Открыв глаза после длительной затяжки, парень вздрогнул, увидев прибли перевод - Открыв глаза после длительной затяжки, парень вздрогнул, увидев прибли английский как сказать

Открыв глаза после длительной затяж

Открыв глаза после длительной затяжки, парень вздрогнул, увидев приближающееся нечто. Что-то, внешне напоминавшее здоровенную крысу, шло к нему, быстро перебирая лапками. Морда этого создания была изуродована до неузнаваемости, на своего прародителя оно было похоже лишь мелкими черными глазами, а приправлялся ужасающий вид двумя парами острых зубов, которые раньше принадлежали кроту. Мутант же не обращал внимания на Райана, как до этого решил молодой человек, похоже,что он был практически слеп, так как часто задевал при ходьбе валяющиеся у земли предметы. Но, несмотря на то, что чудовище в упор не замечало присутствия рядом другого существа, парень все равно испытал чувство легкого потрясения, почувствовал, как мурашки разбегаются по его коже, как сильно бьется сердце. Но страх перед невиданным созданием не отбивал более сильного чувства – голода, поэтому Райан, на миг перевоплотившись в дикого зверя, решительно двинулся к мутанту. Его верный нож остался в морде предыдущего незваного гостя, поэтому ближний бой заранее обречен на провал, но молодой человек и не собирался в него вступать. Он остановился, направляя свой пистолет с несколькими патронами на голову существа, но не стреляя. Райан неестественно долго всматривался в свою добычу, не решаясь нажать на курок и прервать эту сцену. Что-то привлекало его в этом уродце, возможно, это был вполне обычный интерес к чему-то ранее незнакомому. Но все увлечения, интересы и прочие в какой-то степени духовные ценности отступали перед тупым желанием выжить в мире, где побеждает сильнейший. Резко изменившись в лице, парень выпустил полю, которая пришлась мутанту ровно в голову, и увесистое тело рухнуло на пыльную землю. Подобрав с земли острый предмет, который больше походил на обломок шифера, он приблизился к чудовищу, усаживаясь перед ним. Легким движением руки Райан прошелся по его грубой коже, анализируя при этом каждое прикосновение. Справившись с подступившей тошнотой и диким отвращением, он вонзил осколок в некогда живое тело и резким движением распорол брюхо кротокрысу, заставляя кровь реками стекать к своим же коленям. Совершив ее одно усилие над собой, он начал вырезать большие окровавленные куски мяса, попутно укладывая их в свой рюкзак, окрашивая его в ярко алый цвет. Вытерев руки о пестрые штаны, он последний раз посмотрел на мутанта и пошел прочь, стараясь забыть о неприятном разделывании и утешая себя тем, что теперь он не помрет с голоду.
Когда Пустошь была практически полностью покрыта темным полотном, Райан одиноко сидел на холме, всматриваясь в небо, на котором начинали группами появляться небесные светила. Прошлой ночью он был слишком переутомлен, чтобы обратить свое внимание на столь прекрасную картину. Его глаза впивались в пестро раскрашенный небесный потолок, а сам парень все глубже и глубже уходил в свои мысли, вспоминая события прошедшего дня и протяжно вздыхая. Близился конец только второго дня, а в сознании уже установилось ощущение, будто он находиться здесь уже очень давно. Райан поднял свои руки, на которых еще ярко горела засохшая кровь, и принялся их разглядывать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Opening my eyes after a long tightening, the guy winced when they saw the approaching something. Something externally be a hefty rat went to him, quickly fingering her claws. Muzzle of this creation was defaced beyond recognition, his ancestor it was like only a small black eyes and pripravlâlsâ horrific kind two pairs of sharp teeth, which previously belonged to the krotu. Mutant does not grok the Ryan, as decided as a young man, it seems that he was practically blind, so how often touch when walking the Earth discarded items. But, despite the fact that Monster at point-blank range does not have noticed the presence of a number of other creatures, the guy still experienced the feeling of mild shocks, felt like goosebumps run up on his skin, how much heart beats. But the fear of unprecedented creation does not have stronger feelings-hunger, so Ryan, for a moment as the wild beast, strongly moved to mutant. His trusty knife remained in the face of previous interloper, melee, therefore, doomed to failure in advance, but a young man and was not going to engage in it. He stopped directing his gun with several bullets in the head substance but without firing. Ryan unnaturally long peered at their prey, not daring to pull the trigger and interrupt this scene. Something attracted him in this urodce maybe it was quite usual interest to something previously unknown. But all the hobbies, interests, and other, to some extent, spiritual values before retreating to blunt the desire to survive in a world where the strongest wins. Changed dramatically in the face of the guy released field, which fell exactly in the mutant head and bloated body collapsed on the dusty ground. Picking up from the ground with a sharp object, which is more like a piece of slate, he approached the monster, she confronted him. Flick of the wrist Ryan went through its rough skin, analyzing with each touch. He coped with nausea and disgust wild said, he thrust a splinter in what was once a living body and sharp movement rasporol belly krotokrysu, forcing blood rivers flow down to your own knees. Having made her one effort over himself, he began to cut large pieces of meat, the bloodied along the way, stacking them in her backpack, painting it in bright Scarlet color. Pat hands on the colorful pants he last looked at the mutant and walked away, trying to forget about messy butchering and consoling himself that now he not would most certainly die of hunger. When Heath was almost completely covered with dark cloth, Ryan sat alone on a hill, looking at the sky, which began appearing in groups of heaven. Last night it was too pereutomlen to turn its attention to such a beautiful picture. His eyes vpivalis′ the colorful painted sky ceiling, and the guy went deeper and deeper in thought, remembering the events of the past days and prolonged sigh. Near the end of the second day, and only in the minds of the already established feeling that he be here for a long time. Ryan raised his hands, which still vividly burnt dried up blood, and began to examine them.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He opened his eyes after a long tightening, the guy started to see something approaching. Something that looks like a hefty rat went to him, quickly turning over the tabs. The muzzle of the creature was disfigured beyond recognition, to its progenitor, it was like a small, black eyes, and flavored with a terrifying view of two pairs of sharp teeth that had previously belonged to the mole. The mutant did not pay attention to Ryan as to this young man decided, it seems that he was almost blind, because it is often touched while walking discarded objects near the ground. But, despite the fact that the monster at close range not noticed the presence of a number of other creatures, man still felt a sense of shock lung, felt a shiver run up his skin, pounding heart. But fear not beat the unprecedented creation of a stronger feeling - hunger, so Ryan, for a moment, turned into a wild beast, moved decisively to the mutant. His trusty knife remained in the face of previous intruder, so close combat is doomed to failure, but the young man was not going to enter into it. He stopped directing his pistol with several bullets in the head being, but not shooting. Ryan unnaturally long time staring at their prey, not daring to pull the trigger and end this stage. Something attracted him to this freak, perhaps, it was quite common interest to something previously unknown. But all the hobbies, interests and other to some extent spiritual values ​​retreated to blunt the desire to survive in a world where the strongest wins. Has changed dramatically in the face, the guy has issued a field, which came exactly a mutant in the head, and weighty body collapsed on the dusty ground. Picked up a sharp object, which looked more like a piece of slate, he approached the monster, sitting in front of him. Flick of the wrist Ryan walked on his rough skin, analyzing with each touch. He coped with the approaches by nausea and wild disgust, he drove a splinter in the once living body and abruptly ripped belly krotokrysu, causing blood flow to the rivers as their knees. Having made ​​her one effort over himself, he began to carve large chunks of bloody meat, simultaneously putting them in his bag, turning it into a bright red color. Wiping his hands on his colorful pants he had last looked at mutant and walked away, trying to forget about unpleasant butchering and consoling himself with the fact that now he did not die of hunger.
When Heath was almost entirely covered with dark cloth, Ryan sat alone on a hill, looking in the sky, which began to appear groups of heavenly bodies. Last night he was too overworked to pay attention to such a beautiful picture. His eyes dug into brightly painted ceiling of heaven, and the man deeper and deeper went in thought, remembering the events of the day and a long, sighing. It was close to the end of only the second day and already established in the minds of the feeling that he was to be here for a long time. Ryan raised his hands, which still burned bright dried blood, and began to look at them.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
opening her eyes, after a lengthy delay, the guy started to see the thing. that is, on the surface напоминавшее a rat came to him, they could quickly. face of this creation was disfigured beyond recognition, his ancestor, it looked like a small black eyes, and приправлялся terrifying appearance two pairs of sharp teeth, which previously belonged to the mole. the mutant haven"t been paying attention to ryan, as prior to this determined young man, it seems that he was nearly blind, often put you on валяющиеся earth objects. but, in spite of the fact that a piece of замечало presence here of another creature, he still felt a sense of shock, felt the creeps up on his skin, how much heart beats. but fear of the establishment took no more than a strong sense is hunger, so ryan, at the moment перевоплотившись in wild beast, strongly moved to the mutant. his trusty knife remains in the face of previous незваного guest, however the fight in advance is doomed to failure, but the young man didn"t get him to join. he stopped using his gun with several bullets at the head of substance, but not shooting. ryan abnormally long searched his prey, not allowed to pull the trigger and terminate this scene. what attracted him to this уродце, maybe it was a pretty normal interest in something previously met. but all hobbies, interests and other kind of spiritual values. in a desire to live in a world where the strongest wins. sharp straight face, guy released a field which was a mutant at the head, and the heavy body collapsed on the dusty ground. crafting with land sharp object, which was more like a piece of шифера, he approached the monster, усаживаясь before him. easy movement of hands ryan went through its rough skin, analyzing with each touch. manage подступившей nausea and a disgust, he stabbed a piece of once living body and flings ripped open кротокрысу, forcing blood rivers drain to his knees. and her doctor over himself, he began to cut large pieces of meat and blood, if them in your backpack, coloring it in bright red color. wiped her hands on the little pants, the last time he looked at mutant and went away, trying to forget the unpleasant разделывании and утешая himself so that he won"t die of starvation.when the island was almost completely covered with dark cloth, ryan lonely sitting on the hill, as we look to the sky, where the stars were groups appear. last night, he was too переутомлен to turn its attention to such a beautiful picture. his eyes впивались in
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