Я решил подождать пару минут и проверить не повторится ли звук. Мои оп перевод - Я решил подождать пару минут и проверить не повторится ли звук. Мои оп английский как сказать

Я решил подождать пару минут и пров

Я решил подождать пару минут и проверить не повторится ли звук. Мои опасения оправдались, стук в дверь повторился. Я встал и подошел к двери, открыл ее. За дверью стоял доставщик пиццы. Я совсем забыл что заказал ее около часа назад . Взохнул с облегчением, продолжил смотреть телевизор. В 2 я пошел спать. После того как уже улёгся, я услышал звук стука в окно. Это мне показалось странным, ведь я живу на втором этаже. Я решил, что мне послышалось и попытался заснуть. Но стук раздавался все громче и все чаще. Не в силах дальше игнорировать его, я решил проверить что там. Встал с кровати и глянул в окно. Там было лицо. Это четырех метровый человек? Меня охватил страх. Протер глаза и посмотрел еще раз - там никого не было. Но для того, чтобы убедится окончательно, я подошел к окну и открыл его. На меня попали капли ледяного дождя и порыв ветра. На дереве напротив я увидел силуэт. Мои коленки затряслись. Я спросил есть ли здесь кто. И в ответ услышал да. Напуганный до ужаса я спросил кто это
Вдруг я проснулся в холодном поту. Я заснул на первом этаже перед телевизором. Я больше не буду смотреть фильмы ужаса на ночь!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I decided to wait a couple of minutes and check whether your audio will not be repeated. My fears were justified, knock on the door happens again. I stood up and walked to the door, opened it. Behind the door stood pizza delivery driver. I completely forgot that I ordered it about an hour ago. Vzohnul relief continued to watch tv. In 2 I went to sleep. After already ulëgsâ, I heard the sound of knocking at the window. It seemed to me strange, because I live on the second floor. I decided that I heard and tried to fall asleep. But the knock was louder and more often. Unable to further ignore it, I decided to check out what's there. Got up out of bed and looked out the window. There was a person. This is a four meter tall man? I was gripped with fear. Rubbed his eyes and looked again, there's no one there. But in order to make sure that finally, I walked up to the window and opened it. To me got freezing rain drops and a gust of wind. On the contrary, in the tree, I saw a silhouette. My knees began to shake. I asked whether there was anyone here. And in response I heard Yes. Funky horror I asked who thisВдруг я проснулся в холодном поту. Я заснул на первом этаже перед телевизором. Я больше не буду смотреть фильмы ужаса на ночь!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I decided to wait a couple of minutes to check whether the sound will not be repeated. My fears were justified, knock on the door was repeated. I got up and went to the door, opened it. Behind the door was a pizza deliveryman. I had forgotten that he ordered her about an hour ago. Vzohnul relief, continued to watch TV. The 2 I went to sleep. After already lay down, I heard a knock on the window. It struck me as odd, because I live on the second floor. I decided that I heard and tried to sleep. But the knock was heard louder and more frequent. Unable to continue to ignore it, I decided to check out what's there. I got up out of bed and looked out the window. There was a face. This four-meter man? I was gripped by fear. He rubbed his eyes and looked again - no one was there. But in order to make sure the final, I went to the window and opened it. I was hit drops freezing rain and wind. On the contrary, I saw a tree silhouette. My knees were shaking. I asked if there is anyone here. And the answer was yes. Frightened to the horror I asked who it was
I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. I fell asleep on the ground floor in front of the TV. I will not watch horror movies at night!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i decided to wait a few minutes and check if it doesn't happen again. my fears have been realized, knocking happens again. i stood up and walked to the door, opened it. outside stood a pizza delivery guy.i forgot i had ordered her about an hour ago. взохнул relief continued to watch television. 2 i went to sleep. after you've улёгся, i heard the sound of knocking on the window. it struck me as odd.i live on the second floor. i thought i heard and tried to sleep. but the sound was louder and more. can not continue to ignore it, i decided to check it out. got out of bed and looked out the window.there was a person. it's a four foot man? i felt fear. wiped my eyes and looked again, there was no one there. but in order to make sure all the way, i came to the window and opened it.i got a drop of ice cold rain, a gust of wind. on the tree but i saw a figure. my knees started shaking. i asked if anyone here. and the answer was yes. scared out of his mind, i ask who it is.suddenly, i woke up in a cold sweat. i slept on the floor in front of the tv. i don't watch horror movies at night.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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