Если бы я захотела , то уже давно бы всё произошло . В воскресенье ста перевод - Если бы я захотела , то уже давно бы всё произошло . В воскресенье ста английский как сказать

Если бы я захотела , то уже давно б

Если бы я захотела , то уже давно бы всё произошло . В воскресенье стало понятно Денису и его друзьям , что это мошенничество . Когда они определили , что сервер с которого было послано письмо из банка , находиться в Америке . Они решили что если нужно принимать какие -то действия, то надо подождать утро понедельника. Так , как ты пытался обмануть меня , то и главным заявителем должна быть Я .Только в том случае , если я подала бы заявление в спецслужбы по госбезопасности , только тогда могло пойти дальше расследование и передача документов в интерпол. Я просила Дениса всё это забыть , как кошмарный сон и не предпринимать нечего, никаких действий , Не бойся моя любовь , если ты сам захочешь уйти из моей жизни , я отпущу тебя с миром , с Богом. Любящая женщина никогда не сможет причинить ничего дурного своей любви. Я очень скучаю по тебе .
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If I wanted to, it would have happened long ago. On Sunday, it became clear to David and his friends, this is a scam. When they determined that the server from which it was sent a letter from the Bank, all reside in America. They decided that if you need to take some action, it is necessary to wait for Monday morning. So, as you tried to trick me, and the principal applicant must be ya just in case I filed would be a statement on the secret service the KGB, only then could go further investigation and transfer documents to Interpol. I asked Denis forget all this, like a nightmare and not to take any action, there is nothing to fear not my love, if you want to get away from my life, I will let you rest in peace with God. Loving a woman can never cause anything bad to his love. I really miss you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If I wanted to, it would have long ago it happened. On Sunday, it became clear to Denis and his friends, it's a scam. When they determined that the server from which the letter was sent from the bank to be in America. They decided that if you need to take any action -So, you have to wait for Monday morning. So, how are you trying to fool me, and the main applicant must be in the I .Only if I have filed an application to the intelligence services of security, only then could go further investigation and transfer the documents to Interpol. I asked Dennis to forget it all, like a nightmare, and not to take nothing, nothing, do not be afraid, my love, if you want to leave myself out of my life, I will let you in peace with God. Loving a woman will never be able to cause no harm her love. I really miss you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
If I chose, there was already a long-standing would have all happened. On Sunday it was understandable guy and his friends, that this fraud. When they have identified, that the server from which the email was sent from the bank ,Be in America . They have decided that if you want to take what -the actions, you need to wait until Monday morning. So, as you tried to deceive me, and is the principal applicant must be I.only in the event ,If I had applied to a statement by the intelligence services to KGB , only then could go further investigation and transfer documents to Interpol. I requested that Denis can forget all that ,As a nightmare and not to take nothing, no action, fear not my love, if you're all right?" to withdraw from my life, i let him go in peace, with God.Loving a woman would never be able to cause nothing but ill their love. I very much i miss you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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