1. Каждая из этих версий должна учитывать отдельные аспекты существующ перевод - 1. Каждая из этих версий должна учитывать отдельные аспекты существующ английский как сказать

1. Каждая из этих версий должна учи

1. Каждая из этих версий должна учитывать отдельные аспекты существующей реальности.
2. Чтобы избежать крайностей в межгосударственных отношениях,
следует принять политику добрососедства и сотрудничества.
3. Национальное государство должно остаться главным действующим
лицом на международной арене.
4. Столкновение цивилизаций не должно стать доминирующим фактором мировой политики.
5. Грядущий конфликт между цивилизациями может стать завершающей фазой эволюции глобальных конфликтов в современном
6. На протяжении полутора веков после Вестфальского мира, оформившего современную международную систему, в западном мире
конфликты обычно происходили между государями, стремившимися присоединить новые земли к своим владениям.
7. Государствам-лидерам следует вести друг с другом переговоры о
сдерживании или прекращении войн, оставаясь в рамках своих цивилизаций.
8. Культурная самоидентификация людей может меняться, и в результате меняются состав и границы той или иной цивилизации.
9. В рамках данной цивилизации отсутствует государство, которое
могло бы выступать в качестве лидера и это, в свою очередь, осложняет развитие региона.
10. Нельзя принять этот аргумент, но в данной связи было бы полезно
исследовать, становятся ли цивилизации более цивилизованными.
11. Непреклонная позиция, которую заняло правительство, осложняет
отношения не только с соперничающими государствами, но и с теми кого ему хотелось бы считать своими естественными союзниками.
12. Наивно полагать, что триумфальная победа одной цивилизации
может положить конец разнообразию культур, которые много веков олицетворяли собой великие цивилизации мира.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Each of these versions must take into account certain aspects of reality.2. To avoid extremes in inter-State relations,should adopt a policy of good-neighbourliness and cooperation.3. national State should remain the mainthe face on the international scene.4. The clash of civilizations should not become a dominant factor in world politics.5. The coming conflict between civilizations can be the final phase of the evolution of global conflicts in modernworld.6. over one and a half centuries after the peace of Westphalia, where the modern international system in the Western worldconflicts usually occur between the sovereigns as they have sought to attach new lands to his possessions.7. States should be leaders with each other negotiatecurbing or ending wars, remaining within the framework of their civilizations.8. cultural identity people can change, and as a result of the changing composition and varying boundaries of civilization.9. Within this civilization lacks a State whichcould act as a leader and this, in turn, complicates the development of the region.10. do not accept this argument, but in this context it would be useful toinvestigate whether civilization more civilized.11. The intransigent stance taken by the Government, complicatingrelations not only with rival States, but also with those whom he wished to assume their natural allies.12. It is naïve to believe that the triumph of one civilizationcan put an end to the diversity of cultures, which many centuries represented a great civilization of the world.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Each of these versions should take into account certain aspects of the existing reality.
2. To avoid extremes in international relations,
should adopt a policy of good neighborliness and cooperation.
3. The nation-state should remain the main operating
entity in the international arena.
4. The clash of civilizations should not be the dominant factor in world politics.
5. The coming conflict between civilizations may be the final phase of the evolution of global conflict in the modern
6. Over one and a half centuries after the Peace of Westphalia, drew up the modern international system in the Western world
conflicts usually occur between sovereigns, aspire to join the new land to his possessions.
7. States leaders should behave with each other negotiations on
curbing or stopping the war, while remaining within their civilizations.
8. The cultural identity of people can change, and as a result change the composition and the borders of a civilization.
9. As part of this civilization is not a state that
would serve as a leader and that, in turn, complicates the development of the region.
10. We can not accept this argument, but in this context it would be useful
to investigate whether civilization becoming more civilized.
11. Inflexible position taken by the government, complicating
relations not only with rival states, but also with those whom he would like to consider their natural allies.
12. It would be naive to believe that the triumph of one civilization
can put an end to the diversity of cultures that for centuries represented the great civilizations of the world.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Each of these versions should take into account some of the aspects of an existing reality.
2. To avoid extremes in international relations,
should adopt policies of good-neighborliness and cooperation.
3.The National State should remain the main actor in
the face on the international scene.
4. The clash of civilizations should not become a dominant factor in world politics.
5.Coming conflict between civilizations can become final phase evolution of global conflicts in the modern world
6. For a year and a half centuries after elude peace,Get more information contemporary international system, in the western world
conflicts usually occur between, interconnectedness attach new land to their possessions.
7.Member States leaders should negotiate with each other on the
deterring or stopping wars, while remaining within the framework of their civilization.
8. Cultural banter people may vary,And as a result changing the composition and boundaries of a civilization.
9. In the framework of this civilization is not a state which
could serve as a leader and this, in turn, complicates development of the region.
10. We cannot accept that argument, but in this regard, it would be useful to
to explore, whether civilization more civilized.
11. Iron, a position which has taken the government, complicates
Relations not only with rival states, but also with those who would like to take it that it is their natural allies.
12. It is naive to think that the Arche de Triomphe victory by one civilization
Can put an end to diversity of cultures, which many centuries embodied the great civilizations of the world.
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