Скажите мне, пожалуйста, размер (диаметр) одного шара в мм. Скажите мне, пожалуйста, вес каждого (одного) шара. Спасибо за понимание. С уважением, Григорий
Tell me, please, the size (diameter) of one ball in mm.Tell me, please, the weight of each (one) in the world.Thanks for the insight.With respect,Gregory
Please tell me the size (diameter) of one ball in mm. Tell me, please, the weight of each (one) in the world. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Gregory
Tell me, please, the size (diameter) of a single world in mm. Tell me, please, weight of each (one) of the ball. Thank You for understanding. with respect, Hryhoriy