ЭКШифр дисциплины: HVMS 4235/Название дисциплины: Химия высоко молекул перевод - ЭКШифр дисциплины: HVMS 4235/Название дисциплины: Химия высоко молекул английский как сказать

ЭКШифр дисциплины: HVMS 4235/Назван

Шифр дисциплины: HVMS 4235/
Название дисциплины: Химия высоко молекулярных соединений
Пререквизиты: Теоретические основы неорганической химии, химия элементов периодической системы, строение вещества, теоретические основы органической химии
Постреквизиты: Написание и защита дипломной работы (проекта)
Цель изучения: состоит в объяснении студентам основных направлений современного развития химии высокомолекулярных соединений, их использования в различных отраслях производства.
Краткое содержание основных разделов: Основные методы получения высокомолекулярных соединений, химические превращения полимеров, фазовые и физические состояния полимеров, структура кристаллических и аморфных полимеров.
Ожидаемые результаты: должен знать особенности полимерного состояния, основные отличия высокомолекулярных соединений от низкомолекулярных, а также основные механизмы получения ВМС
Компетенции: владеть знаниями в области высокомолекулярных соединений, методами синтеза полимеров
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
EKCode of discipline: 4235/HVMSName of the discipline: chemistry of high molecular compoundsPrerequisites: theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistry, chemistry of the elements in the periodic system, the structure of substance, theoretical fundamentals of organic chemistryPostrekvizity: writing and defending a thesis (project) Your goal: is to explain to the students the basic directions of modern development of macromolecular chemistry and their use in various industries. Summary of main sections: Basic methods of obtaining high-molecular compounds, chemical transformations of polymers, phase and physical States of polymers, structure of crystalline and amorphous polymers.Expected result: should know features of polymer State the basic differences of high-molecular compounds of low molecular weight, as well as the main mechanisms for obtaining CPACompetencies: own knowledge in the field of macromolecular compounds, methods of polymer synthesis
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Code of discipline: HVMS 4235 /
Name of discipline: Chemistry high molecular compounds
Prerequisites: Theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry, chemistry of elements of the periodic system, structure of matter, the theoretical foundations of organic chemistry
Postrekvizity: Writing and defense of diploma work (project)
study Objective: is to explain to students the main areas of modern development of Macromolecular chemistry, their use in various industries.
Summary of the main sections: basic methods for the preparation of macromolecular compounds, chemical transformations of polymers, phase, and the physical state of polymers, structure of crystalline and amorphous polymers.
Expected results: must know the characteristics of the polymer state , the main differences between high-molecular compounds from low molecular weight, as well as the main mechanisms for obtaining Navy
Competencies: have knowledge in the field of high-molecular compounds, methods of synthesis of polymers
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ekthe combination of discipline: HVMS 4235 /the name discipline: chemistry of high molecular compoundsпререквизиты: the theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry, the chemistry of elements of the periodic system, building materials, theoretical organic chemistryпостреквизиты: writing and defense of thesis (project)purpose of the study is to teach students basic directions: the modern development of the chemistry of polymer compounds, their use in various industries.a summary of the main sections: basic methods of polymer compounds, the chemical transformations of polymers, phase and physical state of the polymer, the structure of well crystalline, and the polymer.expected results: must know the characteristics of the main differences between polymer, polymer of low molecular compounds, as well as the basic mechanisms of the navycompetence: have the knowledge in the field of polymer compounds, methods of synthesis of polymers
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Другие языки
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