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Я хочу рассказать про недавно просмотренный фильм рыцарь дорог.
Эффекты в этом фильме невероятные, особенно, у машины с искусственным интеллектом. Автомобиль может разговаривать с тобой, он пуленепробиваемый, делает невероятный дрифт, меняет цвет, преодолевает сложные преграды, распознаёт лица людей и находит информацию о них. Также, очень интересно, что спутник посылает информацию, данные появляются на картинке и это помогает безопасно передвигаться по дороге.
Из минусов, можно выделить только то, что это приводит человека в шок, невероятная скорость, особенно в горах, когда она едет по краю дороги.
Я считаю, что вам стоит посмотреть этот фильм, так как он очень увлекательный, и в некой степени познавательный.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want to tell you about recently scanned Knight Rider movie. Effects in this movie are unbelievable, especially machines with artificial intelligence. The car can hold a conversation with you, he's bulletproof, makes incredible drift, changes color, overcomes challenging obstacles, recognize faces of people and find information about them. Also, it's very interesting that the satellite sends the information, the data appear in the picture and this helps to move safely on the road. Of the cons, you can highlight only that it leads a person into shock, incredible speed, especially in the mountains where she rides on the edge of the road. I think you should see this movie, because it's very exciting, and in a certain degree of cognitive.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I want to talk about recently viewed the movie Knight Rider.
The effects in this film is incredible, especially the car with artificial intelligence. The car can talk to you, he is bulletproof, making an incredible drift, changes color, overcomes difficult obstacles, recognize people's faces and find information about them. Also, it is very interesting that the satellite sends the information, the data appear in the picture and this helps to move safely on the road.
Of the minuses, you can select only that it leads a person into shock, incredible speed, especially in the mountains, when she goes over the edge of the road .
I believe that you should watch this movie, because it is very fascinating and informative to some extent.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i want to tell you about just as the movie knight rider.
effects in this film is amazing, especially the car with artificial intelligence. the car can talk with you, he's bulletproof.does the drift, change color, overcomes the difficult obstacles, recognizes people's faces and finds information on them. also, it is interesting that the satellite sends the informationthe data appear in the image, and it is safe to travel on the road.
of the trade-offs available to only that it leads people to the shock, the incredible speed, especially in the mountains.when she is on the edge of the road. - i think you should see this movie, because it is exciting, and to some extent instructive.
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