1. В последнее десятилетие изменилась интеллектуальная атмосфераво все перевод - 1. В последнее десятилетие изменилась интеллектуальная атмосфераво все английский как сказать

1. В последнее десятилетие изменила

1. В последнее десятилетие изменилась интеллектуальная атмосфера
во всем мире, во многих странах начались важные реформы.

2. Чтобы понять, как этому мыслителю хватило дерзости утверждать,
что история закончилась, следует уяснить связь его идей с ранее
созданными философскими концепциями.

3. Действительно ли мы подошли к концу истории?

4. К концу следующего года выйдет в свет новая книга, в которой
этот ученый обещает представить неопровержимые факты, свиде­
тельствующие о конце истории.

5. То, что существенные элементы экономического и политического
либерализма привились в уникальных условиях традиций и инсти­
тутов власти данной страны, свидетельствует об их способности к

6. За последние пятнадцать лет старая экономическая система была
полностью дискредитирована.

7. Колониальным державам понадобилось несколько лет, чтобы отка­
заться от своих владений и, таким образом, выполнить обязатель­
ства, которые они взяли на себя в ходе Второй мировой войны.

8. После окончания Второй мировой войны мало кто решился бы
предсказать, что к началу XXI в. СССР уже исчезнет с карты мира.

9. Сейчас, когда создается впечатление, что мы победили, мы должны
найти ответ на вопрос, кто мы и что мы будем делать дальше.

10. Эмигранты сообщили, что большинство населения в их стране уже
отказались от приверженности официально провозглашаемым прин­

11. Суть прогресса заключается в том, чтобы сделать что-то лучше,
чем это делали ранее.

12. Большинство случаев успешного урегулирования военных кон­
фликтов путем переговоров продолжают оставаться неизвестными
общественности, поскольку на этом настаивают заинтересованные
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. in the last decade has changed the intellectual atmosphereworldwide, many countries have begun major reforms.2. To understand how this thinker enough audacity to arguethat story ended, it should be clear communication of his ideas with previouslycreated by philosophical concepts.3. Do we really come to the end of the story?4. By the end of next year, will come out in a new book, in whichthe scientist promises to present irrefutable facts, evidencetel′stvuûŝie about the end of history.5. What essential elements of economic and politicalliberalism have taken root in the unique conditions of the traditions and institutionstutov power this country attests to their ability tosurvival.6. over the past fifteen years the old economic system wascompletely discredited.7. The colonial powers took several years to be a reasonableto renounce his possessions and, thus, to comply with obligations, they have undertaken during the second world war.8. After the end of the second world war, few would darepredict that by the beginning of the 21st century the USSR will disappear from the world map.9. Now, when you create the impression that we won, we mustfind the answer to the question who we are and what we will do next.10. The emigrants have reported that the majority of the population in their country is alreadyabandoned officially declared commitment to the principles oftransformation. 11. The essence of progress is to make something better,than it did before.12. most of the successful settlement of the war Cohndisputes through negotiations remain unknownthe public, as it concerned insistside.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. In the last decade has changed intellectual climate
around the world, many countries have begun important reforms. 2. To understand how this thinker had the audacity to say that the story is over, you should understand the relationship of his ideas with the previously established philosophical concepts. 3. Have we really reached the end of history? 4. By the end of next year will be released in a new book, in which the scientist promises to provide hard facts UD tion about the end of history. 5. The fact that the essential elements of economic and political liberalism took root in the unique conditions of tradition and insti tutions authority in the country, evidence of their ability to survive. 6. Over the past fifteen years, the old economic system has been thoroughly discredited. 7. Colonial power took several years to otka out to be their possessions and thus perform mandatory ARISING that they have undertaken in the course of World War II. 8. After the Second World War, few would have dared to predict that by the beginning of XXI century. The Soviet Union has disappeared from the world map. 9. Now, when it seems that we have won, we have to find an answer to the question of who we are and what we do next. 10. Immigrants reported that the majority of the population in their country had abandoned the commitment to officially proclaimed received ciples. 11. The essence of progress is to do something better than it did before. 12. Most cases of successful resolution of the military con conflicts through negotiations remain unknown to the public, as to insist interested parties.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. in the last decade have changed the intellectual atmosphere. throughout the world, many countries started important reforms.

2. to understand how this thinker had the audacity to
that the story ends.should understand the relation of his ideas to the previously established philosophical concepts

3. whether we have reached the end of the story?

4. by the end of next year will be released a new book.this scientist promises to provide irrefutable facts, about the end of history тельствующие свиде­

5. what essential elements of economic and political.in terms of привились unique traditions and инсти­
tutow authorities of that country, indicating their ability to survive

6. for the past 15 years, the old economic system.completely discredited.

7. colonial powers took several years to отка­
an from their properties and, thus, to fulfil the обязатель­
in which they undertook during the second world war.

8. after the second world war, few people dare to
to predict that by the beginning of the twenty-first. the soviet union had already disappeared from the map.

9. now it seems that we won, we must
to find the answer to the questionwho we are and what we will do next.

10. is reported that the majority of the population in their country's
refused to officially proclaimed commitment ципам прин­

11. the progress isto do something better than it did earlier

12. the majority of cases, the successful settlement of the military кон­
фликтов through negotiations remain unknown. the publicsince this insist concerned
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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