07/01/15 был обнаружен износ деталей карданного вала, установленного м перевод - 07/01/15 был обнаружен износ деталей карданного вала, установленного м английский как сказать

07/01/15 был обнаружен износ детале

07/01/15 был обнаружен износ деталей карданного вала, установленного между секциями офсетной печатной машины и карбоновой секции.
Вал входит в комплект оборудования карбоновой секции. Был установлен инженерами Омегер при монтаже карбоновой секции.

Во время работы машины печатник обратил внимание на повышенную вибрацию в районе карбоновой секции.
Машина была немедленно остановлена.
При выяснении причин было обнаружено визуально биение указанного карданного вала.
Карданный вал имеет увеличенный зазор в соединении шлицевой втулки и шлицевого вала, части вала провисают под собственным весом. При этом все крепежные элементы карданного вала (болты на его фланцах) находятся на месте, повреждений не имеют, хорошо затянуты.
Дальнейшая эксплуатация машины не допустима из-за возможного разрушения карданного вала и повреждения других узлов.

Возможная причина повреждения – недопустимо малая длина сопряжения шлицевых деталей (не достаточная глубина вхождения вала во втулку) при относительно большой длине и массе самого вала.

Мы временно решили проблему, изготовив дистанционное кольцо (проставку). Установили в разрыв фланцев. Это позволило увеличить длину сопряжения деталей и уменьшило их износ.

НО!! Нам необходимо заменить карданный вал новым, соответствующей длины.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1/7/15/01/15 was discovered by wear of the parts of the shaft is installed between the sections offset printing machine and carbon partition.Shaft supplied equipment carbon partition. Was installed when installing the carbon Omeger engineers partition. While the machine printer drew attention to the increased vibrations in thin section.The car was immediately stopped.When determining the reasons were found visually the beating of the drive shaft.Drive shaft has increased the gap in connecting slotted bushing and shaft, splined shaft part to sag under its own weight. All drive shaft fastening elements (screws on its flanges) are in place, the damages are not well tightened.Continued operation of the machine is not allowed because of possible destruction of the drive shaft and damage to other nodes. Possible cause of damage is unacceptably low coupling spline length of details (not enough depth of the shaft into the sleeve) with relatively large length and mass of the shaft. We have temporarily solved the problem, having produced the distance ring (spacer). The gap in flange. This has increased the length of the coupling parts and reduced wear.BUT!! We need to replace the drive shaft new, appropriate length.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
07/01/15 was discovered wear propeller shaft mounted between the sections offset printing machine and a carboxylic section.
Shaft supplied equipment carboxylic section. Was installed during installation engineers Omeger carboxylic section. During machine printer drew attention to the increased vibration in the vicinity of the carboxylic section. The car was stopped immediately. In explaining the reasons it was found visually beating said propeller shaft. The PTO shaft has an increased gap in conjunction splined sleeve and splined shaft of the shaft sag under its own weight. With all the fixings propeller shaft (screws on its flanges) are in place, damages are not well tightened. Further operation of the machine is not permitted because of the possible destruction of the propeller shaft and damage to other components. Possible cause damage - unacceptably small length of spline coupling parts (not enough depth entry shaft into the hub) with a relatively large length and weight of the shaft itself. We have temporarily solved the problem by making a spacer ring (spacer). Set to divide the flanges. It is possible to increase the length of the coupling parts and reduced wear. BUT !! We need to replace the driveshaft new, appropriate length.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
07/01/15 has been detected wear parts u-joint shaft, located between sections offset printing machine and highly responsive section.
shaft is included in the kit engineered equipment section.Was installed by engineers Омегер when installing engineered section.

during operation of the machine printer drew attention to excessive vibration in the area engineered section.
the machine was stopped immediately.
When ascertaining reasons it was detected visually run-out the specified u-joint shaft.
the propeller shaft is the excessive play in the connection the splined bushings, and splined shaft, part of the shaft sag under its own weight.When this all hardware to the u-joint shaft (the bolts on the flange mounted) are in place, damage, do not have, are tight.
The continued operation of the machine is not allowed due to the possible destruction of drive shaft, and damage to other nodes.

Possible cause damage - it is unacceptable low length spline coupler parts (not sufficient depth shaft re-entry into the bushing) with a relatively large length and weight shaft itself.

we have temporarily solved the problem,Uzbek dutorchi famed remote ring (spacer). Installed in the gap the flanges. This has led to an increase in the length interface parts and reduced them to wear.Lord but!! We need to replace the propeller shaft with a new one, the appropriate length.
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