Вымирающие виды (англ. Endangered species, EN) — биологические виды, к перевод - Вымирающие виды (англ. Endangered species, EN) — биологические виды, к английский как сказать

Вымирающие виды (англ. Endangered s

Вымирающие виды (англ. Endangered species, EN) — биологические виды, которые подвержены угрозе вымирания из-за своей критически малой численности либо воздействия определенных факторов окружающей среды.

График основан на математической модели Вилсона и др., связывающей исчезновение видов с утерей мест обитания
Вымирающий вид — обычно таксономический вид, но может быть и другой эволюционно значимой единицей, например подвидом. МСОП определяет долю вымирающих видов как 40 % всех организмов, основанных на разнообразии видов, известных до 2006.[1] (Примечание: МСОП собирает данные обо всех видах, подверженных угрозе вымирания в той или иной степени).

Ранее об этом люди практически не беспокоились, убивая столько животных, сколько нужно было для пищи или шкур. С разрастанием населения и торговли количество возрастало, что не раз приводило к вымиранию некоторых видов. Лишь к середине XVI века люди стали беспокоиться о том, что порой охотничьи угодья пустуют, и именно тогда начали вводиться первые ограничения на охоту. Однако такой запрет преследует другую цель — продолжение охоты после восстановления численности зверя. А первые же запреты, запрещающие охоту и иное истребление животных, родились и вовсе не раньше конца XIX века, когда даже в самой Европе начали исчезать некоторые виды — почти вымерли зубры, ещё в 1627 году исчез тур, и исчезал тарпан, который вымер в 1918 году.

Во многих странах есть законы, обеспечивающие защиту этим видам: например, запрет на охоту, ограничение освоения земель или создание заповедников. Фактически лишь немногие виды, подверженные угрозе вымирания, получают юридическую защиту. Большинство видов вымирают либо потенциально вымрут, так и не получив отклика в обществе.

Большое количество видов, вымерших в течение прошлых 150 лет, является причиной для беспокойства. Текущие темпы вымирания в 10—100 раз выше, чем в любой из предыдущих периодов массового вымирания в истории Земли. Если эти темпы вымирания сохранятся или ускорятся, то число вымирающих видов в следующее десятилетие можно будет исчислить в миллионах[2]. В то время как большинство людей с готовностью откликается на угрозу вымирания отдельных млекопитающих или птиц, самой значительной экологической проблемой является угроза стабильности целых экосистем, при условии, что ключевые виды исчезают на каком-нибудь уровне цепи питания
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Endangered species (Engl. Endangered species, EN) is a species that are threatened with extinction because of its small number of critical or impacts of certain environmental factors.The schedule is based on the mathematical model of Wilson and others linking the disappearance of species from Habitat lossEndangered species — usually a taxonomic species, but can be another evolutionary significant unit, e.g. subspecies. The IUCN defines the percentage of endangered species as 40 percent of all organisms based on the diversity of species, known until 2006.[1] (Note: the IUCN has collected data about all types exposed to the threat of extinction to one degree or another).Previously, the little people were worried by killing as many animals as you need it for food or animal skins. With the growth of population and the number of increased trade that has repeatedly led to the extinction of some species. Only towards the middle of the 16th century, people started to worry about the fact that sometimes the hunting grounds are empty, and then began to introduce the first restrictions on hunting. However, such a prohibition has another goal — the continuation of the hunt after the number of the beast. And the first prohibitions prohibiting the hunting and slaughter of the animals were born and not before the end of the 19th century, when even in Europe itself began to disappear, some species are almost extinct bison, in 1627, disappeared on tour and disappeared, the Tarpan became extinct in the year 1918.In many countries there are laws protecting the species: for example, the ban on hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves. In fact, only a few species, vulnerable species receive legal protection. Most species are becoming extinct, or potentially will become extinct, and having received no response in the society.A large number of species, extinct for the last 150 years is a cause for concern. The current rate of extinction in 10-100 times higher than in any previous periods of mass extinction in Earth's history. If this rate of extinction will continue or accelerate, then the number of endangered species in the next decade can be calculated in millions [2]. While most people readily responds to the threat of extinction of mammals or birds, the most significant environmental problem is a threat to the stability of entire ecosystems, provided that key species are disappearing at some level of the food chain
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Endangered Species (Engl. Endangered species, EN) - species that are at risk of extinction because of the small number of critical or exposure to certain environmental factors. The graph is based on a mathematical model of Wilson et al., linking species extinction with the loss of habitat Endangered view - usually taxonomic species, but there may be other evolutionarily significant unit, such as a subspecies. IUCN defines a share of endangered species as 40% of all organisms based on a variety of species known to 2006. [1] (Note: IUCN collects data on all species at risk for extinction in varying degrees). Earlier this people almost do not worry killing as many animals as was necessary for food or animal skins. With the growth of population and the number of trade increases, which more than once led to the extinction of some species. Only by the middle of the XVI century, people began to worry that sometimes hunting grounds are empty, and it was then started entering the first restrictions on hunting. However, such a ban pursues another purpose - hunting continued after the restoration of the number of the beast. And the very first bans prohibiting hunting and the destruction of other animals are born and not earlier than the end of the XIX century, when even in Europe itself began to disappear some species - almost extinct bison, back in 1627 disappeared tour and disappeared tarpan, which became extinct in 1918 year. In many countries there are laws that protect these species: for example, the ban on hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves. In fact, only a few species at risk for extinction, receive legal protection. Most of the species are becoming extinct or potentially will become extinct, and have not received a response in the society. A large number of species have become extinct over the past 150 years, is a cause for concern. The current extinction rate is 10-100 times higher than in any previous period of mass extinction in Earth's history. If these extinction rates continue or accelerate, the number of endangered species in the next decade will be numbered in the millions. [2] While most people are willing to respond to the threat of extinction of some mammals or birds, the most significant environmental problem is a threat to the stability of entire ecosystems, provided that the key species disappear at some level of the food chain

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Endangered species; (imp. endangered species, en) - biological species, which are vulnerable to extinction because of its mission-critical low strength or impact of certain environmental factors.

The schedule is based on the mathematical model Armillary Sphere, etc. , linking the disappearance of species with consequent loss of habitats
Вымирающии view - usually taxonomists view, but it can be and the other guiding meaningful unit,For example a subspecies. IUCN defines the percentage of endangered species as well as 40 per cent of all organisms, based on the diversity of species, known to the year 2006. (1) (Note: IUCN collects the data of all types,Risk-prone species to a greater or lesser extent) .lord earlier on this people virtually not worry, killing as many animals, how much is it for food or skins.With the increase of trade and increased the number of times that has led to some types of parrots. Only by mid-century people have been worrying about that sometimes hunting area empty,And it was then that the first began to be imposed restrictions on hunting. However, such a ban is another objective - continued hunting after the restoration of the beast. And the same prohibitions,Prohibiting hunting and other extermination animals, were born and not earlier than the end of the nineteenth century, when even in Europe itself began to disappear some types - almost mammoths anymore, even in 1627, faded tour, and have been disappearing at technolegion,Which do you understand that you in 1918,.lord in many countries, there are also laws that provide protection for these types of: for example, the ban on hunting, limiting land development or establishment of reserves. In fact, only a few types,Affected threatened species, receive legal protection. The majority of species is disintegrating or potentially refine them, and not having received response time in the society.lord a large number of species, animals may have become extinct in the past 150 years,Is a cause for concern. The current extinctions in 10-100 times higher, than in any previous periods of mass extinctions in Earth's history. If these extinctions will continue or accelerate,The number of endangered species in the next decade will be calculated in millions[ 2). While the majority of people with readily responds to the threat of extinction of mammals or birds,The most significant environmental problem is a threat to the stability of entire ecosystems, on condition that the key types of disappear in any level circuit power supply
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