его лечили от гриппа но у него оказалось воспаление легких+ это очень хорошее лекарство от головной боли+ тебе сделали рентген? нет еще. но мне только что измерили давление. оно нормальное
It was treated for the flu but it turned out to be pneumonia + is very good medicine for a headache + you x-rayed? No yet. but I just measured pressure. It is normal
he was treated for the flu but it turned out to be pneumonia + is a very good medicine for a headache + you did an x-ray? not yet. but I just measured pressure. it is normal
he was treated for influenza, but it was pneumonia + is a very good headache medicine + you did an x-ray? no, not yet. but i only measured the pressure. it is normal