20. Я не могу понять его мысль.
21. Это всегда раздражало ее.
22. Их оштрафовали на 5 фунтов за то, что они не заполнили
23. Спрашивайте не стесняйтесь.
24. Какое-то мгновение я сомневался, можно ли давать ее
25. Ничуть не смущаясь, она дала нам понять, что наше
присутствие нежелательно.
26. Если у вас наблюдаются подобные симптомы, не
раздумывая идите к врачу.
27. Вам удалось купить подарок?
28. Я не могу понять, как он умудрился найти нас.
29. Я хотел позвонить тебе, но, к сожалению, забыл.**
30. Он не мог вспомнить ни слова из того, что хотел сказать.
31. Извините, я не хотел обидеть вас.
32. Прежде чем я отвечу на этот вопрос, мне нужно
проконсультироваться у специалиста.
33. Мне не надо было повторять дважды.
34. Он предложил показать нам Эрмитаж.
35. Ни одна из сторон не высказала готовности пойти на
36. Она притворилась, что спит.
37. Она сидела и делала вид, что читает книгу.
38. Он сделал вид, что ему это нравится.
39. Премьер-министр пригрозил, что подаст в отставку.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
20. I can't understand his thought.21. It's always annoyed her.22. They were fined £ 5 for something they have not filled inDeclaration.23. don't hesitate to Ask.24. A moment I doubted, can I give herthe phone.25. No hesitating, she gave us to understand that ourpresence undesirable.26. If you have observed similar symptoms, nothesitate to go to the doctor.27. Did you buy a gift?28. I can't understand how he managed to find us.29. I wanted to call you, but unfortunately forgot. *30. He could not remember a word of what I wanted to say.31. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.32. Before I answer this question, I need toconsult an expert.33. There was no need for me to repeat twice.34. He suggested that show us the Hermitage.35. Neither side expressed willingness toassignment.36. She pretended to be asleep.37. She sat there and pretended to read a book.38. He pretended that he likes it.39. the Prime Minister threatened to resign.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
20. I can not understand his thought.
21. It always annoyed her.
22. They were fined £ 5 for what they have not filled in
the declaration.
23. Ask not hesitate.
24. For a moment I doubt whether you can give it to
your phone.
25. Not a bit embarrassed, she gave us to understand that our
presence is not desirable.
26. If you experience these symptoms, do not
hesitate to go to the doctor.
27. You could buy a gift?
28. I can not understand how he managed to find us.
29. I wanted to call you, but unfortunately, I forgot. **
30. He could not remember a word of what he wanted to say.
31. Sorry, I did not mean to offend you.
32. Before I answer this question, I need to
consult an expert.
33. I do not need to be told twice.
34. He offered to show us the Hermitage.
35. None of the parties expressed readiness to make
36. She pretended to be asleep.
37. She sat and pretended to be reading a book.
38. He pretended that he likes it.
39. The prime minister threatened to resign.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
20. i can"t understand his idea.21. it always annoyed her.22. they fined five pounds because they don"t havethe declaration.23. don"t hesitate to ask me.24. a moment, i doubt if you can give herthe phone.25. do not confused, she gave us to understand that ourthe presence of undesirable.26. if you have these symptoms, don"timmediately go to the doctor.27. did you buy the gift?28. i can"t understand how he managed to find us.29. i wanted to call you, but unfortunately i forgot. * *30. he could not remember a word of what i wanted to say.31. i"m sorry, i didn"t mean to offend you.32. before i answer this question, i need toconsult with a specialist.33. i don"t have to tell me twice.34. he offered to show us the hermitage.35. none of the parties had expressed a willingness to go onthe assignment.36. she pretended to be asleep.37. she sat there and pretend to read a book.38. he pretended that he likes it.39. the prime minister said he will resign.
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