Овен - самый первый знак зодиака. В нем совмещаются первобытная сила и перевод - Овен - самый первый знак зодиака. В нем совмещаются первобытная сила и английский как сказать

Овен - самый первый знак зодиака. В

Овен - самый первый знак зодиака. В нем совмещаются первобытная сила и стремление доказать свое первенство. Он мастер начинать любые дела. Решения принимает практически мгновенно и мобилизует свои силы для его воплощения. Этот знак, как никакой другой, ориентирован на победу над окружающими. Для Овнов характерны два состояния. В первом он, охваченный новой идеей, борется за ее немедленное воплощение. Адреналина в крови при этом больше чем достаточно, энергия захлестывает его и окружающих. В эти моменты опасно стоять у него на пути. Растопчет и не заметит. Овен хорошо видит цель и не замечает препятствия. Действия его спонтанны и если цель достигнута, Овен некоторое время наслаждается плодами собственных усилий. После того, как Овен выложился полностью, наступает период апатии, когда он восстанавливает свои силы. Стронуть его с места в такие моменты довольно тяжело. Самоуверенности этому знаку не занимать, поэтому он выбирает цели, которые максимально способствуют поднятию его жизненного уровня.

Овен - любитель всего нового и рискованных предприятий. Его не страшат невзгоды, которые ожидают любых первооткрывателей. В экстремальных условиях максимально раскрываются его таланты. Энтузиазм Овна может увлечь за собой окружающих. Его девиз «Главное начать, а там посмотрим...». Из-за этого результаты его действий часто происходят по сценарию «За что боролись, на то и напоролись».

В большинстве ситуаций ведут себя достаточно откровенно. Говорят, то что думают, в лучшем случае промолчат. Если им что-то или кто-то нравится, то они будут открыто выражать свои чувства. Это пылкие любовники. Однако, если в первый момент их усилия не были оценены по достоинству, они быстро переключаются на другой объект. Вообще, постоянство и домоседство не их удел, поэтому тихая семейная жизнь внушает им откровенный ужас. Овен всегда хочет быть на первых ролях, поэтому в семье часто занимает главенствующее положение и постоянно организует для своих домочадцев различные походы, поездки, званые обеды и ужины и т.д. чтобы не было скуки и однообразия.

Овнам всегда трудно идти на уступки, из-за этого отношения с окружающими часто приводят к конфликтам, в которых они чувствуют себя, как рыбав воде. Овнам свойственно черно-белое восприятие мира, из-за чего они упускают нюансы. Тем не менее, если Овен играет на Вашей стороне, он будет бороться до конца. Это надежный и преданный друг. Его сильные стороны - инициативность, бесстрашие, энтузиазм и самостоятельность да я aries
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Aries - the first sign of the zodiac. It combined the primeval power and the desire to prove their superiority. He is a master initiating any case.Decisions are made instantly and mobilizing its forces to implement it. This sign is like no other, is focused on winning over others. For Aries is characterized by two states. In the first hecovered by a new idea, is fighting for its immediate realization. Adrenaline with more than enough power overwhelms him and others. At these moments, dangerous to stand in his way.Trample will notice. Aries sees the goal well and does not notice the obstacles. His actions are spontaneous and if the goal is reached, Aries some time enjoying the fruits of their own efforts. AfterAries as laid out in full, there is a period of apathy, when he regains his strength. Stronut him from his place at such moments quite hard. Self-confidence not to take the mark, so he chooses the goal,that best contribute to raising its standard of living.

Aries - a lover of all new and risky ventures. He is not afraid of hardships that await any discoverers.In extreme conditions, as disclosed his talents. The enthusiasm of Aries can win over others. His motto is "The main thing to start, but we'll see ...".Because of this, the results of his actions often take place on the script, "What did we fight for it and ran."

In most situations, behave quite frankly. They say that they think, at best, could not respond.If they like something or someone, they will openly express their feelings. This ardent lovers. However, if for the first time their efforts were not appreciated, they quickly switched to the other object.In general, stability and domesticity is not their cup of tea, so quiet family life inspires them with frank horror. Aries always wants to be on the first cast,so the family often takes a dominant position and continuously organizes his household various hikes, trips, dinners and suppers, etc. to avoid boredom and monotony.

Aries is always difficult to make concessions because of relationships with others often leads to conflicts in which they feel like a fish water. Aries tend to black-and-white view of the world,because of what they miss the nuances. However, if Aries is playing on your side, he will fight to the end. It is a reliable and loyal friend. Its strengths - creativity, fearlessness,enthusiasm and self-reliance so I aries
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It combined primitive strength and desire to prove their superiority. He is a master of starting any business. Decisions almost instantly and is mobilizing its forces for its realization. This sign is like no other, is aimed at winning over others. For the Rams, is characterized by two States. In the first he covered by a new idea, is fighting for its immediate implementation. Adrenaline in the blood more than enough energy washes over him and others. In these moments is dangerous to stand in his way. Will trample on and not notice. Aries good sees purpose and does not see obstacles. His actions are spontaneous and if the goal is reached, while Aries is enjoying the fruits of their own efforts. After as Aries out completely, there comes a period of apathy when it regains its strength. Budge it off moments like this pretty hard. Self-confidence that character does not hold, so he selects targets, that best contribute to raising the standard of living.

Aries-a lover of everything new and risky ventures. It is not afraid of the tribulations that await any explorers. In extreme conditions as are his talents. The enthusiasm of Aries can captivate the others. Its motto is "the main thing to start, then we'll see." Because of this, his actions often take place on the script for that fight, though, and ran.

In the majority of situations are quite frankly. They say what they think, at best, promolčat. If something or someone like that, they will be openly expressing their feelings. It is the ardent lovers. If, however, for the first time, their efforts have not been appreciated, they quickly switched to a different object. Generally, permanence and domosedstvo not their fate, so a quiet family life inspire them with Frank horror. Aries always wants to be on the first cast, Therefore, the family often took the leading position and constantly organizes for its members a variety of hikes, trips, meals and invited others to avoid boredom and monotony.

Aries is always difficult to make concessions because of the relationships with others often leads to conflicts where they feel like rybav water. Aries is a black and white perception of the world, because of what they're missing the nuances. However, if Aries is on your side, it will fight to the end. It is a reliable and faithful friend. His strengths-creativity, fearlessness, the enthusiasm and the autonomy of the aries I
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The park's administration reacted to it combined strength and the desire to prove their qualification. He was the wizard to start any case.Decision takes almost instantly and mobilizes its forces in order to implement it. This mark, as well as any other, is geared to the victory over the surrounding areas. For lambs is characterized by two conditions. In the first he,covered by a new idea, struggling for its immediate implementation. Adrenaline in blood in this more than enough energy sweeping his and the surrounding. In those moments it is dangerous stand in his way.Растопчет and did not notice. Aries well sees the purpose and does not notice any obstacles. The actions of his spontaneous and if the objective has been achieved, but Aries has for some time enjoys its own efforts. AfterAs Aries've thrown myself into it, there comes a period apathy, when he restores their forces. Pushed it with seats in such moments is quite difficult. Verbal this sign is not to be, that is why he chooses targets,As much as possible to help raise their standard of living. Lord Aries - amateur all new and risky enterprises. It is not to witness the misfortunes that are waiting to be any early explorers.In extreme conditions the maximum inflate his talents. The enthusiasm Bullock can tutor for the surrounding area. His slogan, "The key is to start, and we can take ... ".Because of this the results of his actions often occur on the script "For that fought, and even on the". Lord in most situations behave in a quite frankly. It is said, the fact that they think, in the best case промолчат.If they are something or someone like it, then they will be open to express their feelings. This recriminatory lovers. If, however, the first time of their efforts have not been appreciated, they quickly switched to another object.In general, consistency and домоседство not their inheritance, so the quiet family life is discouraging them frank horror. Aries always wants to be on the first roles,Therefore, in the family, often occupies the predominant position and constantly organizes for its glorified campervan various walks, travel, dinner parties and dinners, etc. to not be boredom and monotony.

Active is always difficult to make concessions, because of this relationship with the surrounding often lead to conflicts, in which they feel, as рыбав water. Active | black-and-white perception peace,And they miss nuances. However, if gender plays on your side, he will fight to the end. It is a reliable and loving each other. His strengths - initiative, determination,The enthusiasm and autonomy yes i аries
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