Таким образом условие нашей свободы —свободу других людей. НАТО, 63 до перевод - Таким образом условие нашей свободы —свободу других людей. НАТО, 63 до английский как сказать

Таким образом условие нашей свободы

Таким образом условие нашей свободы —свободу других людей. НАТО, 63 долгие годы объединяет два континента, сохраняя общие ценности и характеристики суверенных государств. НАТО была только одна Искра, мира и свободы, общения и дружбы между странами в регионе. Я считаю, что политика, не только в моей стране, будет выполняться в руках молодых людей и новых поколений. Поколений, которые будут нужны знания и опыт, чтобы привести их стран. Лучший способ получить это будет общий ознакомительный визит, обмены, международных конференциях и обсуждениях. Таким образом молодые люди научатся уважать различия между людьми, уважение их свобод. Организовать многочисленные дискуссии, лекции, научные совещания – которые впервые примут участие от студентов и после всех заинтересованных граждан.Совместное использование общих ценностей мы добиваемся общества здоровья для всех нас. Мы обязаны сделать это, для безопасной завтра, для наших детей, но также для прошлого, для истории и для героев, которые отдали свои жизни за нашу свободу. Мир и безопасность являются надгробие каждый хорошая страна.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thus the condition of our freedom — the freedom of other people. NATO, 63 years, combines the two continents while preserving common values and characteristics of sovereign States. NATO was only a spark of peace and freedom, companionship and friendship among countries in the region. I believe that politics, not only in my own country, will be in the hands of the young people and future generations. Generations that will need the expertise and experience to lead their countries. The best way to get this is a general visit, exchanges, international conferences and debates. In this way young people will learn to respect the differences between people, respect their freedoms. Organize discussions, lectures, scientific meetings, which will be attended by students and all concerned citizens. the sharing of common values, we strive for a society for all of us. We are required to do so, to secure tomorrow, for our children, but also to the past, to history and to the heroes who gave their lives for our freedom. Peace and security are tombstone every good country.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thus the condition of our freedom -svobodu others. NATO, 63 long years brings together the two continents, while maintaining the same values ​​and characteristics of sovereign states. NATO was only one spark of peace and freedom, fellowship and friendship between the two countries in the region. I believe that politics, not only in my country, will run in the hands of young people and new generations. Generations that will need the knowledge and experience to lead their countries. The best way to get it is a common fact-finding visit, exchanges, international conferences and discussions. Thus, young people learn to respect the differences between people, respect for their freedom. Organize numerous discussions, lectures, scientific meetings - who will take part of the students and all interested after grazhdan.Sovmestnoe use of shared values, we achieve a society of health for all of us. We owe it to a safe tomorrow for our children, but also for the past, for history and the heroes who gave their lives for our freedom. Peace and security are the tombstone every good country.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Thus the condition our freedom -freedom of other people. NATO, 63 years combines the two continent, while maintaining common values and characteristics sovereign states. NATO was only one spark, peace and freedom,Communication and friendship between the countries in the region. I believe that the policy is not only in my country, will be carried out in the hands of young people and new generations. Generations, which will need knowledge and experience,To lead their countries. The best way to get this would be a common courtesy visit, exchanges, international conferences and discussions. In this way young people will learn to respect differences between human beings,Respect for their freedoms. To organize the numerous discussions, lectures, scientific meetings, which will for the first time ever participation from students and after all interested citizens.The sharing of common values we seek society health care for all of us. We have an obligation to do so, for a secure tomorrow, for our children, but also in the past, to history and to heroes,Who have given their lives for our freedom. Peace and security are headstone every good country.
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