Все подростки должны помогать ухаживать за младшими братьями и сестрами. Думаю, что да. Так и должно быть. Родители слишком загружены работой и домашними делами, и чтобы облегчить им задания, нужно приглядывать за младшими, это обязанность каждого старшего брата или сестры. Старшие более ответственны и им можно доверить это, так как они более менее понимают, как поступать.
У меня нет младшего брата, но зато я младший в семье. Мой старший брат всегда оставался со мной дома, когда родители уезжали. Часто брал меня гулять с его друзьями, потому что родители были на работе и со мной некому сидеть. Поэтому подростки должны помочь своим родителям в этом деле
Результаты (
английский) 1:
All teens should help take care of younger brothers and sisters. I think Yes. The way it should be. Parents are too loaded with work and household chores, and to facilitate their job, you need to watch for younger, it is the responsibility of each older brother or sister. Senior more responsible and they can be trusted with it, as they more or less understand what to do.I don't have a younger brother, but I am a junior in the family. My older brother always remained with me at home when parents left. Often took me hanging out with his friends because his parents were at work and no one to sit with me. Therefore, adolescents should help their parents in the case
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
all adolescents should help take care of younger brothers and sisters. yes, i think so. and that's the way it should be. parents too much work and chores, and to facilitate their tasks, you must look after the younger, it is the duty of every big brother or sister. senior more responsible and they could trust, as they more or less understand what to do.i don't have a little brother, but i'm the youngest. my older brother always stayed with me at home when the parents are gone. often took me out with his friends because their parents were at work and with me to sit. therefore, young people should help their parents in this case
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