Группа образована в 1956 году, первое название The Quarrymen главный у перевод - Группа образована в 1956 году, первое название The Quarrymen главный у английский как сказать

Группа образована в 1956 году, перв

Группа образована в 1956 году, первое название The Quarrymen главный участник группы- Джон Леннон.
В 1957 году в группу вошел Пол Мак Картни, в 1958 Джордж Харрисон. После группа поменяла имя на Johnne and the moondogs, проиграла на конкурсе Левиса и распалась.
Джон и Пол стали играть дуэтом. В 1959 году возрождение группы, состав: Леннон, Мак Картни, Харрисон, Сатклифф, Бест. Группа стала называться Long John and The Silver Beatles, вскоре название было сокращено до Silver Beatles.
В 1961 году Битлы уехали в Германию(Гамбург) играть в клубах, там они познакомились с Ринго Старром, который играл в ансамбле RORY STORM AND THE HURRICANS , после они вернулись на родину, где играли в клубе Cavern. но Сатклифф остался в Гамбурге и 10 апреля 1962 года умер от травм головы, которые он получил в результате нападения после одного из концертов Битлз.
В 1962 году продюсер Битлз -Джордж Мартин осуществил первые записи Битлов на студии Parlophone, т.к их ударник Пит Бест не подходил им ( так утверждали менеджеры Parlohone ) они взяли на ударные Ринго Старра, окончательное название группы стало The Beatles.
В 1963 году Битлз выпустили дебютный альбом Please, please me.
В скором времени пластинка заняла первую строчку британского хит-парада.
1964 год - гастрольный тур по Штатам, и не только. С этого началась всемирная Битломания, которая закончилась лишь в 1966 году, когда Битлз дали свой последний живой концерт в Кайндластик парке в Сан Франциско.

Официально группа распалась в 1970 году. Мир об этом узнал из буклете от первого сольного альбома Пола МакКартни, где было написано мини-интервью Пола.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The band was formed in 1956, the first name of The Quarrymen main team member John Lennon. In 1957, the group entered Paul Mack Cartney, in 1958 George Harrison. After the Group changed its name to Johnne and the moondogs, lost to Lewis in the competition and broke up.John and Paul are playing a Duet. In 1959, a revival group composition: Lennon, Mc Cartney, Harrison and Sutcliffe, best. The group became known as the Long John and The Silver Beatles, and soon the name was shortened to the Silver Beatles.In 1961, the Beatles went to Germany (Hamburg) to play in clubs, where they met with Ringo Starr, who played in the ensemble of RORY STORM AND THE HURRICANS, after they returned to their homeland, where the club played the Cavern. but Sutcliffe stayed behind in Hamburg and April 10, 1962, died from head injuries he received in an attack after a Beatles concert.In 1962, the Beatles producer George Martin made the first recording of the Beatles to Parlophone, as their drummer Pete best is not approached them (so claimed managers Parlohone) they took on drums, Ringo Starr, the final name of the Group was The Beatles.In 1963, the Beatles released their debut album, Please please me.The album soon became the first line of the British hit parade.1964 year-tour of the States, and not only. With the world began Beatlemania, which ended only in 1966, when the Beatles played their last live concert at Kajndlastik Park in San Francisco.Officially, the group broke up in 1970 year. The world learned of the booklet from Paul McCartney's first solo album, which was written by a mini interview of sex.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The band was formed in 1956, the first name The Quarrymen main participant groups-John Lennon.
In 1957, the group included Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison in 1958. After the band changed the name to Johnne and the moondogs, lost the contest and Lewis broke up.
John and Paul began to play a duet. In 1959, the revival of the group composition: Lennon, Mc Cartney, Harrison, Sutcliffe, Best. The group became known as the Long John and The Silver Beatles, the name was soon shortened to Silver Beatles.
In 1961, the Beatles went to Germany (Hamburg) play in the clubs, they met with Ringo Starr, who played in the ensemble RORY STORM AND THE HURRICANS, after they returned to their homeland, where they played in the club Cavern. but Sutcliffe stayed in Hamburg, April 10, 1962 he died from head injuries he received in an attack after one of the concerts of the Beatles.
In 1962, Beatles producer -George Martin made ​​the first recording of the Beatles in the studio Parlophone, because it is their drummer Pete Best not fit them (as claimed managers Parlohone) they took on the drums Ringo Starr, the final name of the band was The Beatles.
In 1963, the Beatles released their debut album Please, please me.
Soon plate took the first line of the British charts.
1964 - tour across the United States, and not only. This started a worldwide Beatlemania, which ended only in 1966, when the Beatles played their last live concert in Kayndlastik Park in San Francisco. Officially, the band broke up in 1970. The world found out about it from the booklet from the first solo album by Paul McCartney, which was written a mini-interview Paul.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The group formed in 1956, the first name the singer the main participant of group- John Lennon.
In 1957, the group entered Paul IAC Картни, in 1958 George Harrison. After the group changed the name to the Jоhnne and the mооndоgs,It was the contest Левиса and disintegrated.
John and Paul have begun to play a duo. In 1959, Renaissance Group, the composition of the: Lennon, IAC Картни, Harrison, Mr. Barrett, credo. The Group became known as long John and the silver Beatles,Shortly thereafter the name was reduced to Silver Beatles.
in 1961, Битлы left in Germany(Hamburg) to play in clubs, where they met with the ecological avant intensification, which has played in the showâ Rory WORD and made themselves comfortable at the HURRICANS , after they have returned to their homeland,Where played in the club Cаvern. But Mr. Barrett remained in Hamburg and on 10 April 1962, died from head injuries, which he had received as a result of the attack after one of the concerts Beatles.
In 1962, producer Beatles -George Martin has carried out the first Beatle recording studio Pаrlоphоne,, etc. to their striker Pete best is not suitable to them ( the so claimed managers Pаrlоhоne ) they have committed to shock ecological avant Starr,The final name of the group was the Beatles.
in 1963, Beatles released their debut album please, please me.
in the near time plate ranked first line British hit-parade.
year 1964 - chopin tour of the States, and not only.With this began the world Битломания, which ended only in 1966, when Beatles gave their last live concert in Каиндластик park in San Francisco.lord officially the group was dissolved in 1970.The world has learned from this booklet from the first solo album Mccartney, where it was written mini-interview with sex.
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