужели кизил горький на вкус?
6. Никогда раньше я не вносила свой вклад в их дело!
7. Не успел он завести часы, как услышал, как в саду что-то треснуло.
1. Когда я сошла с яхты к палатке, поближе к газовой горелке, шёл моросящий дождь, и ветер уже стих.
2. Почему вы придираетесь к нему, утверждая, будто его гарнитур безвкусный? При всех своих недостатках он обладает хорошим вкусом.
3. Она призналась, что всю ночь не сомкнула глаз, так как искала кухонную утварь, приготовленную для похода.
4. Полиция спутала меня с её двоюродным братом, который не мог не впутаться в какие-то неприятности.
5. Неужели ты не боялась, что тебе придётся сводить концы с концами? Ты же не привыкла вносить вклад в общее дело и вряд ли когда-либо была способна отказаться от роскошной жизни!
6. Едва я кинула обрезки бумаги в корзину, как он обозвал меня сплетницей и чуть не запустил в меня фонариком, лежавшим рядом с заварным чайником и блюдцами.
7. Я не видела, как она заплетает ей волосы в косы. По-моему, она всё утро пыталась приготовить что-то питательное из остатков холодного свиного пирога и переваренной картошки, хотя вряд ли ей это удалось.
8. Желательно, чтобы он научился выпутываться из неприятностей без нашего вмешательства. Он что – всю жизнь собирается зря тратить наши деньги, пожертвованные на его воспитание?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Smotav wool into a ball, she said, that tastes differ.2. Hitting the elbow for the coffee pot, he regretted having agreed to work with twinkle.3. Hit it in trouble, they will collect money to help him.4. Forever you manipulate my brother if he's dumb!5. neuzheli dogwood bitter to the taste?6. Never before I have not contributed to their cause!7. He did not have time to make watch, as heard in the garden, something cracked.1. When I went with the yacht to the tent, closer to a gas torch, was drizzling rain and wind already verse.2. Why you're picking for him, claiming that his headset tasteless? For all its shortcomings, he has good taste.3. She admitted that not all night somknula eye, as was looking for kitchen utensils, prepared for a hike.4. the police had confused me with her cousin, who could not vputat'sja in any trouble.5. Don't you fear that you will have to make ends meet? You're not used to contribute to the common cause and is unlikely to ever be able to abandon luxurious living!6. I Barely threw scraps of paper in the basket, as he called me spletnicej and almost ran into me flashlight, which close with scalded and tea saucers.7. I have not seen, as she he plaits her hair in braids. In my opinion, it all morning trying to cook something nutritious from the remnants of a cold pork pie and boiled potatoes, though hardly it succeeded.8. it is desirable that he learned to take out of trouble without our intervention. He is a lifetime going to waste our money donated to his upbringing?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Wind up the wool into a ball, she said that there is no accounting for tastes.
2. touching the elbow of coffee, he regretted that he had agreed to work with a twinkle.
3. Hit it in trouble, they will collect money to help him.
4. You're always manipulating my brother, if he stupid!
5. Do dogwood bitter taste?
6. Never before have I contributed to their business!
7. Before he could start the clock as heard in the garden something cracked.
1. When I went to the boat to the tent, close to a gas burner, a drizzling rain was going, and the wind has died down.
2. Why do you find fault with him, alleging that he set tasteless? For all his faults, he has good taste.
3. She admitted that the night could not sleep, as sought utensils, prepared for a hike.
4. Police confused me with her cousin, who could not help but to get involved in some kind of trouble.
5. Are not you afraid that you'll have to make ends meet? You're not used to contribute to the common cause and hardly ever been able to give up a life of luxury!
6. As soon as I threw scraps of paper in the basket, he called me a gossip and almost ran into me a flashlight lying next to the teapot and saucers.
7. I do not see how she braids her hair in braids. In my opinion, it all morning trying to cook something nutritious from the remnants of the cold pork pie and potatoes overcooked, though hardly succeeded her.
8. It is desirable that he learned how to get out of trouble without our intervention. It is that - all my life is going to waste our money, donated by his upbringing?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. смотав wool ball, she said that there's no accounting for taste.2. let the elbow for a pot, he regretted having agreed to work with the fire.3. if he's in trouble, they collect money to help him.4. you always control my brother, he's stupid.5. do dogwood bitter taste?6. i've never contributed to their business.7. didn't have a watch, as heard in the garden that is cracked.1. when i got off the boat to the tent, closer to the gas we have light rain, and the wind's verse.2. why are you picking on him, claiming that he set a? with all its disadvantages, it has taste.3. she told me that she couldn't sleep a wink, so looking for kitchenware, prepared for the expedition.4. the mixed me up with her cousin, who couldn't get in any trouble.5. aren't you afraid you'll have to make ends meet? you're not used to contribute to the general case and is unlikely to ever be able to abandon a life of luxury.6. when i threw cutting the paper into the basket, he called me gossip girl and almost threw me a flashlight, lying next to the заварным kettle and knick knacks.7. i don't see how she заплетает her hair in braids. i think she's the morning trying to make something nutritious remnants of cold pig like pie and potatoes, but i don't think she did.8. it is desirable that he managed to get out of this out of trouble without our intervention. he is my whole life's wasting our money donated to his upbringing?
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