Некоторые люди думают, что успех бизнеса оценивается количеством денег перевод - Некоторые люди думают, что успех бизнеса оценивается количеством денег английский как сказать

Некоторые люди думают, что успех би

Некоторые люди думают, что успех бизнеса оценивается количеством денег, который он делает.

Прибыль компании это достаточно важный элемент, который оценивает успешность всего бизнеса. Для многих людей главным критерием успеха в бизнесе является прибыль. Я частично согласна с этим мнением, однако я считаю, что этот фактор не всегда является основным.
Начнем с того, что некоторые люди утверждают, что измерением успеха являются не только деньги, но и такая вещь, как удовлетворение от бизнеса. Примером этого может являться история российского бизнесмена Олега Тинькова. Он продал свой бизнес, развив его до определенной стадии, чтобы начать заниматься новым делом. Это значит то, что этому человеку интересен процесс создания бизнеса, нежели рутиная работа изо дня в день.
Еще одним важным критерием успешности бизнеса является польза обществу. Несомненно, большая часть внимания уделяется потребителю. Все ради него и его потребностей. Главная цель это предложить потребителю такой товар, который позволит решить все его проблемы. Ведь потребитель выбирает то, что позволит ему достичь своих целей.
Тем не менее, следует признать, что успешность бизнеса и его эффективность напрямую зависят от размера прибыли. Чем больше заработок, тем успешнее становится бизнес. Потому что, если бизнес не приносит денег, то это хобби.
Кроме того, от прибыли зависят такие важные вещи, как оплата счетов, зарплаты сотрудников и поставщиков, аренда и другое. Прибыль делает различие между успехом или провалом вашего предприятия. Основным показателем успешной деятельности компании является прибыль, ведь организация не сможет существовать, если она не приносит прибыль. Поэтому всегда важно оценивать доход компании.
Подводя итог, можно сказать, что несмотря на то, что деньги являются неотъемлемым элементом успешности компании, успех бизнеса может измеряться не только прибылью, но и такими критериями, как польза обществу или удовлетворение от бизнеса. Все зависит от вашей точки зрения.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Some people think that business success is the amount of money he makes.The company's profit is an important item that evaluates the success of the whole business. For many people, the main criterion of success in business is profit. I partially agree with this opinion, but I believe that this factor is not always essential.To begin with, some people argue that the measure of success is not only money, but also such a thing as satisfaction from business. An example of this would be the story of a Russian businessman Oleg Tin′kova. He sold his business, upgrade it to a certain stage, to start a new business. This means that this person is interesting for the business creation process, rather than rutinaâ work day in and day out. Another important criterion for business success is to benefit society. Undoubtedly, much of the attention has been given to the consumer. All for the sake of himself and his needs. The main objective is to offer the consumer a product that will solve all its problems. Because the user chooses what will allow him to achieve his goals.However, it should be recognized that the success of the business and its efficiency directly depends on the size of the profit. The more money, the more successful the business is. Because if the business does not bring money, then it's a hobby. In addition, profits depend on such important things like paying bills, pay employees and suppliers, rentals and more. Profit makes the difference between success or failure of your business. The main indicator of the success of the company is profit, because the Organization could not exist if it does not bring profit. Therefore, it is always important to assess the income of the company.In summary, despite the fact that money is an integral part of the company's success, business success can be measured not only profit, but also criteria such as benefits to society or the satisfaction of business. It all depends on your point of view.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Some people think that the success of the business is estimated the amount of money he makes. The company's profit is quite important element that evaluates the success of the business. For many people, the main criterion of success in business is profit. I partially agree with this opinion, but I believe that this factor is not always the main one. To begin with, some people argue that the measurement of success is not only money, but also such a thing as the satisfaction of the business. An example of this is the story of Russian businessman Oleg Tinkoff. He sold his business, developing it to a certain stage, to begin to engage in new business. This means that the person is interested in the process of setting up a business, rather than routine work every day. Another important criterion for the success of a business is to society. Undoubtedly, much of the attention given to the consumer. All for the sake of him and his needs. The main aim is to offer the consumer a product that would solve all his problems. After the user selects what will allow him to achieve his goals. However, we must recognize that the success of the business and its efficiency depends on the size of profits. The more income, the more successful the business becomes. Because, if the business does not make money, it's a hobby. In addition, the profits depend on such important things like paying bills, staff salaries and suppliers, rent and more. The profit makes the difference between success or failure of your business. The main indicator of success of the company's profit, because the organization can not exist if it is not profitable. Therefore, it is always important to assess the income of the company. In summary, we can say that despite the fact that money is an integral part of the company's success, business success can be measured not only profits, but also on criteria such as the use of the public or the satisfaction of the business. It all depends on your point of view.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
That measuring success are not only money, but such a thing, as well as satisfaction of business. An example of this would be a history Russian businessman Oleg Тинькова. He sold his business,Some people think that the success of our business is estimated amount of money, which he makes.

profits of the company this is a sufficiently important element, which assess the success of your business.For many people the main criterion of success in business is profit. I have partially agrees with this view, however, I believe that this factor is not always the main.
To begin with, that some of the people argue,That measuring success are not only money, but such a thing, as well as satisfaction of business. An example of this would be a history Russian businessman Oleg Тинькова. He sold his business,Regurgitation it up to a certain stage, to begin to deal with a new case. This means that this person is interesting the process of establishing a business, rather than рутиная work day in and day out.
Another important criterion for business success is a good society. There is no doubt that a large part of attention has been paid to consumer. All for him and his needs.The main objective is to propose such a consumer product, which will allow to solve all of its problems. The consumer selects that will allow it to achieve its goals.
however, it must be recognized,That business success and its effectiveness will depend directly on the profit margins. The more earnings, the more successful it becomes business. Because, if the business does not have money, this hobby.
In addition,From profits depend on such important things, such as payment of accounts, employees and suppliers, rental and more. Profit makes the difference between success or failure your business.The main indicator of success of companies is profit, because the organization will not be able to exist, if it is not producing profits. Therefore, it is always important to evaluate company's revenue.
summarizing,As the benefit society or satisfaction from business. It all depends on your point of view.
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