Где ты был на перемене? — Мы писали контрольную.
2. Мы вчера три часа писали контрольную, и к концу все очень устали; думаю, я сделал там много ошибок.
3. В тот день у него было много дел. Он работал весь день и закончил только к вечеру. Он очень устал, но был доволен, что сделал так много.
4. Бальзак всю жизнь описывал богачей, а сам жил в нищете.
5. Спектакль давно закончился, а мы еще долго сидели и размышляли о том, что видели.
6. Ты не слышал, о чем он говорил на собрании? — Слышал. Он произнес большую речь, так долго говорил, что я чуть не уснул. 7. Пока я делал уроки, мать готовила ужин.
8. Пока я делал уроки, мать приготовила ужин.
9. Что ты делал в субботу? — Весь день играл в футбол.
10. Мы весь день играли в футбол, а потом пошли в кино, и пожалели об этом: фильм был скучный, играть в футбол было намного интереснее.
11. Значит, ты так и не нашел наш дом? — Так и не нашел, хотя искал его весь вечер.
12. Великий художник работал над картиной много лет и закончил ее, когда был уже стариком.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Where have you been for a change? -We wrote the reference.2. We wrote for three hours yesterday, and by the end of the checklist are all very tired; I think I made a lot of mistakes out there. 3. On that day, he had many Affairs. He worked all day and finished only in the evening. He is very tired, but was pleased that did so much. 4. Balzac described the whole life of the rich, and lived in poverty. 5. play ended long ago, and we have long sat and pondered about what you have seen. 6. you didn't hear what he said at the meeting? Is Heard. He gave a great speech, talking for so long that I almost fell asleep. 7. While I was doing the lessons, mother was preparing dinner. 8. While I was doing the lessons his mother cooked dinner. 9. What did you do in Saturday? — The rest of the day playing soccer. 10. We all day played football, and then went to the movies, and regretted it: the film was boring, play football, it was much more interesting. 11. So you're never found our House? -Never found, while looking for it the rest of the evening.12. The great artist worked on the painting for many years and finished it when he was already an old man.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Where were you during the break? - We wrote a test.
2. Yesterday we wrote a test three o'clock, and by the end all were very tired; I think I made a lot of mistakes out there.
3. On that day, he had many affairs. He worked all day and ended only in the evening . He was very tired, but he was satisfied that he had done so much.
4. Balzac described the whole life of the rich, and he lived in poverty.
5. The play was long over, and we sat for a long time, and speculated about what they saw.
6. You did not hear what he said at the meeting? - I heard. He made a long speech, told for so long that I almost fell asleep. 7. As long as I do my homework, my mother cooked dinner.
8. As long as I do my homework, my mother cooked dinner.
9. What are you doing on Saturday? - The whole day playing football.
10. We have the whole day playing football, and then went to the movies, and regretted it: the film was boring, playing football was much more interesting.
11. So you did not find our house? - I Have not found, although it was looking for the whole evening.
12. Great artist worked on the painting for many years, and finished it , when he was already an old man.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
where were you at recess? we wrote the control.2. we last three hours was reached, and by the end of all very tired; i think i made lots of mistakes.3. on that day, he had a lot of cases. he worked all day and finished by tonight. he was very tired, but happy that i did so much.4. balzac life described the rich, and he lived in poverty.5. the play ended a long time ago, and we still have a long sit and reflect on what you have seen.6. didn't you hear what he said at the meeting? - i heard. he gave a big speech, talked for so long that i almost fell asleep. 7. while i was doing homework, my mother was cooking dinner.8. while i was doing homework, my mother cooked dinner.9. what were you doing on saturday? all day playing football.10. we spent the whole day playing football, and then went to the movies, and regretted it, the movie was boring to play football was much more interesting.11. so you haven't found our house? - i never found, while looking for him the whole night.12. the artist worked on the painting for many years and закончил her when he was already an old man.
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