5. Я быв удивлен, когда у знал, что Роберт не сдал экзамен. Я знал, что он долго к нему готовился.б. Петр пообещал, что будет ждать меня у входа на стадион. 7. Когда поезд прибыл на станцию, я увидела, что никто меня не встречает. Я подумала, что они не получили мою телеграмму или что-то случилось непредвиденное. Позже мои друзья объяснили, что они получили телеграмму за 10 мииут до пребытия поезда, но не смогли меня встретить. 8. Вчера у меня был выходной день. Я предложила Ане сходить в кино, но она отказалась, сказав, что готовится к экзамену по немецкому языку. Мы договорились, что сходим в кино на следующей неделе, если она сдаст экзамен успешно. 9. Алиса написала нам, что ей очень понравился отдых на юге, и что следуюшнй свой отпуск она проведет в одном из приморских городов Кавказа. 10. Я знала, что срок действия ее паспорта истекает через месяц, и ей придется обратиться за новым (expire, арр1у гог). 11. Мы узнали из объявления, что анкеты должны быть заполнены незамедлительно. 12. Всем было известно, что необходимо подчиняться требованиям, вызванным чрезвычайной ситуацией. 13. Жителям объявили, что, если вода будет прибывать, они должны будут покинуть свои дома. 14. Мы ознакомились с меню и увидели, что выбор блюд большой, а цены приемлемые. 15. Производители попытались скрыть тот факт, что продукт содержит пищевые добавки.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
5. I'm being surprised when knew that Robert has not passed the exam. I knew he was a long time b. Peter promised that he would wait for me at the entrance to the stadium. 7. When the train arrived at the station, I saw no one I met. I thought that they had not received my telegram or something unexpected happened. Later my friends explained that they had received a telegram for 10 miiut arrival to train, but I have not been able to meet. 8. Yesterday I had the day off. I invited Ana go to the movies, but she refused, saying he is preparing for the exam in German language. We agreed to go to the movies next week if it passes the exam successfully. 9. Alice wrote to us that she liked traveling in the South, and that sleduûšnj your holiday it will hold in one of the coastal cities of the Caucasus. 10. I knew that her passport is valid for a month, and it will have to apply for a new one (expire, arr1u Gogh). 11. We have learned from the announcement that the questionnaire must be filled immediately. 12. Everyone was aware that the need to comply with the requirements resulting from the emergency situation. 13. The inhabitants declared that if the water would arrive, they would have to leave their homes. 14. We have read the menu and saw that the selection is large, and the prices are reasonable. 15. the producers tried to hide the fact that the product contains food additives.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
5. I'm having been surprised when he knew that Robert did not pass the exam. I knew he was a long time for him gotovilsya.b. Peter promised that he would wait for me at the entrance to the stadium. 7. When the train arrived at the station, I saw that I will not be met. I thought that they had not received my telegram or something unexpected happened. Later my friends explained that they had received a telegram 10 miiut to booked arrival of the train, but could not meet me. 8. Yesterday I had the day off. I suggested that Anya go to the movies, but she refused, saying that preparing for the exam in German. We agreed that we go to the movies next week, if she pass the exam successfully. 9. Alice wrote us that she liked the rest in the south, and that sleduyushny your vacation she will spend in one of the seaside towns of the Caucasus. 10. I know that the validity of her passport expires in a month, and it will have to apply for a new (expire, arr1u Gogh). 11. We have learned from the announcement that the questionnaire should be filled immediately. 12. It was common knowledge that must comply with the requirements of emergencies. 13. Residents have announced that if the water is coming, they will have to leave their homes. 14. We have read the menu and saw that a large variety of dishes, and the prices are reasonable. 15. Manufacturers have tried to hide the fact that the product contains nutritional supplements.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
5. I anointed was surprised, when I knew that Robert has not passed the exam. I knew that it was long to it has been prepared.b. Jake has promised that will be waiting for me at the entrance to the stadium. 7. When the train arrived at the station that I saw,I have no one that is not met. I thought it was about time that they had not received my telegram or no, it's nothing unexpected. At a later date my friends explained that they had received the telegram 10 мииут to пребытия trains,But I have not been able to meet. 8. Yesterday I had a day off. I have invited Ana go to the movies, but she refused, saying that was preparing for the exam for German language. We have agreed,That were going to the cinema in the next week, if it will deposit the exam successfully. 9. Alice wrote us that it is very beautiful, in the south, and that следуюшни their leave it will hold in one of the Primorye region cities. 10.I knew that, the duration of its passport expires in a month, and it would have to apply for a new one (expire, arr1the Gogh). 11. We have learned from the announcement that the questionnaires should be filled without delay. 12. All had been aware,That it is necessary to comply with demands, caused by an emergency situation. 13. Residents had announced that, if the water would be to arrive, they will be expected to leave their homes. 14. We are familiar with the menu and sawThe selection of dishes from the large, and prices are reasonable. 15. Manufacturers have tried to hide the fact that the product contains additives.
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