Общие целительные свойства Агата.Считается, что натуральный агат укреп перевод - Общие целительные свойства Агата.Считается, что натуральный агат укреп английский как сказать

Общие целительные свойства Агата.Сч

Общие целительные свойства Агата.

Считается, что натуральный агат укрепляет зрение, помогает процессам пищеварения, предотвращает заболевания почек, успокаивает головные боли, снижает количество приступов у эпилептиков и страдающих лунатизмом людей, снимает ощущение беспокойства, является хорошим тонизирующим средством. У многих народов агат считался камнем, спасающим от ядов, в том числе и от змеиного. Моховые агаты способствуют укреплению иммунной системы и эффективны при почечной колике.
На Востоке полагают, что агат предохраняет от болезней крови. Знаменитый арабский врач Авиценна включал агатовый порошок в свои препараты. Аюрведа рекомендует носить агат детям: он успокаивает и рассеивает страхи, помогает детям раньше начинать ходить. В древней Англии считали, что этот камень защищает от болезней кожи. Камни треугольной формы использовались в Сирии, чтобы предотвращать проблемы с кишечником.

Агат помогает своему обладателю одолеть многие недуги, для этого его нужно только правильно носить. Так, в лечебных целях при долгом кашле и болях в горле носят агатовые бусы; при болезнях ротовой полости и зубов, а также при судорогах надевают серьги с агатом; при болезнях суставов используют агатовые браслеты.

Кольцо с агатом на безымянном пальце левой руки помогает людям, страдающим сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями. Перстень на среднем пальце правой руки поможет людям, страдающим бессонницей и склонным к истерикам и беспричинными страхам. Брошь с агатом способствует избавлению от астмы, скорому излечению воспаления легких и бронхитов.
Камень во рту утоляет жажду, а для уменьшения лихорадки его прикладывают ко лбу. Агат ― камень долголетия и устойчивой психики в старости, поскольку считается, что он противодействует развитию склероза.
Изготовленная из меди оправа значительно усиливает лечебные свойства агата.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
General healing properties of Agate.It is believed that natural agate enhances vision, helps the digestive processes, prevents kidney disease, soothes headaches, reduces the number of epileptic seizures and suffering lunatizmom people, reduces the feeling of anxiety is a good tonic. Many people have considered-saving stone agate from poisons, including snake. Mossy Agatha helped strengthen the immune system and effective in renal colic. In the East believe that agate protects against blood diseases. The famous Arabic physician Avicenna included agate powder in their preparations. Ayurveda recommends wearing agate children: it calms and dispels fears helps children before starting to walk. In ancient England believed that this stone protects against skin diseases. Triangular shaped stones were used in Syria, to prevent problems with the intestines. Agate helps its possessor to defeat many ills, it must only be worn correctly. So, for medicinal purposes at long cough and pain in the throat are agate beads; in diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, as well as cramps wear earrings with agate; at illnesses of the joints use agate bracelets.Ring with agate on a nameless finger of the left hand helps people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Ring on the middle finger of the right hand will help people suffering from insomnia and prone to isterikam and groundless fears. Brooch with agate helps to get rid of asthma, rapid healing of pneumonia and bronchitis.Stone mouth quenches thirst, and to reduce fevers it put to the forehead. Agate ― stone longevity and steady psyche in old age, because it is believed that it counteracts the development of sclerosis. Made from copper rim considerably strengthens the therapeutic properties of agate.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
General healing properties Agatha.

It is believed that natural agate strengthens sight, it helps the digestive processes, prevents kidney disease, soothes headaches, reduces the number of seizures in epileptics and those suffering lunacy of people, reduces the feeling of anxiety is a good tonic. Many peoples considered agate stone, is saved from poisons, including from the snake. Moss agate helps strengthen the immune system and are effective for renal colic.
In the East, believe that agate protects against blood diseases. The famous Arab physician Avicenna included agate powder in their preparations. Ayurveda recommends wearing agate children: it soothes and dispels fears, helps children before starting to walk. In ancient England believed that this stone protects against skin diseases. Triangular shaped stones were used in Syria, to prevent intestinal problems.

Agate helps its owner to overcome many diseases, for this it is necessary only to wear. For medicinal purposes with a long cough and sore throat are agate beads; in diseases of the mouth and teeth, as well as cramps wear earrings with agate; with diseases of the joints used agate bracelets.

ring with agate on the ring finger of his left hand he helps people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The ring on the middle finger of his right hand to help people who suffer from insomnia and prone to tantrums and irrational fear. Brooch with agate helps get rid of asthma, rapid cure pneumonia and bronchitis.
The stone in the mouth thirst quencher, and to reduce fever it is applied to the forehead. Agate - a stone of longevity and steady mind in old age, because it is believed that it counteracts the development of multiple sclerosis.
Made of brass bezel greatly enhances the healing properties of agate.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the healing properties of agatha.is that the natural agate strengthens sight, helps the processes of digestion, prevents disease of kidney, soothing headaches, reduces the number of attacks in epileptics with somnambulism and people"s sense of anxiety is a good tonic. many peoples agate was considered a just from poisons, including the snake. моховые agatha strengthens the immune system and effective in renal колике.in the east believed that the agate protects against diseases of the blood. the famous arabic physician avicenna агатовый powder included in their products. ayurveda recommends wearing agate children: he relaxes and dispels fears, helps children before start to walk. in ancient england believed that this stone protects against diseases of the skin. the stones of triangular form used in syria, to prevent intestinal problems.agate helps its possessor to defeat many maladies that it need only right to wear. so, in the treatment to the duty of cough and pain in the throat are агатовые beads; in diseases of oral cavity and teeth, as well as convulsions wear earrings with агатом; in diseases of joints using агатовые bracelets.агатом ring on the fourth finger of the left hand helps people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. the ring on the middle finger right hand to help people suffering from insomnia and more prone to hysterical and беспричинными fears. brooch with агатом facilitates recovery from pneumonia and asthma, the early healing бронхитов.stone mouth drink, and to reduce the fever of his their forehead. agate - stone longevity and sustained disturbances in old age, as it was considered to be against the development of multiple sclerosis.frames made of copper significantly increases the healing properties of agatha.
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