тауэрский мост Разводной мост в центре Лондона над рекой Темзой, недал перевод - тауэрский мост Разводной мост в центре Лондона над рекой Темзой, недал английский как сказать

тауэрский мост Разводной мост в цен

тауэрский мост
Разводной мост в центре Лондона над рекой Темзой, недалеко от Лондонского Тауэра. Иногда его путают с Лондонским мостом, расположенным выше по течению. Строительство моста началось в 1886 году и продолжалось в течении 8 лет. Открыт в 1894 году. Также является одним из символов Лондона и Британии.
Он представляет собой разводной мост длиной 244 метра с двумя башнями-опорами, которые соединены двумя переходами для пешеходов, поднятыми на высоту 34 метров над проезжей частью и 42 метров над водой. Дороги с обеих берегов Темзы ведут к подъемным крыльям мостам. Эти огромные полотна весят примерно 1200 тонн каждая и раскрываются, образуя угол в 86 градусов. Благодаря этому под мостом свободно могут проходить суда грузоподъемностью до 10000 тонн.
Свое название мост получил благодаря соседству с Тауэром: северный конец моста располагается около юго-восточного угла Тауэра, а параллельно восточной стене Тауэра идет дорога, являющаяся продолжением Тауэрского моста.
В северной башне находится музей Тауэрского моста. С высоты пешеходного перехода открывается потрясающийся вид на Лондон.
Необыкновенный, захватывающий, потрясающий- именно такой вид открывается с этого знаменитого моста, визитной карточки Лондона.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Tower Bridge Drawbridge in Central London over the River Thames, close to the Tower of London. It is sometimes confused with the London Bridge located upstream. Construction of the bridge began in 1886 during the year and lasted 8 years. Opened in the year 1894. Is also one of the symbols of London and Britain. It is a bascule bridge with a length of 244 meters with two towers, pillars, which are connected by two crossings for pedestrians, raised to a height of 34 m above the carriageway and 42 meters above the water. Roads on both banks of the River Thames will lead to lifting the sides of bridges. These enormous canvases weigh around 1200 tons each and are expanded, forming an angle of 86 degrees. Thanks to this under the bridge can freely pass vessels up to 10000 tons. Bridge received its name due to the neighborhood of London: North end of the bridge is located near the southeast corner of the Tower, while the East wall of the Tower there is a road, which is the sequel to Tower Bridge. In the North Tower is Tower Bridge Museum. With a height of pedestrian crossing opens potrâsaûŝijsâ views of London. Unusual, exciting, stunning-just such a view opens with the famous bridge, the business card of London.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Tower Bridge
drawbridge in the center of London on the River Thames near the Tower of London. Sometimes it is confused with London Bridge, located upstream. Construction of the bridge began in 1886 and lasted for eight years. It opened in 1894. It is also one of the symbols of London and Britain.
It is a swing bridge 244 meters in length with two towers, towers that are connected by two passages for pedestrians, raised to a height of 34 meters above the road and 42 meters above the water. The roads on both banks of the Thames leading to the lifting bridge wings. These huge canvases weigh some 1,200 tons each and are disclosed, forming an angle of 86 degrees. Due to this under the bridge are free to pass ships with cargo capacity of up to 10,000 tons.
The name of the bridge was due to the neighborhood of the Tower: the north end of the bridge is located near the southeast corner of the Tower, and parallel to the eastern wall of the Tower there is a road, which is a continuation of the Tower Bridge.
Is located in the north tower Museum Tower bridge. From the height of a pedestrian crossing offers breathtaking views of London.
Unusual, exciting, potryasayuschiy- exactly this kind opens with this famous bridge, the business card of London.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
tower bridgemoveable bridge in central london on the river thames, near the tower of london. sometimes confused with london bridge located upstream. the construction of the bridge began in 1885 and lasted for eight years. opened in 1894. is also one of the symbols of london and britain.he is a moveable bridge length of 244 meters with two towers, the towers that are connected to the two passages for pedestrians, raised to a height of 34 meters above the carriageway and 42 meters above the water. the road on both shores of the river thames, lead to подъемным wings of the bridges. these enormous canvases weigh about 1200 tons each and are disclosed, forming the angle of 86 degrees. the court may pass under the bridge is up to 10000 tons.its name was the door to the tower of london bridge, north end of the bridge is located near the south east corner of the tower, and the tower is in the east wall road, a continuation of the tower bridge.in the north tower is the tower bridge. from the height of the pedestrian crossing opens потрясающийся views of london.extraordinary, fascinating, amazing that this kind of opens with the famous london bridge card.
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