Одной из главных в мире является проблема бедности, под которой понима перевод - Одной из главных в мире является проблема бедности, под которой понима английский как сказать

Одной из главных в мире является пр

Одной из главных в мире является проблема бедности, под которой понимается невозможность обеспечивать простейшие и доступные для большинства людей в данной стране условия жизни. Большие масштабы бедности, особенно в развивающихся странах, представляют серьезную опасность не только для национального, но и для мирового устойчивого развития.
Критерии бедности
Различают следующие виды уровней бедности:
Национальный уровень бедности — это доля населения, живущего ниже национальной черты бедности. В большинстве стран мира, и в том числе в России, под национальной чертой бедности понимается доход ниже прожиточного минимума, т.е. не позволяющий покрывать стоимость потребительной корзины — набора самых необходимых по меркам данной страны в данный период времени товаров и услуг. Во многих развитых государствах бедными считаются люди с доходом в размере 40-50% от среднего дохода по стране.
Международный уровень бедности — это доход, обеспечивающий потребление менее чем на 2 долл. в день по ППС. Определяют также международный уровень чрезвычайной бедности (или иначе — сверхбедности) — доход, обеспечивающий потребление менее чем на 1 долл. в день. Это, по сути, предельный уровень бедности с точки зрения выживания человека.
Распространение бедности
По оценкам Всемирного банка, общее количество бедных, т.е. живущих менее чем на 2 долл. в день, составляет в мире 2,5-3 млрд человек. В том числе общее количество людей, живущих в чрезвычайной бедности (менее чем на 1 долл. в день) — 1-1,2 млрд чел. Иными словами, 40-48% населения мира — бедные, а 16-19% — сверхбедные.
С 80-х гг. XX в. по начало XXI в. численность людей, живущих в чрезвычайной бедности, сократилась примерно на 200 млн. Это произошло главным образом за счет уменьшения количества сверхбедных в Китае. С начала 90-х гг. проявляется тенденция к сокращению количества сверхбедных в другом многонаселенном государстве — Индии. В то же время в странах Африки южнее Сахары на протяжении последних 20 лет, наоборот, наблюдался постоянный рост численности сверхбедных.
Распределение беднейшего населения по регионам мира за период с 1980 г. не претерпело существенных изменений. Две трети бедноты мира по-прежнему проживает в Восточной и Южной Азии и одна четверть — в Африке южнее Сахары. Большая часть бедного населения сосредоточена в сельских районах развивающихся государств
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
One of the biggest in the world is poverty, defined as the inability to provide simple and affordable for most people in this country living conditions. High levels of poverty, especially in developing countries, pose a serious threat not only to national but also to global sustainable development.The criteria of povertyThere are following kinds of poverty:National;International.The national poverty rate is the proportion of the population living below the national poverty line. In most countries of the world, including in Russia, under the national poverty line is defined as an income below the minimum subsistence level, i.e. not to cover the cost of the utility cart is a set of the most needed by the standards of a given country in a given period of time the goods and services. In many developed countries the poor are people with income of at least 40-50% of the median income in the country.The international poverty level income, which is the consumption of less than $ 2. on the day of the PPP. Determine the level of extreme poverty (or otherwise — sverhbednosti) — income for consumption of less than $ 1. on the day. It is, in fact, the level of poverty in terms of human survival.The spread of povertyThe World Bank has estimated that the total number of the poor, that is, living on less than $ 2. on the day, is the world's -3 2.5 billion people. Including the total number of people living in extreme poverty (on less than $ 1 per day)-1-1, 2 billion. In other words, 40-48% of the world's population is poor, and 16-19% is sverhbednye.From the 80 's. The 20th century and early 21st century the number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen by about 200 million. This has resulted primarily from the reduction of the number of sverhbednyh in China. Since the early 90 's. There is a tendency to reduce the number of sverhbednyh in the other most populated state of India. At the same time in sub-Saharan Africa over the past 20 years, on the contrary, there has been a continued increase in the number of sverhbednyh.Distribution of the poorest regions of the world since 1980, 2005 had not changed significantly. Two-thirds of the world's poor still live in East and South Asia and one quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa. A large part of the poor population is concentrated in the rural areas of developing countries
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One of the main problem in the world is poverty, which is defined as the inability to provide an easy and affordable for most people in this country living conditions. Great poverty, particularly in developing countries, pose a serious threat not only to national, but also for the world of sustainable development.
The criteria of poverty
are the following types of poverty:
The national poverty rate - is the proportion of the population living below the national poverty line. In most countries of the world, including in Russia, under the national poverty line refers to income below the subsistence level, ie not allowing to cover the cost of a basket of use - set required by the standards of most of the country in a given period of time, goods and services. In many developed countries the poor are people with an income of 40-50% of the national median income.
The international poverty level - an income that provides consumption of less than $ 2. PPP a day. Also determine the international level of extreme poverty (or otherwise - superpoor) - income, consumption providing less than $ 1. Per day. This is, in fact, the ultimate level of poverty in terms of human survival.
The increase of poverty
The World Bank estimates, the total number of the poor, ie, living on less than $ 2. per day, is the world's 2.5-3 billion people. Including the total number of people living in extreme poverty (less than $ 1. Per day) - 1-1.2 billion people. In other words, 40-48% of the world population - the poor, and 16-19% - superpoor.
On the 80th. XX century. at the beginning of the XXI century. number of people living in extreme poverty declined by about 200 million. This was mainly due to fewer superpoor in China. Since the early 90s. there is a tendency to reduce the number of superpoor in another populous nations - India. At the same time in sub-Saharan Africa over the past 20 years, on the contrary, there was a constant increase in the number superpoor.
The distribution of the poorest regions of the world for the period since 1980 has not changed significantly. Two-thirds of the world's poor still live in East and South Asia and one quarter - in sub-Saharan Africa. Majority of the poor are concentrated in rural areas of developing countries
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
One of the main in the world is the problem of poverty, which refers to the inability to provide simple and affordable for the majority of people in this country living conditions. The large extent of poverty,Especially in the developing countries, constitute a grave danger not only for the national, but also for the world sustainable development.
criteria for poverty
are distinguished the following types of poverty:
The international.
the national poverty level - this is the percentage of the population living below the national poverty line. In most of the countries of the world, including in Russia,Under the national poverty line is defined as income below the minimum subsistence level, i.e.Not that allows you to cover the costs потребительнои basket - dial the most needed by the standards the country in this period of time of goods and services.In many of the developed states are considered to be poor people with an income in the amount of 40-50% of the average income in the country.
the international poverty level - this is income that provides power consumption less than $2 a day on PPP.Also determine the international level emergency poverty line (or otherwise - сверхбедности) - income, which provides power consumption less than $1 a day. This is, in fact,Limit the level of poverty in terms of human survival.
The poverty
the World Bank has estimated that the total number of poor, i.e. , those living on less than $2 a day, is in the world 2.5 -3 billion people.Including the total number of people living in extreme poverty (on less than $1 a day) - 1-1.2 billion people. In other words, 40-48 40-48 40-48 40-48per cent of the world's population is poor, and 16-19% - сверхбедные.
with the 80-s of XX century to the beginning of the twenty b. the number of people,People living in extreme poverty, has been reduced by approximately $200 million. This has been mainly by reducing the number of сверхбедных in China. Since the early 90-s.There is a tendency to reduce the number of сверхбедных in another populous state, India. At the same time, in countries sub-saharan Africa over the past 20 years, on the contrary,There has been a constant increase in the number of сверхбедных.
the poorest regions of the world for the period 1980, has remained largely unchanged.Two thirds of poor peace continues to reside in the East and South Asia and one quarter in sub-saharan Africa. Most of the poor population is concentrated in the rural areas of the developing States
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