Каким будет мобильный телефон через четверть века27 Октябрь 2010 В раз перевод - Каким будет мобильный телефон через четверть века27 Октябрь 2010 В раз английский как сказать

Каким будет мобильный телефон через

Каким будет мобильный телефон через четверть века
27 Октябрь 2010 В разделе: Мобильные технологии
Каким будет телефон будущего? Приобретая новый «навороченный» мобильник, золотой или платиновый телефонный номер или наиудобнейший корпоративный тариф МТС, немногие пользователи задумываются о том, каким будет мобильное общение в будущем. На самом деле, ведь уже сегодня многие сотовые телефоны представляются пределом совершенства.

Вообразить трубку будущего способен не каждый рядовой пользователь. Зато специалистам удалось выявить основные пути развития мобильной техники. Эксперты предполагают, что в скором будущем мобильные телефоны станут гибкими (пластичности трубок будут способствовать гибкие дисплеи и микросхемы). Такой телефон можно будет без труда свернуть в трубочку и надеть на руку - как браслет. В виду того, что уже сейчас некоторые производители телефонных аппаратов предлагают прототипы пластичных трубок, можно не сомневаться в том, что лет через пять гибкие «мобильники» станут обыденным явлением.
Телефон будущего, скорее всего, будет без клавиатуры и экрана. Пользоваться трубкой можно будет с помощью встроенного проектора, который станет проецировать всю необходимую информацию на любую поверхность. Сканирующая обратная связь будет распознавать движения пальцев и преобразовывать манипуляции в команды.
Телефон будущего может запросто быть прозрачным. Уже сейчас данная идея весьма популярна, несмотря на то, что не является технологически революционной. В данном случае имеет значение дизайнерский изыск, превосходно передающий дух будущего. Прозрачным телефон может быть благодаря специализированной структуре внутренних схем, которые будут практически невидимыми.
Эксперты уверены и в том, что телефоны будущего не обойдутся без разнообразных сенсоров. Телефоны смогут передавать предварительно заготовленные образцы всяких ароматов (запахи будут варьироваться в зависимости, например, от настроения пользователя). Кстати, с помощью сенсорных устройств можно будет следить и за состоянием собственного здоровья.
Еще одной характеристикой мобильного телефона будущего станет функция визуализации. К сожалению, в ближайшее время технология трехмерной голографии вряд ли будет внедрена - ученым предстоит решить уж слишком большое количество задач.
Несмотря на фантастичность многих идей, большая их часть уже находится в разработке, а некоторые и вовсе воплощены в реальность.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
What will be the mobile phone through a quarter of a century27 Oct 2010 under: mobile What will be the phone of the future? "Tricked out" when you buy a new mobile phone, gold or Platinum phone number or naiudobnejšij corporate MTS tariff, few users understand what will be the mobile communication in the future. In fact, as already today, many cell phones are the limit of perfection. Imagine the phone of the future is able not each member user. But the experts were able to identify the main ways to develop mobile applications. Experts suggest that in the future mobile phones will become flexible (plasticity of tubes will facilitate flexible displays and microchips). The phone can be easily rolled into a tube and put on hand as a bracelet. In view of the fact that even now some manufacturers of telephone sets offered prototypes of plastic tubes, there can be no doubt that in five years the flexible "mobile phones" will become commonplace.The phone of the future will most likely be without a keyboard and screen. To use the handset, you can use the built-in projector that will project all the necessary information on any surface. Scanning feedback will recognize finger movements and translate manipulation commands.The phone of the future could easily be transparent. Now this idea is very popular, despite the fact that is not technologically revolutionary. In this case, is set to design refinement, superb passing in the spirit of the future. Transparent phone may be due to the internal structure of specialized circuits that will be virtually invisible.Experts are convinced that the telephones of the future not manage without a variety of sensors. Cell phones can transfer previously prepared samples of all the flavors (perfumes will vary, for example, the mood of the user). By the way, using sensory devices will follow and the State of their health.Another characteristic of a mobile phone of the future will be the rendering function. Unfortunately, the technology of three-dimensional holography is unlikely to be implemented-scientists to solve too many problems.Despite the many fantastic ideas, most of it is already in development, and some of them are translated into reality.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What will be the mobile phone in a quarter century,
October 27, 2010 Section: Mobile technologies
What will be the phone of the future? By purchasing the new "fancy" mobile phone, gold or platinum phone number or naiudobneyshy corporate MTS tariff, few people think about what will be the mobile communication in the future. In fact, because today many cell phone is the limit of perfection. Imagine the phone of the future is able to every ordinary user. But the experts were able to identify the main ways of development of mobile technology. Experts believe that in the near future, mobile phones will become flexible (plasticity tubes will contribute to flexible displays, and chip). This phone can be easily rolled into a tube and put on hand - like a bracelet. In view of the fact that some manufacturers already offer handsets prototypes of plastic tubes, there is no doubt that in five years, flexible "mobile phones" will become commonplace. Phone of the future is likely to be without a keyboard and screen. Use a pipe can be built using the projector, which will project all the necessary information on any surface. Scanning feedback will recognize finger movements and translate manipulation commands. Phone the future can easily be transparent. Already, the idea is very popular, despite the fact that it is not technologically revolutionary. In this case, it has a value of design refinement, perfectly captures the spirit of the future. Transparent phone may be due to the specialized structure of the internal circuit, which will be virtually invisible. Experts are confident in the fact that the phones of the future will not manage without a variety of sensors. Phones will be able to pass a pre-harvested samples of any flavors (odors will vary depending, for example, on the mood of the user). By the way, with the help of sensors can monitor the status and health of their own. Another feature of the mobile phone of the future will feature visualization. Unfortunately, in the near future three-dimensional holography technology is unlikely to be implemented - the scientists to decide too large number of problems. In spite of the many fantastic ideas, most of them are already in development, and some have turned into reality.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
What will be your mobile phone through a quarter of a century
October 27, 2010 in section: Mobile technology
How will phone the future? When you buy a new "upgrade to s-tec system thirty" keitai,The gold or platinum phone number or наиудобнеишии corporate fare MTS, few users thinking about, how will your mobile communication in the future. In fact,It is already today many cell phones are tensile perfection.

imagine the tube future can not every average user.But professionals has been able to identify the main ways to development of a mobile technology. The experts suggest,That, in the near future mobile phones will be flexible (plasticity tubes will contribute to flexible display and chips). The telephone can be without labor collapse in tube and slide on the hand - as well as wrist strap.In view of the fact that now some manufacturers telephones offer prototypes cnc tube, there can be no doubt that years through five flexible "thieved" will become commonplace.
Phone future, most likely, will be without keyboard and screen. Use tube can be using the built-projector, which will be bringing all the necessary information on any surface.The scanning feedback will recognize finger movements and convert manipulation in command.
Phone future can easily be transparent. Now this idea is very popular, in spite of the factThat is not a technologically revolutionary. In this case, has a value designer sophistication, well done communicating the spirit of the future.A transparent phone may be the skill structure internal schemes, which will be virtually invisible.
the experts are confident and that phones the future does not afford without a variety of sensors.Phones will be able to pass pre-fabricated samples without any flavor (smells will vary depending on, for example, the mood user). In fact,Using the touch devices will be to monitor and the status of their own health.
another characterised as your mobile phone will be the future imaging function. Unfortunately,In the near future three-dimensional holographic technology is unlikely to be implemented - scientists to be resolved too large number of tasks.
despite the ruins revealed two building layers: many ideas,Most of them are already in the design, and some and is translated into a reality.
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