Наверное, все уже в курсе, что готовится русский сервер TOUCH (с котор перевод - Наверное, все уже в курсе, что готовится русский сервер TOUCH (с котор английский как сказать

Наверное, все уже в курсе, что гото

Наверное, все уже в курсе, что готовится русский сервер TOUCH (с которого, собственно, русские песни и добавляли). А знаете кто будет локализатором?


Как известно всем, 101xp уже неудачно пытались локализовать MStar, но, поскольку компания сторонняя, они не смогли даже настроить работу сервера уже как за пол-года. Все негативные сообщения из их группы Mstar удаляются, а участники блокируются. Кстати, в действительности в их группе не более 2 000 человек, ведь после 2-х месячного провала они таки решили использовать накрутку и за пару дней добавили в группу еще 150 000 (то есть почти 99%) левых участников (которые даже понятия не имеют, что это за игра). Но счастья это им не принесло, онлайн по прежнему был не более 20 человек. И тогда 101xp решили использовать самый подлый ход - попросили другие сервера заблокировать игроков по IP.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Probably all already aware that a Russian Server TOUCH (which, in fact, Russian songs and added). Do you know who will be the localizer?101хр.comAs is known to all, 101xp has already unsuccessfully tried to localize the MStar, but since the company way, they couldn't even configure the server as a for half a year. All the negative messages from their group participants are removed and Mstar are blocked. By the way, in fact, in their group not more than 2000 people, because after 2 months of failure they do decide to cheat and use a couple of days added to a group more 150000 (almost 99%) of the left-wing parties (who even have no idea what this game). But happiness is not brought online, still was not more than 20 people. And then the 101xp decided to use the most vile course, asked the other servers block the IP players.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Probably all already know that preparing Russian server TOUCH (from which, in fact, Russian songs and added). And you know who will be the localizer? 101hr.com As is known to all, 101xp already unsuccessfully tried to locate MStar, but as the company side, they could not even set up the server as already half a year. All the negative messages from their group Mstar removed, and participants will be blocked. By the way, in fact, in their group, no more than 2 000 people, because after 2 months of failure, they still decided to cheat and use a couple of days added to the group an additional 150 000 (ie almost 99%) left the participants (who even have no idea what kind of game). But thankfully it did not bring them online was still no more than 20 people. And then 101xp decided to use the most sneaky move - asked other servers to block players over IP.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Perhaps, they are already in the course that is being Russian server touch (which, in fact, Russian songs and added). And you know who will be light localizer?lord 101xp.com

as known to all, 101xp already failed attempted to isolate MStаr, butSince the company sided, they had not been able even to set the performance of the server is already as the half-year. All the negative messages from their group Mstаr are removed, and the participants are blocked. In fact,In fact, in their group is not more than 2 000 people,Indeed, after 2-month failure they have opted to use seller and for a couple of days added to the group is still 150,000 (that is almost 99 %) left-wing parties (which, even concepts do not have, that this is for the game).But happiness is not brought, online is still was not more than 20 people. And then 101xp decided to use the most cowardly run - have asked other server lock players on IP.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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