Они оба начали изучение урана и других элементов, чтобы узнать, были ли они радиоактивны. Это 6) заняло четыре года, чтобы выделить радиоактивный источник, который она назвала радием. За это они 7) получили Нобелевскую премию по физике в 1903 году.
They both started exploring for uranium and other elements to find out whether they were radioactive. This 6) took four years to isolate the radioactive source, which she named radium. For this they received the Nobel Prize) 7 on Physics in the year 1903.
They both began studying uranium and other elements to see if they were radioactive. This 6) took four years to isolate the radioactive source, which she called radium. For this they 7) received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903.
they both started the study of uranium and other elements to see if they were we cause. it's 6) took four years to isolate the radioactive source, which she called radium.for this they 7) received the nobel prize in physics in 1903.