1. Мы слушали тебя очень внимательно последние два часа, и теперь мы у перевод - 1. Мы слушали тебя очень внимательно последние два часа, и теперь мы у английский как сказать

1. Мы слушали тебя очень внимательн

1. Мы слушали тебя очень внимательно последние два часа, и
теперь мы уверены, что ты говоришь правду. 2. Ты встречаешься с кем-
нибудь последнее время? 3. Ты можешь все мне рассказать. Ты 19
доверяла мне все свои секреты с тех пор, как научилась говорить. 4. Мы
живем рядом с Романовыми двадцать четыре года. И мы всегда были
хорошими соседями. 5. "Я хранила это кольцо много лет и теперь отдаю
его тебе", – сказала мне бабушка. 6. Не могу передать, что чувствовали
твои родители все то время, пока тебя не было. 7. – Давно мы не встречаем
(to see) эту девушку. – Да, мы не видели (to meet) ее с тех пор, как
вернулись из Парижа. 8. Мой сын собирает машинки (toy cars) с трех
лет. 9. Я с утра готовлю, надеюсь, обед всем понравится. 10. Всю свою
жизнь я работаю как раб для того, чтобы мои дети получили хорошее
образование. 11. – Как давно ты носишь эти очки? – Они у меня уже два
года. 12. Что это здесь происходит, мальчики? Вы что, дрались? 13. Есть
нечто, о чем я уже давно хочу (to mean) спросить тебя. 14. Последние
несколько недель она иллюстрирует детскую книжку. 15. – Как давно вы
стоите в очереди? – Мы здесь с тех пор, как касса открылась. 16. Парламент
дебатирует по этому вопросу уже двадцать лет.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. We have listened to you very carefully the last two hours, and Now we are sure that you speak the truth. 2. you meet with anyoneanyone recently? 3. you can all tell me. You're 19 Trust me all their secrets since learned to talk. 4. We live next to the Romanovs twenty-four years. And we were always good neighbors. 5. "I kept this ring for many years and now pay it to you, "the grandmother told me. 6. Can't convey that felt your parents all the time, while you were. 7.-we don't encounter (to see) this girl. -Yes, we haven't seen (to meet) since returned from Paris. 8. My son collects the trimmer (toy cars) with three years. 9. I am Cook hope lunch all enjoy. 10. All my life I've been working like a slave to my kids got good education. 11.-how long have you been wearing those glasses? -They I have two of the year. 12. What is going on here, boys? Are you fighting? 13. There are something I've long want (to mean) ask you. 14. The past some weeks she illustrates children's book. 15.-how long have you been stand in the queue? "We are here since the ticket office opened. 16. the Parliament debates on this issue for twenty years.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. We listened to you very carefully the last two hours, and
now we are confident that you speak the truth. 2. You meet with someone
else recently? 3. Can you tell me everything. 19 You
trusted me with their secrets since learned to speak. 4. We
live close to the Romanovs, twenty-four years. And we have always been
good neighbors. 5. "I have kept that ring for many years and now I give
it to you" - said my grandmother. 6. I can not tell what felt
your parents all the time, while you were gone. 7. - For a long time we did not meet
(to see) this girl. - Yes, we have not seen (to meet) with her ​​since
returned from Paris. 8. My son collects cars (toy cars) to three
years. 9. I am a cook, I hope everyone will enjoy lunch. 10. All my
life I've been working like a slave to my children got a good
education. 11 - How long do you wear those glasses? - I have them for two
years. 12. What is going on here, boys? Are you fighting? 13. There
is something about what I want for a long time (to mean) to ask you. 14. The last
few weeks she illustrates children's book. 15 - How long have you been
standing in the queue? - We are here as long as the box office opened. 16. Parliament
is debating on the subject for twenty years.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. we have very carefully the last two hours, and the
- now we know you're telling the truth. 2. you're dating
anyone lately? 3. you can tell me anything. you 19.trust me all of your secrets since learned to say. 4. we
live near романовыми twenty four years. and we have always been doing good neighbors. 5. " i kept the ring for many years and now i give him to you. "tell me, grandma. 6. i can't tell you what feel
your parents all the time while you were gone. 7. - long time no see
(to see) this girl. yes, we haven't seen (to meet) her since
returned from paris. 8.my son collects cars (toy cars with three
years. 9. i am cooking dinner, i hope everyone will love it. 10. all my life i'm
as a slave to my kids get good
education. 11. - how long have you been wearing those glasses?they have two
. 12. what is happening here, boys? what are you fighting? 13. a
a, on which i have long wanted to mean to ask you. 14. the last few weeks. she illustrates children's picture book. 15. - how long have you.standing in line? we here since the bank opened. 16. parliament
debating thereon for twenty years.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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