В современной деловой практике секретарь играет очень заметную и важну перевод - В современной деловой практике секретарь играет очень заметную и важну английский как сказать

В современной деловой практике секр

В современной деловой практике секретарь играет очень заметную и важную роль. От эффективной работы секретаря во многом зависит работа руководителя фирмы, его имидж, а зачастую и имидж всей фирмы.
Как правило, секретарь не только отвечает на телефонные звонки, сортирует и докладывает поступившую почту, но и ведет дневник текущих дел, отвечает за ведение личной и деловой переписки руководителя.
Секретарь встречает деловых посетителей, следит за тем, чтобы переговоры проходили точно по графику. По сути дела это руководитель приемной, помощник руководителя.
далеко не каждый может быть хорошим секретарем.
При подборе секретаря безусловно важны подтянутая внешность, безукоризненные манеры, умение четко и связно говорить, держать себя на людях, вести эффективный телефонный разговор, знание делопроизводства. Несомненно, что секретарь должен хорошо знать сотрудников фирмы, знать, где их можно найти.
В телефонных разговорах секретарь должен быть подчеркнуто деловит и краток. Ни в коем случае недопустимо ложно понимаемое секретарское панибратство с руководителем - выставляемая напоказ манера решать какие-либо вопросы без ведома руководителя.
Отвечая на телефонный звонок, секретарь должен выяснить имя и должность собеседника, суть дела, доложить о нем руководству или при необходимости переключить телефон на сотрудника, отвечающего за данное направление.
При приеме деловых партнеров, если руководитель занят и не может их принять немедленно, секретарь ненавязчиво должен предложить им сесть, просмотреть газеты или журналы. Если прием гостей затягивается, то уместно предложить им чай, кофе или воду.
Вполне уместно поинтересоваться заранее тем, будут ли гости пить чай или кофе во время переговоров.
Недопустимо, когда в присутствии деловых партнеров секретарь без дела слоняется по офису или болтает по телефону.
Во время переговоров обязанность секретаря проследить за тем, чтобы руководителя не беспокоили телефонные звонки. Требуется сообщить, что он занят на переговорах, попросить оставить контактный телефон и по окончании переговоров, доложив руководителю о поступивших звонках, соединить его с теми, с кем он хочет поговорить.
Секретарь, как правило, следит и за состоянием рабочего кабинета руководителя, за тем, чтобы всегда под рукой были ручки, карандаши, бумага. Если в кабинете есть цветы, то они должны быть свежими и привлекательными.
Излишне говорить, что рабочее место секретаря тоже должно быть в идеальном порядке.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the current business practice Secretary plays a very prominent and important role. The effective work of the Secretary-General in many respects depends on the work of the firm, its image and, often, the image of the whole company.As a rule, the Secretary-General not only responds to telephone calls, sorts and reports received mail, but also keeps a diary of current affairs, responsible for keeping personal and business correspondence of the head.Secretary-General meets business visitors, ensures that the negotiations had been right on schedule. In fact this is the head receptionist, Administrative Assistant.not everyone can be a good Secretary-General.When selecting the Secretary-General certainly important appearance trim, sleek, manners, ability to clearly and coherently speak, keep myself in public, engage in effective phone conversation, knowledge of records management. There is no doubt that the Secretary-General must be familiar with the employees of the firm, know where to find them.In phone conversations, the Secretary must be emphasized delovit and brief. Shall in no circumstances be permitted falsely understood secretarial familiarity with head-exposed flaunt manner to solve any questions without the knowledge of the Director.Answering a phone call, the Secretary must find out the name and position of the interlocutor, the crux of the matter, to report on it management, or if you need to switch your phone to the staff member responsible for this trend.When receiving business partners, if the Manager is busy and cannot accept them immediately, the Secretary-General should invite them to sit unobtrusively, view newspapers or magazines. If reception is delayed, then it is appropriate to invite them to tea, coffee or water.It is appropriate to ask in advance whether you drink tea or coffee during the negotiations.It is unacceptable when in the presence of business partners, the Secretary of the idle hang out around the Office or chats on the phone.During the negotiations, the duty of the Secretary to ensure that the head is not bothered by phone calls. You want to report that he engaged in the negotiations, to ask for leave a contact telephone number and at the end of the talks, reporting back to the incoming calls, connect it with those with whom he wants to talk.Secretary, usually keeps an eye on the status of the work of the Cabinet Chief, that is always at hand were pens, pencils, paper. If there are flowers in the Office, then they must be fresh and appealing.Needless to say, the workplace of the Secretary-General should also be in perfect order.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In today's business practices secretary plays a very prominent and important role. Efficient operation of the Secretary depends largely on the work of the head of the company, its image, and often the image of the whole company.
Typically, the Secretary has not only return phone calls, sorts and reports received almost, but also keeps a diary of current affairs, responsible for the maintenance of personal and business correspondence manager.
Secretary welcomes business visitors, ensure that the talks were held on schedule. In fact it is the head receptionist, assistant manager.
not everyone can be a good secretary.
When selecting the Secretary certainly important tightened appearance, impeccable manners, the ability to clearly and coherently speak and behave in public, conduct effective telephone conversation, knowledge of the proceedings. There is no doubt that the secretary should know the company's employees, to know where to find them.
Secretary In telephone conversations should be stressed businesslike and brief. In any case unacceptable falsely understood secretarial familiarity with the head - flaunt way to solve any issues without the knowledge of the head.
Answering a phone call, the Secretary must find out the name and position of the interlocutor, the crux of the matter, report it to management or, if necessary, switch the phone on officer responsible for this trend.
Upon receipt of business partners, if the head is too busy to take them immediately, secretary unobtrusively to offer them to sit down, browse newspapers or magazines. If reception is delayed, it is appropriate to offer them tea, coffee or water.
It is appropriate to ask in advance so will the guests to drink tea or coffee during the negotiations.
unacceptable that in the presence of business partners around the secretary loitering in the office or chatting on the phone.
During the negotiations, the duty of the Secretary to follow in order to not disturb the head of phone calls. Required to report that he is engaged in the negotiations, asked to leave contact phone number, and after the meeting by reporting to the head of the incoming calls, connect it to those with whom he wants to talk.
Secretary, as a rule, and monitors the status of a study leader, for those that is always at hand were pens, pencils, paper. If the office there are flowers, they should be fresh and appealing.
Needless to say, that the workplace is also the Secretary to be in perfect order.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In modern business practice secretary plays a very prominent and important role. The effective work of secretary-general , largely depends on the work of the head of the firm, its image, and often the image throughout the firm.
as a general rule,The secretary is not only responsible for telephone calls, sorts, and reports received mail, but also keeps a diary current affairs, is responsible for the maintenance of personal and business correspondence of the head of the.
The Secretary met with business visitors, followed the order, to ensure that the negotiations took place exactly on schedule. In fact, that the feeder house, the assistant of the head of the.
not everyone can be a good general.
When selecting secretary-general certainly important подтянутая appearances, needs no manners matter, ability to speak clearly and coherently, to keep themselves on the people, to engage in effective telephone conversation, knowledge automation. There is no doubt thatThat the registrar should be well aware of firms, to know where you can find them.
in telephone conversations should be emphasized деловит and brief.In any case, it is unacceptable falsely understood clerical communist purges from the head of the - a veneer falleth into the way to deal with any issues, without the knowledge of the head of the.
in response to the phone call,The Secretary shall determine the name and post a contact, the heart of the matter, to report back to the it management or when you need to switch your phone on the staff member responsible for this direction.
when receiving business partners,If the head is busy and cannot accept them immediately, the Secretary should be unobtrusive to invite them to sit down, review the newspapers or magazines. If reception is delayed, is it appropriate to invite them to tea, coffee or water.
It is quite appropriate to ask in advance, will be whether or not the guests to drink tea or coffee during the negotiations.
is unacceptable, when in the presence of business partners secretary without case слоняется on office or болтает on the phone.
During the negotiations the secretary-general to ensure that the head of the not be disturbed phone calls. You want to inform, that he is busy in the negotiations,Ask to leave phone and the end of the negotiations, when the head of the incoming calls, connect it with those with whom he wants to talk.
Secretary, as a general rule,Monitors and for the state of the work of the head of the cabinet, to ensure that is always at your fingertips were the handle, pencils, paper. If the cabinet there are flowers, they must be fresh and attractive.
Needless to say,That the working area secretary, too, should be in perfect order.
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