1. Увидя меня, она [Маша] вздрогнула и закричала. (Пушкин) 2. Мысль увидеть императрицу лицом к лицу так устрашила ее, что она с трудом могла - держаться (to stand) на ногах. (Пушкин) 3. Тут он остановился и стал набивать свою трубку. (Пушкин) 4. «Извините меня, — сказал он мне по-французски, — что я без церемонии прихожу с вами познакомиться». (Пушкин) 5. Ты уже оскорбил казаков, посадив дворянина им в начальники (to set a nobleman over somebody); не пугай же дворян, казня их по первому наговору (accusation). (Пушкин) 6. Единственное развлечение мое состояло в наездничестве (to ride). (Пушкин) 7. Ибрагим не мог не улыбнуться. (Пушкин) 8. За сим он почтительно поцеловал ее руку и уехал, не сказав ей ни слова о решении Кирила Петровича. (Пушкин) -9. Написавши несколько писем... Лаврецкий отправился кКалитиным. (Тургенев) 10. Впрочем, он (Лаврецкий] скоро догадался, что никто не мешал ему уединиться... (Тургенев) 11. Как все женщины, которым не удалось полюбить, она [Анна Сергеевна] хотела чего-то, сама не зная, чего именно. (Тургенев) 12.... ее самолюбие (vanity) было глубоко уязвлено тем, что ни тот, ни другой (neither of them) не обратил на нее внимания. (Тургенев) 13. Девушка извинилась, что вошла... (Л. Толстой) 14. Услыхав это, Анна быстро села и закрыла лицо веером. (Л. Толстой) 15. Теперь же Анна, в надежде увидать Вронского, пожелала ехать. (Л. Толстой) 16. Левин любил своего брата, но быть с ним вместе всегда было мученье. (Л. Толстой) 17. Левин нахмурился и, не отвечая ей, сел опять за свою работу... (Л. Толстой).
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. See me, she [Mary] winced and cried. (Pushkin) 2. see Empress face-to-face so frightened her that she could hardly hold on (to stand). (Pushkin) 3. Then he stopped and began to fill his pipe. (Pushkin) 4. "excuse me," he told me in French — that I am without ceremony come to meet you. " (Pushkin) 5. you've insulted the Cossacks, imprisoning them chiefs of the nobleman (to set a nobleman over somebody); don't scare the same nobles, executing them on the first hex (accusation). (Pushkin) 6. the only entertainment my was naezdnichestve (to ride). (Pushkin) 7. Ibrahim could not help but smile. (Pushkin) 8. the SIM it respectfully kissed her hand and left without saying a Word to her about the decision of Cyril Petrovich. (Pushkin) -9. Napisavshi several emails ... Lavretsky went to kKalitinym. (Turgenev) 10. However, he (Lavretsky] soon guessed that no one prevented him from retiring. (Turgenev) 11. Like all women who didn't love it [Anna Sergeevna] wanted something, not knowing what it is. (Turgenev) 12 ... her pride (vanity) was deeply ujazvleno fact that neither (neither of them) did not pay attention to it. (Turgenev) 13. The girl apologized that entered ... (L. Tolstoy) 14. Hearing this, Anna quickly sat down and covering her face in a fan. (L. Tolstoy) 15. Now, Anna, hoping to see John wished to go. (L. Tolstoy) 16. Levin loved his brother, but being with him has always been torment. (L. Tolstoy) 17. Levin frowned and without answering it, sat down again for his work. (L. Tolstoy).
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. seeing me, she [is] jumped and screamed. (pushkin) 2. the idea to see the empress face to face so устрашила her that she could barely stay out (to stand) on the legs. (pushkin) 3. then he stopped and started stuffing your pipe. (pushkin) 4. "excuse me," he told me in french, i come with you meet me, that without ceremony. (pushkin) 5. you have insulted the cossacks, putting them in a nobleman's chiefs (to set a nobleman over center); don't scare as nobles, executing them on the first наговору (accusation). (pushkin) 6. my only entertainment was наездничестве (to ride). (pushkin) 7. ibrahim couldn't smile. (pushkin) 8. for this he respectfully kissed her hand and left without saying a word about her decision кирила petrovich. (pushkin) - 9. написавши several letters. лаврецкий went ккалитиным. (turgenev) 10. however, he лаврецкий] soon figured out that they just let him go... (turgenev) 11. like all women who did not love it (anna sergeevna] wanted something, i don't know what it is. (turgenev) 12. her pride (vanity) was deeply уязвлено because neither (neither of them not paying attention to her. (turgenev) 13. the girl apologized that walked in... (l). fat) 14. услыхав, anna quickly sat down and closed her face down. (l). fat) 15. now, anna, in the hope of our vronsky, wished to go. (l). fat) 16. levin loved his brother, but together with him was always a heavy burden. (l). fat) 17. levin frowned and not replying to her, sat down again for their work. (l). fat).
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