1. Улицу перед нашим домом всю разрыли: чинят газопровод. 2. Трое студ перевод - 1. Улицу перед нашим домом всю разрыли: чинят газопровод. 2. Трое студ английский как сказать

1. Улицу перед нашим домом всю разр

1. Улицу перед нашим домом всю разрыли: чинят газопровод. 2. Трое студентов в нашей группе освобождены от занятий по физкультуре, так как они занимаются в спортивных секциях. 3. Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится новый театр. 4. Во время экскурсии по городу нам показали завод, где производится синтетический каучук. 5. Со мной так никогда еще не разговаривали. 6. Нам в лагерь регулярно доставляют на вертолете провизию и почту. 7. Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко, найдешь на полках библиотеки. 8. Объяснили ли вам. почему вам не разрешили принять участие в этих соревнованиях? 9. Жаль, что “а конференции таких вопросов не касались. 10. Когда мы приехали в Киев, это здание было только что восстановлено. 11. В прошлом месяце, наконец, вышла книга, которую с таким нетерпением ожидали. Сейчас ее широко обсуждают в прессе. О ней уже написано много статей, из которых видно, что мнения критиков разделились. 12. Не говори таких вещей, а то над тобой будут смеяться. 13. Мне еще ничего об этом не говорили. 14. Ваш проект уже принят? —Нет, он все еще рассматривается. —Сколько же времени его уже рассматривают? 15. Ничего удивительного, что цветы погибли; их не поливали неделю. 16. Вас уведомят по телеграфу, как только чертежи будут посланы. 17. Почему так прохладно в зале? —Его как раз проветривают. Читальный зал, как вы знаете, проветривается несколько раз в день. 18. Булочная закрыта на обед; она закрывается с часу до двух. —А сколько времени осталось, до того она снова откроется? 19. Когда делегатам переводили выступление представителя профсоюза, оно их так заинтересовало, что они захотели записать некоторые факты, и им их специально повторили. 20. Я боюсь, что наш запас бензина будет истрачен, прежде чем мы доберемся до ближайшей бензоколонки.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The Street in front of our House all razryli: gas pipeline breaks. 2. Three students in our group are exempt from physical education classes, because they are engaged in sports sections. 3. Show me where in your city is built a new theater. 4. During tours of the city showed us factory, which produces synthetic rubber. 5. With me so never talked. 6. Our camp regularly deliver supplies by helicopter and mail. 7. Books that are readable, rarely find on the shelves of libraries. 8. do you have explained. Why are you not allowed to participate in these competitions? 9. It's a pity that "a conference such matters were not related. 10. When we arrived in Kiev, this building was just restored. 11. Last month, finally, a book that so eagerly anticipated. Now its widely discuss in the press. About it already written many articles, which show that the critics were divided. 12. Do not say such things, but the above you will laugh. 13. I have said nothing about it. 14. your project already passed? No, it is still under consideration. — How much time it is already considering? 15. Surprising that flowers have been killed; their not watered weekly. 16. you will be notified by telegraph, as only the drawings will be sent. 17. Why so cool in the Hall? Is it just airs. Reading room, as you know, aired several times a day. 18. the Bakery is closed for lunch; It closes with an hour to two. — And how much time is left before it opens again? 19. When delegates transferred the statement made by the representative of the Union, it is so intrigued that they wanted to record some facts, and specifically reiterated. 20. I'm afraid that our supply of gasoline will be spent before we get to the nearest gas station.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The street in front of our house all the Divide: repairing the pipeline. 2. Three students in our group are exempt from physical education classes, as they are engaged in sports sections. 3. Show me where in your town to build a new theater. 4. During the city tour we were shown the plant, which produces synthetic rubber. 5. Since I never even spoke. 6. We are regularly delivered to the camp by helicopter provisions and mail. 7. The books are well read, rarely find on the shelves of the library. 8. Explain to your. why you are not allowed to take part in these competitions? 9. It is a pity that "a conference such issues are not dealt with. 10. When we arrived in Kiev, the building has just been restored. 11. In the last month, finally, a book that so eagerly awaited. Now it has been widely discussed in the press. About her already written a lot of articles, which show that the views of the critics were divided. 12. Do not speak of such things, and that will laugh at you. 13. I still do not talk about it. 14. Your project has already been adopted? No, he was still being considered. -How Much time had already considered? 15. No wonder that flowers have died; they did not water a week. 16. You will be notified by telegram as soon as the drawings will be sent. 17. Why is it cool in the room? -He Just aired. Reading Room, as you know, is aired several times a day. 18. The bakery is closed for lunch; it closes with an hour to two. -And How much time remains before it will open again? 19. When the delegates were transferred by the representative of the trade union, it is of interest to them so that they wanted to record some of the facts, and he repeated them specifically. 20. I am afraid that our supply of gasoline will be spent before we get to the nearest petrol station.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. The street in front of our house is all decisions: revive the pipeline. 2. The three students in our group were released from classes for pregnant women, as they are involved in the sports sections. 3. Show me,Where in your city is built a new theater. 4. During the city tour we were shown the plant, where it is produced with synthetic rubber. 5. With me so have never talked. 6.We are in the camp regularly trucked in the helicopter with sarma and mail. 7. Books, which are clearly legible, rarely, there's definitely one on the library shelves. 8. Explain whether or not you are. Why are you not allowed to take part in these competitions? 9.It was unfortunate that "a conference such issues are not dealt with. 10. When we arrived in Kiev, this building was only that has been restored. 11. In the past month, finally, book, which the so eagerly awaiting.Now it is widely discussed in the press. It has already written many articles, of which can be seen, that the views were divided critics. 12. Don't say such things, and it is over you will be laughed at. 13. I have nothing about this is not talked about. 14.Your project has already been adopted? -No, he is still under consideration. -How much time it had already been considered? 15. No surprise that flowers have died; they were not "privatization per week. 16. You will be notified by telegram,As only drawings will be sent. 17. Why is it so cool to room? -It as times проветривают. Reading room, as you know, is adequately ventilated several times a day. 18. Bakery is closed for lunch; it closes with the hour up to two.-And how much time is left, until it opens again? 19. When delegates transferred the statement of the representative trade union, it is their so intrigued that they wanted to record some of the facts,And they specifically reiterated. 20. I am afraid that our stock will be истрачен petrol, before we get to the nearest gas station.

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