На вершине пика находится впадина в форме человеческой стопы. Мусульмане верят, что след оставил Адам. Индусы - что Шива. Христиане верят, что это след святого Фомы. Португальцы верят, что этот след оставил святой Томас.
On top of the peak is the depression in the form of the human foot. Muslims believe that the trail left by Adam. Hindus-what is Shiva. Christians believe that this is the trail of St. Thomas. The Portuguese believe that this trail left St. Thomas.
At the top of the peak is a depression in the form of the human foot. Muslims believe that Adam should be left. Indians - Shiva. Christians believe that this should be St. Thomas. The Portuguese believe that this should be left to St. Thomas.
the peak is located at the top of the cavity in the form of a human foot. muslims believe that adam had trace. hindus that shiva. christians believe that it's the trail of saint thomas. the portuguese believe that trail left st. thomas.