4. Он услышал, как городские часы пробили 12.13. Он оказался идеальным перевод - 4. Он услышал, как городские часы пробили 12.13. Он оказался идеальным английский как сказать

4. Он услышал, как городские часы п

4. Он услышал, как городские часы пробили 12.13. Он оказался идеальным учителем. 14. Говорят, что Эдит похожа на меня. 15. Мы рассчитываем, что они вернутся через несколько дней. 17. Говорят, что он очень хорошо переводит стихи. 18. Я случайно знаю номер его телефона. 19. Он, бесспорно, отправляется в экспедицию в январе. 

1. Сообщалось, что премьера спектакля состоится 9 ав-густа. 3. Оказалось, что я забыл ключи дома. 4. Он не хотел, чтобы Давид жил дома. 5. Говорят, что нашли древние захоронения. 6. Я заставил его снять пальто и выпить чашку чая. 7. Говорят, он очень много путешествовал. 9. Говорят, он работает над новой книгой уже целый год.

11. Мистер Осборн хотел, чтобы его сын женился на Эмили, отец которой был очень богат. 12. Считается, что эта картина написана Репиным. 13. Никто не заметил, как он вошел и стал у двери. 14. Ожидается, что директор школы выступит на вы-пускном вечере. 16. Говорят, что римляне построили в Англии хорошие дороги. 17. Похоже, он уже завершил работу над книгой 18. Кажется, что ему нравится представление. 21. Видели, как он бежал по направлению к лесу.
24. Говорят, что оперная труппа дала несколько пред­ставлений в Лондоне.
25. Он услышал, как часы пробили 12. 26. Сообщается, что самолет приземлился вовремя.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4. He heard as city clock struck 12.13. He proved to be a perfect teacher. 14. Say that Edith is similar to me. 15. We expect that they will return in a few days. 17. Say it translates very well poems. 18. I happen to know his telephone number. 19. He, no doubt, is sent on an expedition in January. 521. it has been reported that the premiere be held 9 AV-dense. 3. It turned out that I had forgotten the keys at home. 4. He didn't want David lived at home. 5. Say found ancient burial. 6. I made him remove coats and drink a cup of tea. 7. Say, he traveled a lot. 9. Say, he is working on a new book for a year.11. Mr Osborne wanted his son married Emily, whose father was very rich. 12. It is believed that this picture painted by Repin. 13. No one noticed as he entered and proceeded to have a door. 14. It is expected that the School Director to speak at you-pusknom evening. 16. It is said that the Romans built good roads in England. 17. It looks like he has already completed work on a book 18. It seems that he likes the idea. 21. Have seen as he ran towards the forest. 24. Say that Opera Troupe gave several performances in London.25. He heard as the clock struck 12. 26. it has been reported that the plane landed on time.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
4. He heard the town clock struck 12.13. He was the perfect teacher. 14. It is said that Edith like me. 15. We hope that they will return in a few days. 17. It is said that he takes very good poetry. 18. I happen to know his phone number. 19. It is, no doubt, goes on an expedition in January.  52 1. It was reported that the play will premiere 9 av-dense. 3. It turned out that I forgot the house keys. 4. He did not want to David lived at home. 5. It is said to have found ancient tombs. 6. I made ​​him take off his coat and a cup of tea. 7. They say he traveled a lot. 9. It is said he is working on a new book for a year. 11. Mr Osborne wanted his son to marry Emily, whose father was very rich. 12. It is believed that the picture painted by Repin. 13. No one noticed as he entered and stood in the door. 14. It is expected that the school director to speak at you-throughput evening. 16. It is said that the Romans built in England, good roads. 17. It seems that he has already completed work on a book of 18. It seems that he likes the idea. 21. Did you see how he ran towards the forest. 24. They say that the opera company gave several performances in London. 25. He heard the clock struck 12. 26. It is reported that the plane landed on time.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
4. he heard the clock struck 12.13. he was the perfect teacher. 14. they say that edith looked like me. 15. we hope that they will be back in a few days. 17. they say that he is a very good translating poetry. 18. i happen to know his phone number. 19. he certainly goes on an expedition in the январе. 521. it was reported that the show will be held 9 ab is thick. 3. it turns out that i forgot my keys at home. 4. he didn't want david lived at home. 5. they found the ancient burial site. 6. i made him take off his coat and have a cup of tea. 7. they say he's travelled a lot. 9. they say he's working on a new book for a year.11. mr osborne wants his son to marry emily, whose father was very rich. 12. it is considered that this picture is written репиным. 13. no one noticed that, as he walked in and stood at the door. 14. it is expected that the headmaster will speak to you пускном tonight. 16. they say that the romans built roads in england. 17. looks like he's already completed work on the book 18. he seemed to like the idea. 21. seen as he ran towards the woods.24. they say that the opera troupe has given several пред­ставлений in london.25. he heard the clock struck twelve. 26. it is reported that the plane landed on time.
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