Моя любимая игрушка это игрушечное пианино. Оно небольшого размера и его можно всегда взять с собой. Я учусь на нем играть. Часто у меня хорошо получается. Под музыку можно петь и танцевать.
My favorite toy is a toy piano. It is small and you can always take with you. I'm learning to play. Often I am good at it. With music, you can sing and dance.
My favorite toy is a toy piano. It is small in size and can always take with you. I am learning to play it. Often, I'm good at. The music you can sing and dance.
My favorite toy this toy piano. It is small in size and it can always take with you. I'm in it to play. Often i was good at it. The music you can sing and dance.