- Джеймс, мы рады видеть Вас в нашем колледже. Надеемся, что Вам здесь перевод - - Джеймс, мы рады видеть Вас в нашем колледже. Надеемся, что Вам здесь английский как сказать

- Джеймс, мы рады видеть Вас в наше

- Джеймс, мы рады видеть Вас в нашем колледже. Надеемся, что Вам здесь нравится. - Yes, I like your college, and your students. Everybody is friendly and easy to get along with.
- А где учитесь Вы? Вы уже решили, кем будете в будущем? - You see, I am studying at an economic college. I'd like to be a manager or a businessman. These professions are in fashion now in our country.
- He могли бы Вы мне рас сказать, что главное для Вас в вашей будущей профессии? - То my mind, the main things are: job satisfaction, good conditions and much money.
- Где Вы собираетесь работать в будущем: в США или за границей? - То tell the truth, I don't know yet. I hope that everything will be alright and I'll find a good place to work.
- Я желаю Вам удачи. Мне было приятно с Вами поговорить. Спасибо.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-James, we are glad to see you in our College. Hope you like it here. -Yes, I like your college and your students. Everybody is friendly and easy to get along with.-And where did you learn? Have you already decided who will be in the future? -You see, I am studying at an economic college. I'd like to be a manager or a businessman. These professions are in fashion now in our country.-He could you me races say that the most important for you in your future career? Somehow my mind, the main things are: job satisfaction, good conditions and much money.-Where you want to work with in the future: in the United States or abroad? Something to tell the truth, I don't know yet. I hope that everything will be alright and I'll find a good place to work.-I wish you the best of luck. I was pleased to talk with you. Thank you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- James, we are glad to see you at our college. We hope you like it here. - Yes, I like your college, and your students. Everybody is friendly and easy to get along with.
- Where are you studying? Have you already decided who will be in the future? - You see, I am studying at an economic college. I'd like to be a manager or a businessman. These professions are in fashion now in our country.
- He Could you tell me the races, the main thing for you in your future career? - That my mind, the main things are: job satisfaction, good conditions and much money.
- Where do you want to work in the future: in the US or abroad? - So tell the truth, I do not know yet. I hope that everything will be alright and I'll find a good place to work.
- I wish you good luck. I was pleased to speak with you. Thank you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
james, we're glad to see you in our college. hope you like it here. - yes, i like your college, and your students. everybody is friendly and easy to get along with.- where are you? you've already decided who will be in the future? - you see, i am studying at an american college. i 'd like to be a manager or a businessman. these professions are in fashion now in our country.- can you tell me off, what is most important to you in your career? is my mind, the main things are: job satisfaction, good conditions and much money.- where are you going to work in the future, in the united states or abroad? - tell the truth, i don't know yet. i hope that everything will be alright and i 'll find a good place to work.i wish you good luck. it was nice talking with you. thank you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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