In the 1900s some women made their underwear from bags that grocers ke перевод - In the 1900s some women made their underwear from bags that grocers ke английский как сказать

In the 1900s some women made their

In the 1900s some women made their underwear from bags that grocers kept rice or flour in. Poor children often did not wear underwear. Some poor families made prams from orange boxes.

A Liberal government was elected in 1906 and they made some reforms. From that year poor children were given free school meals. In January 1909 the first old age pensions were paid. They were hardly generous - only 5 shillings a week, which was a paltry sum even in those days and they were only paid to people over 70. Nevertheless it was a start.

Also in 1909 the government formed wages councils. In those days some people worked in the so-called 'sweated industries' such as making clothes and they were very poorly paid and had to work extremely long hours just to survive. The wages councils set minimum pay levels for certain industries.

In 1910 the first labor exchanges where jobs were advertised were set up.

Then in 1911 the government passed an act establishing sickness benefits for workers. The act also provided unemployment benefit for workers in certain trades such as shipbuilding, where periods of unemployment were common. In 1920 unemployment was extended to most workers although it was not extended to agricultural workers until 1936.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the 1900s some women made their underwear from bags that grocers kept rice or flour in. Poor children often did not wear underwear. Some poor families made prams from orange boxes.A Liberal government was elected in 1906 and they made some reforms. From that year the poor children were given free school meals. In January 1909 the first old age pensions were paid. They were hardly none none painting generous-only 5 shillings a week, which was a paltry by sum even in those days and they were only paid to people over 70. Nevertheless it was a start.Also in 1909 the government formed wages councils. In those days some people worked in the so-called ' sweated industries ' such as making clothes and they were very poorly paid and had to work extremely long hours just to survive. The wages councils set minimum pay levels for certain industries.In 1910 the first labor exchanges where jobs were advertised were set up.Then in 1911 the government passed an act establishing sickness benefits for workers. The act also provided unemployment benefit for workers in certain trades such as shipbuilding, where periods of unemployment were common. In 1920 unemployment was extended to most workers although it was not extended to agricultural workers until 1936.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the 1900s some women made their underwear from the front and grocers kept not in or in the end. the children often did not wear underwear. some poor families made prams from orange boxes.a Liberal church government was in 1906 and they made some reforms. from that year old children were given free school meals. in january 1909, the first old age pensions were paid. they were hardly interiors - only 5 shillings a week, which was a paltry sum even in those days and they were only paid to people over 70. nevertheless it was a start.also in 1909, the government, as well as wages councils. in those days some people worked in the so - called "sweated industries" such as making clothes and they were very poorly paid and had to work extremely long hours just to survive. the wages councils set minimum pay levels for certain 1910 the first labor exchanges where jobs were advertised were set up.then in 1911, the government passed an act establishing sickness benefits for workers. the act also provided unemployment benefit for workers in certain trades such as shipbuilding, where periods of unemployment were common. in 1920, unemployment was extended to most workers but it was not extended to agricultural workers until 1936.
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