He can't travel first class. He can't afford it. He would travel first перевод - He can't travel first class. He can't afford it. He would travel first английский как сказать

He can't travel first class. He can

He can't travel first class. He can't afford it. He would travel first class if he could afford it.
(b) She had changed so much that I didn't recognize her.
If she had not changed so much I would have recognized her.
1. The child did not obey him-becausehe raised his voice at her. 2. The job was dull. He gave it up. 3. If you get him on the telephone, it will save us a lot of trouble. 4. The radio was off, I missed the weather report. 5. It wasn't once that he broke his promises. They stopped believing him. 6. The director is out of town. They can't settle the problem without him. 7. The art expert looked at the portrait
, he noticed the defect. 8. If they don't accept the invitation, we shall be disappointed. 9. Something went
wrong with the car engine. We had an accident on the road. 10. The sportsman was in bad form; he failed to win the prize. 11.1 haven't got my camera with me. I can't take a picture of this interesting building. 12. Nobody offered to drive me home. I went home on foot. 13. The acting was poor. The play didn't impress us.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He can't travel first class. He can't for the Roma community. He would travel first class if he could for the Roma community.(b) She had changed so much that I didn't recognize her.If she had not changed so much I would have recognized her.1. The child did not obey him-becausehe raised his voice at her. 2. The job was dull. He gave it up. 3. If you get him on the telephone, it will save us a lot of trouble. 4. The radio was off, I missed the weather report. 5. It wasn't once that he broke his promises. They stopped believing him. 6. The director is out of town. They can't settle the problem without him. 7. The art expert looked at the portrait closely, he noticed the defect. 8. If they don't accept the invitation, we shall be disappointed. 9. Something went wrong with the car engine. We had an accident on the road. 10. The sportsman was in bad form; He failed to win the prize. 11.1 haven't got my camera with me. I can't take a picture of this interesting building. 12. Nobody offered to drive me home. I went home on foot. 13. The acting was poor. The play didn't impress us.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He can not travel first class. He can not afford it. I would first travel to the He class the if he Could Afford IT.
(B) She HAD changed SO much That I of DID not Recognize HER.
The If she HAD not changed SO much I of Recognized Would have HER.
1. The child did not obey him-becausehe raised his voice at her. 2. The job was dull. He gave it up. 3. If you get him on the telephone , it will save us a lot of trouble. 4. The radio was off, I missed the weather report. 5. It was not once that he broke his promises. They stopped believing him. 6. The director is out of town. They can not settle the problem without him . Of The art by expert 7. Looked AT the portrait
, he Noticed the defect. 8. If they do not accept the invitation , we shall be disappointed. Went for Something 9.
wrong with the engine-car. We had an accident on the road. 10. The sportsman was in bad form; he failed to win the prize. 11.1 have not got my camera with me . I can not take a picture of this interesting building. 12. Nobody offered to drive me home. I went home on foot. 13. The acting was poor. The play did not impress us.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
he can"t travel first class. he can"t afford it. he would travel first class if he could afford it.(b) she had changed so much that i didn"t recognize her.if she had not changed so much, i would have recognized her.1. the child did not obey him, becausehe raised his voice at her. 2. the job was very dull. he gave it up. 3. if you get him on the telephone, it will save us a lot of trouble. 4. the radio was off, i missed the weather report. 5. it wasn"t the only that he broke his promises. they stopped believing him. 6. the director is out of town. they can"t settle the problem without him. 7. the art expert looked at the portraitversion, he noticed the defect. 8. if they don"t accept the invitation, we shall be strong. 9. something wentwrong with the car engine. we had an accident on the road. 10. the sportsman was in bad form; he failed to win the prize. 11.1 haven"t got my camera with me. i can"t take a picture of this interesting building. 12. nobody offered to drive me home. i went home on foot. 13. the acting was poor. the play didn"t article shows us.
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