Аннотация: Данная курсовая работа называется «Значение средних общих издержек фирмы: оценка потенциальной прибыли при открытии нового бизнеса»
Тема достаточно актуальна на сегодняшний день, так как каждая фирма, предприятие, организация задумывается о прибыли еще с создания бизнеса.
цель исследования данной курсовой работы – исследовать сущность, как прибыли, так и потенциальной прибыли, издержек производства, их структуру и минимизацию, провести анализ деятельности предприятия.
Проанализировав ряд показателей, характеризующих финансовое состояние предприятия,выяснилось, что
в 2014г. получено сверх плана валового дохода 1420 тыс. руб. и доход составил 240070 тыс. руб, Перевыполнение плана доходов достигнуто за счет повышения уровня валового дохода на 0,73% (13,16% - 12,43%)
Сумма издержек в 2014 г. составляла 15886 тыс. руб., уровень издержек к обороту 8,69%. Это ниже запланированного уровня на 0,07%.
Перевыполнение плана по доходам и экономия издержек обеспечили положительную динамику прибыли за 2014 г. по сравнению как с 2013 г., так и с 2012 г.
Проведенный анализ позволил нам сделать некоторые выводы и подготовить рекомендации по планированию и прогнозированию прибыли ООО «СервисПром» на будущее, то есть на 2015 г.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Abstract: This thesis called "the value of the average total costs of the firm: an assessment of potential profit when opening new businesses» The topic is relevant enough for today, because each firm, company, organization thinking about profit even with the creation of a business. the purpose of the study this course work-explore the essence of how profit and profit potential, production costs, their structure and minimize, to undertake an analysis of the activity of the enterprise.After analysing a number of indicators of financial condition of the enterprise, turned out that in 2014. received in excess of their gross income plan 1420 thous. rub. and revenue was 240070 thous. rub, Overfulfilling the plan of income achieved through raising the level of gross income at 0.73% (13.16%-12.43%) The amount of costs in 2014, was 15886 thous. rub., the level of costs to traffic 8.69%. This is below the planned level at 0.07%. Surplus revenue plan and cost savings provided positive momentum in profits for 2014 as compared with 2013, and in 2012, 2011. The analysis allowed us to draw some conclusions and recommendations for planning and forecasting profits of the LLC «ServisProm» for the future, i.e., 2015.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Abstract: This course is called the "average total cost value of the company: evaluation of the potential profit when opening a new business"
theme quite relevant today, since each firm, enterprise, organization thinks about profit since the creation of the business.
research objective of this course work - explore the essence of how profit and revenue potential, production costs, their structure and minimization, an analysis of the company.
After analyzing a number of indicators characterizing the financial condition of the company, it was found that
in 2014. received over the plan of gross income in 1420 ths. rub. and revenues of 240 070 thousand. rubles, the plan over-fulfillment of revenue achieved by increasing the level of gross income by 0.73% (13.16% - 12.43%)
The amount of the costs in 2014 amounted to 15 886 thousand. rub., the level of costs to turnover of 8.69%. This is below the target level of 0.07%.
fulfillment of the plan of revenues and cost savings provided positive dynamics of profit for 2014 as compared with both 2013 and in 2012
The analysis allowed us to draw some conclusions and make recommendations for planning and forecasting earnings of "ServisProm" for the future, ie for 2015
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Keywords: This heading the work is called the "Value medium-sized common costs firms: an assessment of the potential profits when you open a new business"
Theme sufficiently relevant to date, as each firm,The enterprise, the organization begin to profit even with the establishment of business.
the purpose of the study this course work - explore the substance, as well as profit, and profit potential, production costs,Their structure and to minimize, to undertake an analysis of the business.
in reviewing a number of indicators that characterize financial status enterprises,it was found that
in 2014.The plan has been received in excess gross income 1420 thousand rub. and income amounted to 240070 thousand roubles, exceeding the plan income achieved by improving gross income at 0.73 per cent (13.16 per cent to 12.43 % )
amount costs in 2014.stood at 15886 thousand rub., level of costs to drug trafficking 8.69 %. This is below the planned level at 0.07 %.
Exceeding the plan for income and savings costs provided positive momentum profits for 2014.Compared with 2013, as well as., and in 2012,
The analysis has allowed us to draw some conclusions and to prepare recommendations for the planning and forecasting profit the company СервисПром" in the future, that is to say, in 2015.
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