to get more people involved, регистрация избирателей, the Civil Rights перевод - to get more people involved, регистрация избирателей, the Civil Rights английский как сказать

to get more people involved, регист

to get more people involved, регистрация избирателей, the Civil Rights Movement, составлять предварительные списки избирателей, to display in public places, голосовать лично на избирательном участке, years divisible by four, e. g. 1988, 1992, 1996,2000, 2004, etc; не иметь права голоса, the nation go to the polls, голосовать по почте или через представителя, specified by law, на государственном уровне (at the federal level), the most important decisions, в январе следующего года, the registration desks are set up in the streets, в следующий четверг, in a joint «cssion of Congress, проголосовать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
to get more people involved, voter registration, the Civil Rights Movement, to prepare preliminary lists of electors, to display in public places, vote in person at a polling station, years divisible by four, e. g. 1988, 1992, 1996.2000, 2004, etc; not have the right to vote, the nation go to the polls, vote by mail or through a representative, specified by law, at the State level (at the federal level), the most important decisions in January next year, the registration desks are set up in the streets next Thursday, in a joint "cssion of Congress vote. (IX)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
to get more people involved, voter registration, the Civil Rights Movement, prepare preliminary lists of electors, to display in public places, to vote in person at the polling station, years divisible by four, eg 1988, 1992, 1996.2000, 2004, etc; not have the right to vote, the nation go to the polls, vote by mail or by proxy, specified by law, at the national level (at the federal level), the most important decisions, in January next year, the registration desks are set up in the streets, next Thursday, in a joint «cssion of Congress , to vote.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to get more people involved, the registration of voters, the civil rights movement, form the preliminary lists of voters, to display in public places, to vote in person at the polling station, years divisible by oven, e. g., 1988, 1992, 19962000, 2004, etc; not to have the right to vote, the people go to the polls, vote mail or through a representative, specified by law, at the state level (at the federal level, the most important decisions in january next year, the registration desks are set up in the streets, in the trail. next thursday, in a joint "cssion of congress to vote.ix
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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