Услуги составляют значительную часть экономики большинства стран. К ни перевод - Услуги составляют значительную часть экономики большинства стран. К ни английский как сказать

Услуги составляют значительную част

Услуги составляют значительную часть экономики большинства стран. К ним относят все виды полезной деятельности, не создающей материальных ценностей, т. е. главным критерием отнесения той или иной деятельности к сфере услуг служит неосязаемый, невидимый характер производимого в данной сфере продукта. Современные предприятия сферы услуг все больше сталкиваются с возрастающими потребительскими требованиями, являющимися результатом усиления конкурентной борьбы, укрепления позиций конкурентов на данном сегменте рынка, углубления дифференциации платежеспособного спроса, сокращения сроков внедрения инновационных разработок, изменения отраслевых границ и профилей деятельности. Конкуренция выдвигает условия, при которых предприятия сферы услуг должны все более оперативно и высокопрофессионально приводить свою деятельность в соответствие с новыми условиями и требованиями на основе организационных, технологических, социальных и управленческих инноваций. Все это также свидетельствует о необходимости обеспечения конкурентоспособности предприятиями сферы услуг. Следует отметить, что многие вопросы управления конкурентоспособностью остаются до сих пор открытыми и недостаточно изученными. Так, большинство авторов и исследователей рассматривают проблему обеспечения конкурентоспособности предприятия с точки зрения маркетингового подхода, полагая, что она определяется конкурентоспособностью производимой им продукции (оказываемых услуг)., в то время как конкурентоспособность товара (услуги) представляет собой относительную, четко привязанную к месту и времени характеристику состояния товара или услуги, отражающую ее преимущества по сравнению с другими аналогичными объектами. В этой связи рассмотрение конкурентоспособности предприятия посредством конкурентоспособности товара (услуги) может быть воспринято как подход, реализуемый лишь на оперативном или, в крайнем случае, тактическом уровне управления, которые предполагают принятие управленческих решений, позволяющих локализировать неблагоприятную ситуацию и минимизировать возможные потери, в то время как стратегическая конкурентоспособность обеспечивается при наличии у предприятия устойчивых управляемых конкурентных преимуществ на длительную перспективу развития, на формирование которых должен быть сориентирован весь комплекс финансово-экономических, организационно-управленческих, производственно-технологических и маркетинговых бизнес-процессов [12].
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Services account for a large part of the economy in most countries. They include all kinds of useful activity, not creating material values, i.e., the primary criterion for inclusion of an activity to the sphere of services provides intangible, invisible nature of this area of the product. Modern service industries are increasingly faced with rising consumer demands resulting from the strengthening of competition, strengthening positions of competitors on this market segment, increasing differentiation of solvent demand, shorten the introduction of innovations, changes in sectoral boundaries and activities profilesTI. Competition imposes conditions under which service industries have all more quickly and professionally to bring their activities into line with the new conditions and requirements on the basis of organizational, technological, social and managerial innovation. It also suggests a need to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprises of sphere of services. It should be noted that many issues of competitiveness management are still open and unexplored. Thus, the majority of authors and researchers consider the problem of enterprise's competitiveness in terms of marketing approach, believing that it is determined by the competitiveness of its products (services rendered)., while the competitiveness of goods (services) is a relative, clearly tied to place and timestatus characteristic of goods or services, reflecting its advantages in comparison with other similar objects. In this regard, consideration of the competitiveness of enterprises through the competitiveness of goods (services) may be perceived as an approach, implemented only at the operational or, in extreme cases, the tactical level of management, which involve management solutions to localize the unfavorable situation and to minimize possible losses, while strategic competitiveness is enterprise managed sustainable competitive advantages for long-term development, which should be the focus of the whole complex of economic-financial organizational and managerial, industrial-technological and marketing business processes [12].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Services account for a significant part of the economy in most countries. These include all kinds of useful activity, not creating wealth, t. E. The main criterion for classifying a particular activity in the service sector is intangible, invisible nature produced in this area of ​​the product. Modern service industries are increasingly faced with the growing consumer requirements is the result of increasing competition, strengthening the position of competitors in this market, deepening the differentiation of effective demand, shortening the introduction of innovations, changes in industry boundaries and profiles of activity. The competition lays down conditions under which service businesses have more promptly and professionally to bring their activities into compliance with the new conditions and requirements on the basis of organizational, technological, social and managerial innovation. All of this also highlights the need to ensure the competitiveness of service enterprises. It should be noted that many of the management issues of competitiveness are still open and insufficiently studied. Thus, the majority of authors and researchers consider the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of the company in terms of marketing approach, believing that it is determined by the competitiveness of their products (services rendered)., While the competitiveness of goods (services) is relatively clearly tied to the place and Time characteristic condition of the goods or services, reflecting its advantages over other similar objects. In this regard, consideration of the company's competitiveness through the competitiveness of the goods (services) can be perceived as an approach, implemented only at the operational or, in extreme cases, the tactical management level, which involve the adoption of management solutions to locate a bad situation, and minimize possible losses, while as strategic competitiveness is ensured by the presence of an enterprise managed sustainable competitive advantages in the long-term development, the formation of which must be oriented full range of financial, economic, organizational, managerial, production and processing and marketing business processes [12].
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Services accounted for a significant part of the economy of most of the countries. They are classified as all types of useful activity, will not cause material values, i.e.The primary criterion for determining the or other activities in the area of services is intangible and invisible nature of the produced product in this area.The modern enterprise services are faced with the increasing consumer demands, which are the result of the competition,The competition in this market in the market, deepening differentiation effective demand, reducing time frame for the introduction of innovative development,Changes sectoral boundaries and profiles of activities. Competition has made conditions,In which business services should all more quickly and renovation lead its activities in conformity with the new conditions and requirements on the basis of organizational, technological,Social and managerial innovation. All of this also demonstrates the need to ensure the competitiveness of the services sector enterprises. It should be noted,Many of the issues management competitiveness so far remain open and there is not enough," said Marquez. Thus,The majority of co-sponsors and researchers consider the problem of enterprise competitiveness in terms of marketing approach, believingThat it is competitiveness in agricultural production (services) ., while the competitiveness goods (services) is a relative,Clearly institutional reforms are under way to place and time status goods or services, reflecting its advantages as compared with other similar objects.In this connection, consider the enterprise competitiveness through competitive goods (services) may be perceived as approach, based only on the operational or, in extreme cases,Tactical management level, which implies the adoption management decision-making, to locate an unfavourable situation and to minimize possible losses,At the time, as well as strategic competitiveness is provided if the company managed by sustainable competitive advantage in the long-term development,On the establishment of which must be oriented toward the whole range of financial-economic, organizational, managerial, production technology and marketing business processes (12).
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