После выпуска преподавал в Оксфорде, а в 1976 году вступил в коллегию  перевод - После выпуска преподавал в Оксфорде, а в 1976 году вступил в коллегию  английский как сказать

После выпуска преподавал в Оксфорде

После выпуска преподавал в Оксфорде, а в 1976 году вступил в коллегию адвокатов, специализировался в вопросах трудового и коммерческого права. В это же время стал принимать активное участие в деятельности Лейбористской партии.

В 1983 году был избран членом Палаты общин британского парламента. Примыкал к правым лейбористам, сторонникам партийной реформы. В 1980-х годах занимал различные посты в теневом кабинете министров, стал членом национального исполнительного комитета партии. В 1992 году новый лидер лейбористов Джон Смит назначил Блэра на пост министра внутренних дел в теневом кабинете, а после смерти Смита в 1994 году Блэр возглавил партию.

Блэр интенсивно проводил партийную реформу: стремился сделать позиции партии более центристскими и более привлекательными для избирателей, уменьшить роль традиционных связей с профсоюзами, за что получил прозвание крестного отца "нового лейборизма".

В 1997 году Лейбористская партия одержала убедительную победу на всеобщих парламентских выборах, и Блэр занял пост премьер-министра. Правительство Блэра проводило политику по децентрализации государственной власти, урегулированию конфликта в Северной Ирландии, реформированию социальной сферы и налаживанию отношений с Европейским Союзом.

В 1999 году Великобритания приняла участие в югославском конфликте (Блэр поддерживал выдвинутую США концепцию "гуманитарной интервенции").
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
After graduation he taught at Oxford, and in 1976, entered into the bar, he specialized in matters of labour law and commercial law. At the same time began to take an active part in the activities of the labour party.In 1983 he was elected member of the House of Commons of the British Parliament. Adjacent to the right-wing Reform Party supporters, laborers. In 1980-ies held various positions in the shadow cabinet, he became a member of the National Executive Committee of the party. In 1992, the new Labour leader John Smith, Blair was appointed to the post of Interior Minister in the shadow cabinet, and after the death of Smith in 1994 year Blair led the party.Blair held intensive Reform Party: the position of the party sought to make more and more attractive to centrist voters, to diminish the role of the traditional ties with the trade unions, for which he received the epithet Godfather "new labourism".In year 1997 the Labour Party won a landslide victory in the general election, and Blair took over as Prime Minister. Blair's Government has pursued a policy of decentralization of State authority, settlement of the conflict in Northern Ireland, reform of the social sphere and the establishment of relations with the European Union.In the year 1999 United Kingdom participated in the Yugoslav conflict (Blair supported the initiative of the United States the concept of "humanitarian intervention").
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After graduation he taught at Oxford, and in 1976 came to the bar, specializing in matters of employment and commercial law. At the same time he began to take an active part in the activities of the Labour Party. In 1983 he was elected member of the House of Commons. He belonged to the right-wing Labour Party, supporters of party reform. In 1980, he held various positions in the shadow cabinet, he became a member of the national executive committee of the party. In 1992, the new Labour leader John Smith appointed Blair to the post of interior minister in the shadow cabinet, and after Smith's death in 1994, Blair led the party. Blair intensively conducted party reform: to render the position of the party more centrist and more attractive to voters, reduce the role of traditional relations with the unions, for which he received the nickname godfather "new Labour." In 1997, the Labour party won a landslide victory in the general elections, and Blair became prime minister. Blair's government has pursued a policy of decentralization of state power, the settlement of the conflict in Northern Ireland, the reform of the social sphere and the establishment of relations with the European Union. In 1999, the United Kingdom took part in the Yugoslav conflict (Blair supported the US put forward the concept of "humanitarian intervention").

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
after graduation to teach at oxford, and in 1976 joined the bar, specializing in labour and commercial law. at the same time, began to actively participate in the activities of the labour party.in 1983, was elected as a member of the house of commons of the british parliament. примыкал to right the labor leaders, supporters of political reform. in the 1980s has held various positions in the extralegal cabinet, became a member of the national executive committee of the party. in 1992, a new labour leader john smith appointed blair as the minister of the interior in the informal study, after the death of smith in 1994, blair led the party.blair has held the party reform, have tried to make the position of a центристскими and more attractive to voters, to diminish the role of the traditional links with the unions, for what has been called the "godfather of new лейборизма".in 1997, the labour party won a landslide victory in the general parliamentary elections and blair took the post of prime minister. the blair government pursued a policy of decentralization of state power, the settlement of the conflict in northern ireland, the reform of social services and to establish relations with the european union.in 1999, the united kingdom participated in the yugoslav conflict (blair supported by the concept of "humanitarian intervention").
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