Чтобы нарисовать светлую часть морды. Рисуем прямоугольник нужного раз перевод - Чтобы нарисовать светлую часть морды. Рисуем прямоугольник нужного раз английский как сказать

Чтобы нарисовать светлую часть морд

Чтобы нарисовать светлую часть морды. Рисуем прямоугольник нужного размера. Чтобы рисуемые объекты притягивались к уже созданным, зайдите в меню View и отметьте галочкой Smart Guides. В нижней части делаем прямоугольник больше чем нужно. Выбираем основную форму головы, светлую часть и при помощи Shape Builder Tool отрезаем лишнее.

Рисуем нос. Сначала нарисуем квадрат, поворачиваем его на 45 градусов и при помощи pen tool удаляем верхний угол. И нужно сделать Reset Bounding Box, через меню Object - Transform, чтобы было удобно менять ширину треугольника. С помощью Curvature tool делаем грани треугольника более выпуклыми. И закругляем углы. Подкорректируем ширину треугольника.

При помощи Pen Tool рисуем рот и брови. Делаем выпуклыми грани бровей. И закругляем пару углов. Копируем и выравниваем точно так же, как мы это делали с ушами.

Глаза рисуем с помощью кругов. И чтобы брови были впереди глаз - выделяем брови Object - Arrange - Bring to Front.

Следующее что нужно сделать - это нарисовать пальцы. Рисуем вертикальную линию при помощи pen tool. Делаем круглым окончание линии через свойства Stroke. И толщину линии устанавливаем 17 точек, так как для разделения лап от тела мы использовали линию такой же толщины. Копируем ее, для этого можно просто перетащить ее зажав клавишу Alt.

Рисуем когти так же как мы рисовали до этого нос. И сделаем когти чуть тупее, ведь у нас хоть и строгий, но добрый лев. Копируем когти. Здесь видно, что нужно чуть-чуть увеличить длину когтя. Добавляем точку при помощи Pen Tool на верхней грани. И перемещаем ее вверх. Перемешаем когти под лапу через меню Object - Arrange - Send to Back. Чтобы было одинаковое расстояние между когтями, выделяем их и нажимаем Horizontal Distribute Center. Выравниваем пальцы и когти, и копируем их на другую лапу. Группируем все вместе и выравниваем их относительно тела. Снова разгруппировываем и теперь разделим пальцы.

Выбираем эти линии, затем Object - Expand. Зажимаем Shift, выбираем тело и на панели Pathfinder нажимаем Minus Front. И тело также нужно отправить назад.

Хвост мы будем рисовать при помощи Pen Tool. Если не получается повторить контур хвоста с первого раза - ничего страшного потом можно все исправить. При помощи Direct selection Tool и Curvature Tool исправляем полученный контур. И чтобы нарисовать кисточку проще всего воспользоваться Pencil Tool. Кликаем два раза на нём, и в настройках перемещаем ползунок Fidelity в крайнее правое положение, чтобы получить очень плавную линию. И теперь рисуем линию останавливаясь в острых углах. И перемещаем кисточку за хвост.

И теперь я хочу отделить эту часть морды от туловища. Здесь мало места поэтому давайте уменьшим живот. Выделяем эту часть морды, заходим в меню Object - Path - Offset Path. И ставим значение в 17 точек. Нажимаем OK и видим что появился второй путь, смещенный от предыдущего на 17 пикселей. Вычтем полученный путь из тела при помощи Pathfinder tool и кнопки Minus Front. И снова переместим тело назад.

И самая сложная часть - рисуем пуп.

И я сделаю линию рта немного толще.

Удаляем слой со скетчем и мы готовы следующей части.


Я уже подобрал цвета для своего льва. Этого цвета будет грива и кисточка. Это нос. Это туловище, это морда. Это для светлой части и живота, а это для фона.

И теперь мы сделаем вот что. Выбираем наши цвета, заходим на вкладку Swatches. Если она не открыта, ее можно найти через меню Window. И теперь когда все цвета выделены, заходим в меню панели Swatches и нажимаем Add Selected Colors. Цвета добавились на панель, давайте переместим их в отдельную группу. Эти маленькие белые треугольники означают, что это Global colors. Если нам понадобится изменить цвета в рисунке, мы можем изменить цвет прямо на этой панели, и все объекты с этим цветом, также изменятся.

И теперь раскрашиваем нашего льва в эти цвета, просто выбирая объекты и кликая на цвет. Здесь нам понадобится разгруппировать уши, для этого заходим в меню Object Ungroup.

И поменяем цвет фона.

Эти линии ушей и рта нужно преобразовать в объекты с заливкой через меню Object - Expand.

И теперь нам остается только убрать обводку и вот такой лев у нас получился!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
To draw a bright part of the muzzle. Draw a rectangle the size that you want. To drawn objects snap to the already created, go to the View menu and check the Smart Guides. At the bottom of the rectangle is larger than it should do. Select the basic shape of the head, the light part and using the Shape Builder Tool cut the superfluous. Draw the nose. First draw a square, turn it at 45 degrees and using the pen tool to remove corner. And need to make a Reset Bounding Box, the Object-Transform menu through to make it easy to change the width of the triangle. Using Curvature tool do verge triangle more convex. And rounds the corners. Podkorrektiruem the width of the triangle. Using the Pen Tool draw a mouth and eyebrows. Do convex facets of eyebrows. And rounds a couple of corners. Copy and align in exactly the same way as we did with ears. Draw eyes using circles. And that eyebrows were ahead of the eye-brow highlight Object-Arrange-Bring to Front. The next thing to do is draw the fingers. Draw a vertical line using the pen tool. Do round the end of the line through the properties of the Stroke. And line width set 17 points because to separate clutches from the body we used a line of the same thickness. Copy it, you can do this by simply dragging it while holding down the Alt key. Draw the claws in the same way as we drew up the nose. And do a little claws dumber because we have though strict but kind lion. Copy the claws. Here you can see that you need to slightly increase the length of claw. Add a point using the Pen Tool on the top face. And move it up. Mix the claws under the paw through the menu Object-Arrange-Send to Back. To have the same distance between claws, distinguishing their and click Distribute Horizontal Center. Align toes and claws, and copy them to the other paw. Group all together and align them on the body. Razgruppirovyvaem again and now divide the fingers. Choose these lines, then Object-Expand. Holding the Shift key, select the body and on the Pathfinder press Minus Front. And the body also need to send back. Tail we'll draw using Pen Tool. If you are unable to repeat the circuit tail the first time-it's okay then you can fix everything. Using the Direct selection Tool and Curvature Tool fix the resulting path. And to draw the brush easier to use the Pencil Tool. Click twice on it, and in the settings, move the slider to the far right Fidelity to get a very smooth line. And now draw the line stopping at acute angles. And move the brush over the tail. And now I want to separate this part of the muzzle from the torso. Here are a few places so let's reduce the stomach. Allocate this part of the muzzle, go in the menu Object-Path-Offset Path. And put the value at 17 points. Click OK and see that there is a second way, shifted from the previous at 17 pixels. Subtract the resulting path from the body using the Pathfinder tool and Minus button Front. And again move the body back. And the hardest part-draw the navel. And I'll make the mouth line a little thicker. Remove layer from sketčem and we look forward to the next part. COLORI already picked colors for their lion. This color will be the mane and tassel. This nose. This body, this muzzle. This is for the light parts and stomach, and it is for the background. And now we will do this. Choose our colors, go to the tab Swatches. If it is not already open, you can find it via the Window menu. And now when all the colors are selected, go in the Swatches Panel menu and click Add Selected Colors. Color was added to the pane, let's move them into a separate group. These little white triangles indicate that this Global colors. If we need to change the colors in the picture, we can change the color directly on this Panel, and all objects with this color will also change. And now coloring our lion in these colors, simply selecting objects and clicking the color. Here we need to ungroup the ears, so go to the Object menu Ungroup. And change the background color. These lines are the ears and mouth to convert to objects with fill through the menu Object-Expand. And now we can only remove the stroke and such a lion we have turned out!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
To draw a bright part of the muzzle. Draw a rectangle the size you want. To you draw objects are attracted to the already created, go to the View menu and tick Smart Guides. At the bottom of the rectangle do more than is necessary. Choose the basic shape of the head, the bright piece and using the Shape Builder Tool cut off the excess.

Draw the nose. First draw a square, turn it 45 degrees and using the pen tool removes the top corner. And to do Reset Bounding Box, through the Object menu - Transform, it was convenient to change the width of the triangle. Use the Curvature tool do the triangle faces more convex. And we round off the corners. Will correct the width of the triangle.

With the help of Pen Tool draw a mouth and eyebrows. Making faces bulging brow. And a couple of rounds off the corners. Copy and align in the same way as we did with the ears.

The eyes draw using circles. And so eyebrows were ahead of the eye - brows select Object - Arrange -. Bring to Front

The next thing to do - is to draw fingers. Draw a vertical line using the pen tool. Making the round end of the line through the properties of Stroke. And the thickness of the line set 17 points, for the separation of the clutches of the body we used a line of the same thickness. Copy it, for this you can simply drag it by holding the Alt key.

Draw the claws as well as we drew up this nose. And make claws a little dumber, because we though strict, but kind-hearted lion. Copy claws. You can see that you need a little bit to increase the length of the claw. Adding a point at Pen Tool help on the upper side. And move it up. Stir the claws under the paw through the Object menu - Arrange - Send to Back. That it was the same distance between the claws, select them and click the Horizontal Distribute Center. Aligns toes and claws, and copy them to the other leg. Group all together and align them with respect to the body. Again, ungroup and now divide the fingers.

Select the line, then Object - Expand. Hold Shift, are selected body and the Pathfinder panel press the Minus Front. And the body also need to send back.

The tail is we will draw using the Pen Tool. If you can not repeat the tail circuit from the first time - do not worry, you can then fix everything. With Direct selection Tool and Curvature Tool fix the resulting circuit. And to draw a brush easier is to use Pencil Tool. We click twice on it, and move settings Fidelity slider to the extreme right, to get a very smooth line. Now draw a line stopping at acute angles. And move the brush by the tail.

And now I want to separate this part of the muzzle from the body. There are few places so let's reduce stomach. Select this part of the muzzle, go to Object menu - Path - Offset Path. And put a value in 17 points. Click OK and see that there was a second path offset from the previous by 17 pixels. Subtract the resulting path of the body by means of Pathfinder tool and the Minus Front button. Again, move the body back.

And the hardest part - draw the navel.

And I will make the line slightly thicker mouth.

Remove the layer with the sketch and we are ready to the next part.


I already picked the colors for your lion. This color will the mane and brush. This nose. This body, this face. This is for the bright parts and the abdomen, and this for the background.

Now we will do this. Choosing our colors, we go to the Swatches tab. If it is not opened, it can be found through the Window menu. And now, when all the colors selected, go to the Swatches panel menu, and click Add Selected Colors. The colors were added to the panel, let's move them into a separate group. These little white triangles indicate that this Global colors. If we need to change the color in the picture, we can change the color directly on the panel, and all objects with the same color will also change.

And now our colorable lion in these colors by simply selecting the objects and clicking on a color. Here we need to ungroup the ears, so go to Object the Ungroup menu.

And change the background color.

The lines of the ears and the mouth must be converted to objects pouring through the Object menu - Expand.

And now we just have to remove the stroke and that's a lion, we turned !
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to draw the bright part of the face. draw a rectangle the size. to рисуемые objects притягивались to already established, go to the menu view and click check smart guides. in the lower part of the rectangle to do more than you need. select the form of the head, the bright part and with the aid of shape builder tool отрезаем unnecessary.draw the nose. first, draw a square, turning it at a 45 degree angle, and using the pen tool remove the top corner. and you need to reset Bounding box in the menu select the object to be convenient to change the width of the triangle. with the help of an edge of the triangle Curvature are more prominent. and закругляем corners. cleared the width of the triangle.using the pen tool draw the mouth and eyebrows. do the convex edge of the eyebrows. and закругляем corners. копируем and, align this marker in exactly the same way as we did with the ears.eyes - by the community. and eyebrows were ahead of the eye secrete eyebrows object - arrange / - bring to front.the next thing to do is to draw the fingers. draw a vertical line using the pen tool. do the round end of the line through the properties of the stroke. and the thickness of the line set up 17 points, so as to separate the head from the body, we are using the same thickness. копируем her for that, you can just drag it with the alt key.a claw like we had before the nose. and do the claws of a stupid, because we have a strict but kind lion. копируем claws. here you can see that we need a little more long claw. add the point using the pen tool on the top edge. and move it up. shuffle the claws under paw through a menu object - arrange / - send to back. that was the same distance between the claws, select them and click the horizontal Distribute center. , align this marker fingers and claws, and копируем them on the other hand. группируем together, align this marker on the body. разгруппировываем again and now split fingers.we choose this line, then object - expand. block shift, the pick body and the Pathfinder press minus front. and the body also need to send back.the tail we will draw with the pen tool. if you can"t replicate the contour of the tail of the first time is nothing then you can fix it. using the direct selection tool and Curvature tool correcting the contour. and the easiest way to use the brush to draw activated tool. кликаем twice on him, and you move the slider to the right the situation of extreme fidelity to obtain a smooth line. and now a line stopping at sharp corners. and move the brush tail.and now i want to separate the part of the face of the body. there"s no room, so let"s make the stomach. select the part of the face, from the menu object - path - offset path. and put the importance on 17 points. click ok, and we see that a second way, dislodged from the previous 17 pixels. take the path of the body with the aid of Pathfinder tool
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