Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe саmе to New York to study painting.  перевод - Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe саmе to New York to study painting.  английский как сказать

Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe с

Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe саmе to New York to study painting. Delia left the little town she was born in for New York to study music. Joe and Delia met at the friend's studio. In the evening the studio was always crowded with young artists who were fond of talking about painting, theatre and music. Delia attracted Joe's attention the moment he saw her. They often met at the studio and soon get to know each other well. A year later they were married. They were very happy, they had their art and they had each other. But one day they found that they had no money. Delia said she had to give music lessons and she started looking for pupils.
A few days later she came home very pleased with herself. "Joe, dear," she said. "I have found a pupil. She is the only daughter of a famous architect. I'm to give her three lessons a week. The family is rich; they'll pay me five dollars a lesson!" However Joe was not happy about that. He did not want his wife to work, he wanted her to study and be a famous pianist.

A week later Delia brought home fifteen dollars. To her surprise Joe put four five dollar bills on the table too. "I've sold one of my paintings to a gentleman from the country," he said, "and he asked me to paint another picture for him."

Every morning Joe went to Central Park to paint his pictures and came back only in the evening. One Saturday evening Joe came home before Delia. Delia was late. When she appeared her right hand was bandaged and she looked very tired. "What’s the matter?" asked Joe. "The architect’s daughter invited me to dinner after her lesson and she spilled some hot sauce on my hand. She was very sorry about that. Oh, Joe, did you sell another picture?" she asked when she saw the money on the table. "I did. And I'm going to sell some more next week," Joe added. "At what time did you burn your hand, Delia?" "About five. The iron ... I mean the sauce was ready about five. Why?" "Darling," Joe took her hands in his, "where are you working? Tell me!" And she told him the truth.

Delia could not find any pupils and as she very much wanted Joe to study painting she had to work in a laundry. Delia pressed shirts there. "How did you know I wasn't giving music lessons?" she asked. "I sent up these bandages this afternoon for a girl who had burnt her hand with an iron. I'm working in the machine room of the same laundry."

(After O. Henry)

1. Why did Delia start looking for a job?

2. Why was it difficult for Joe to sell his pictures and for Delia to find pupils?

3. Why did Joe not tell her the truth about his work in laundry?

4. What do you think of their love for each other?

5. Do you think their life will change in future?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe same to New York to study painting. Delia left the little town she was born in for New York to study music. Joe and Delia met at the friend's studio. In the evening the studio was always crowded with young artists who were fond of talking about painting, theatre and music. Delia attracted Joe's attention the moment he saw her. They often met at the studio and soon get to know each other well. A year later they were married. They were very happy, they had their art and they had each other. But one day, they found that they had no money. Delia said she had to give music lessons and she started looking for pupils.A few days later she came home very pleased with herself. "Joe, dear," she said. "I have found a pupil. She is the only daughter of a famous architect. I'm to give her three lessons a week. The family is rich; they'll pay me five dollars a lesson! " However, Joe was not happy about that. He did not want his wife to work, he wanted her to study and be a famous pianist.A week later, Delia brought home fifteen dollars. To her surprise, Joe put four five dollar bills on the table too. "I've sold one of my paintings to a gentleman from the country," he said, "and he asked me to paint another picture for him."Every morning Joe went to Central Park to paint his pictures and came back only in the evening. One Saturday evening, Joe came home before Delia. Delia was late. When she appeared her right hand was bandages and she looked very tired. "What's the matter?" asked Joe. "The daughter from invited me to dinner after her lesson and she spilled some hot sauce on my hand. She was very sorry about that. Oh, Joe, did you sell another picture? "she asked when she saw the money on the table. "I did. And I'm going to sell some more next week, "Joe added. "At what time did you burn your hand, Delia?" "About five. The iron ... I mean the sauce was ready about five. Why? " "Darling," Joe took her hands in his, "where are you working? Tell me! " And she told him the truth.Delia could not find any pupils and as she very much wanted Joe to study painting she had to work in a laundry. Delia pressed shirts there. "How did you know I wasnt giving music lessons?" she asked. "I sent up these bandages this afternoon for a girl who had burnt her hand with an iron. I'm working in the machine room of the same laundry. " (After O. Henry) Questions:1. Why did Delia start looking for a job? 2. Why was it difficult for Joe to sell his pictures and for Delia to find pupils? 3. Why did Joe not tell her the truth about his work in laundry? 4. What do you think of their love for each other? 5. Do you think their life will change in the future?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe same to New York to study painting. Delia left the little town she was born in for New York to study music. Joe and Delia met at the friend's studio. In the evening the studio was always crowded with young artists who were fond of talking about painting, theatre and music. Delia attracted Joe's attention the moment he saw her. They often met at the studio and soon get to know each other well. A year later they were married. They were very happy, they had their art and they had each other. But one day they found that they had no money. She had said Delia to give music lessons and she started looking for pupils.
A few days later she came home very pleased with herself. "Joe, dear," she said. "I have found a pupil. She is the only daughter of a famous architect. I'm to give her three lessons a week. The family is rich; they'll pay me five dollars a lesson!" However Joe was not happy about that. I did not want He his wife to work, he wanted her to study and be a famous pianist. A week later Delia brought home fifteen dollars. To her surprise Joe put four five dollar bills on the table too. "I've sold one of my paintings to a gentleman from the country," he said, "and he asked me to paint another picture for him." Every morning Joe went to Central Park to paint his pictures and came back only in the evening. One Saturday evening Joe came home before Delia. Delia was late. When she appeared her right hand was bandaged and she looked very tired. "What's the matter?" asked Joe. "The architect's daughter invited me to dinner after her lesson and she spilled some hot sauce on my hand. She was very sorry about that. Oh, Joe, did you sell another picture?" she asked when she saw the money on the table. "I did. And I'm going to sell some more next week," Joe added. "At what time did you burn your hand, Delia?" "About five. The iron ... I mean the sauce was ready about five. Why?" "Darling," Joe took her hands in his, "where are you working? Tell me!" She told him And the truth. Delia could not find any pupils and as she very much wanted Joe to study painting she had to work in a laundry. Delia pressed shirts there. "How did you know I was not giving music lessons?" she asked. "I sent up these bandages this afternoon for a girl who had burnt her with an iron hand. I'm working in the machine room of the same laundry." (After O. Henry) Questions: 1. Why did Delia start looking for a job? 2. Why was it difficult for Joe to sell his pictures and for Delia to find pupils? 3. Why did Joe not tell her the truth about his work in laundry? 4. What do you think of their love for each other? 5. Do you think their life will change in future?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
joe and delia both loved art. joe саmе to new york to study painting. delia in the little town she was born in new york to study music. joe and delia met at the friend's studio. in the middle of the studio was always crowded with young artists who were fond of talking about painting, theatre and music. delia attracted joe's attention the moment he saw her.they often met at the studio and soon get to know each other well. a year later they were married. they were very happy, they had their art and they had each other. but one day they found that they had no money. delia said she had to give music lessons and she started looking for pupils. a few days later she came home very close to the herself. " joe, dear, "she said." i have found a pupil.she is the only daughter of a famous architect. i 'm to give her three lessons a week. the family is rich, they'll pay me five dollars a schools. " but joe was not happy about that. he did not want his wife to work, he wanted her to study and be a famous pianist.

a week later delia brought home fifteen dollars. to her surprise, joe put four five dollar bills on the table, too."i've sold one of my paintings to a newly furnished from the country," he said, "and he asked me to paint this picture for him."

every morning joe went to central park to paint his pictures and came back only in the evening. one saturday evening joe came home before delia. delia was late. when she saw her right hand was bandaged and she looked very tired. " what's the matter? " asked joe."the architect's daughter invited me to dinner after her schools and spilled some hot sauce on my hand. she was very sorry about that. oh, joe, did you sell this picture? " she asked when she saw the money on the table. " i did. and i'm going to sell some more next week, "joe added." at what time did you burn your hand, delia? " about five. the iron...i mean the sauce was ready about five. why? "" darling, "joe took her hands in his," where are you working? tell me! " and she told him the truth.

delia could not find any pupils and as she very much wanted joe to study painting she had to work in a us. delia pressed shirts there. " how did you know i wasn't giving music lessons? " she asked."i sent up by bandages this afternoon for a girl who had burnt her hand with an iron. i 'm working in the machine room of the same us. "

(after o. henry)

the questions: 1. why did delia start looking for a job?

2. why was it difficult for joe to use his pictures and for delia to pupils.

3. why did joe not tell her the truth about his work in us?

4.what do you think of their love for each other?

5. do you think their life will change in the future?
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