Exercise 14. Translate into English, using Absolute Constructions. (A) перевод - Exercise 14. Translate into English, using Absolute Constructions. (A) английский как сказать

Exercise 14. Translate into English

Exercise 14. Translate into English, using Absolute Constructions. (A)
1. Так как было очень тепло, дети спали на открытом воздухе. 2. Когда все приготовления были закончены, пионеры отправились в поход. 3. Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берегов Белого моря; сотни птиц кружились над ним. 4. Было очень темно, так как на небе не было ни одной ззездочки. 5. Когда солнце село, туристы развели костер. 6. Когда торжественное заседание (grand meeting) окончилось, начался концерт.

( B )
1. Вулич молча вышел в спальню майора, мы за ним последовали. (Лермонтов) 2. Меня лечил полковый цырюльник, ибо в крепости другого лекаря не было. (Пушкин)3. Тут Иван Кузмич оборотился к нам, и все его внимание устремилось (to give) на неприятеля. (Пушкин)4. Час спустя Павел Петрович уже лежал в постели с искусно забинтованной ногой. (Тургенев)5. Я лежал на диване, уставив глаза в потолок... когда Вернер вошел в мою комнату. (Лермонтов)6. Оглянешься на (I would look round...) Карла Ивановича, а он сидит себе с книгой в руке и как будто ничего не замечает. (Л. Толстой)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Exercise 14. Translate into English, using Absolute Constructions. (A)1. Because it was very warm, the children were sleeping in the open air. 2. When all the preparations have been completed, the pioneers went hiking. 3. The ship slowly sailed along the coast of the White Sea; hundreds of birds circling above him. 4. it was very dark, because in heaven there was no zzezdočki. 5. When the Sun, the tourists made a bonfire. 6. When the commemorative meeting (grand meeting) is over, began the concert.( B )1. Vulić silently stepped into the bedroom, we major followed. (Lermontov) 2. I have treated polkovyj cyrûl′nik, because in the fortress of another doctor was not. (Pushkin (town))3. Ivan Kuzmich Here turned to us, and all the attention had shifted (to give) at the enemy. (Pushkin (town))4. An hour later Pavel Petrovich already lying in bed with artfully zabintovannoj leg. (Turgenev)5. I lay on the couch, ustaviv eyes on the ceiling ... When Werner came into my room. (Lermontov)6. Our to (I would look round...) of Karl Ivanovich, and he sits back with a book in his hand, and as if nothing said. (L. Tolstoy)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Exercise 14. Translate into English, using Absolute Constructions. (A)
1. Since it was very warm, the children slept in the open air. 2. When all the preparations were completed, the pioneers went camping. 3. The ship slowly sailed along the coast of the White Sea; hundreds of birds circling above it. 4. It was very dark as the sky was not a single zzezdochki. 5. When the sun went down, the tourists made ​​a fire. 6. When the solemn meeting (grand meeting) ended, the concert began. (B) 1. Vulitch silently left the bedroom Major, we followed him. (Lermontov) 2. I am treating the regimental barber, for another doctor in the fortress was not. (Pushkin) 3. Here Ivan Kuzmich turned to us, and all of his attention rushed (to give) the enemy. (Pushkin) 4. An hour later Pavel Petrovich was lying in bed with a skillfully bandaged foot. (Turgenev) 5. I lay on the couch, the Charter of the eyes at the ceiling ... when Werner entered my room. (Lermontov) 6. Look back on (I would look round ...) Karl Ivanovich, and he sits there with a book in his hand, and seemed not to notice. (Leo Tolstoy)

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Please note 14. Translate into English, using absolute Cоnstruсtiоns. (A)
1. As it was a very warm, children were sleeping in the open air. 2. When all preparations have been completed, pioneers went to hike. 3.The ship slowly diapers along the shores White sea; hundreds of birds acme over them. 4. It was very dark, as the sky was neither one ззездочки. 5. When the sun village, tourists blacksmith managed Brome. 6.When the inaugural meeting (grand meeting) forgetting, began the concert.lord ( B )
1. Вулич silently out into the bedroom, we followed. (Lord have mercy) 2. I am taking medication полковыи цырюльник, because in the fortress was another well.(Pushkin)3. There is Ivan Кузмич the Egyptians digged round about us, and all of his attention to man dwelleth (to give) the enemy. (Pushkin)4. An hour later, Paul was already lying in bed with his skillful забинтованнои with your foot. (Dmitry Savin)5. I was lying on the couch,Уставив eyes to the ceiling ... when Werner is logged in my room. (Lord have mercy)6. Оглянешься at (I would look round ... ) Karl Ivanovich, and he is sitting with a book in his hand and as if nothing is not observed. (L. Thick)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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