Сэм и Дин приехали в город, так как там появилась необычная девушка. Решив, что она опасна, и не зная, как с ней бороться, Дин выстрелил в нее. Братья решили, что с делом покончено и отправились в мотель, а девушка тем временем ожила. Они вновь нашли ее, и оказалось, что она бессмертна. Все втроем поговорили, и она убедила их, что не причинит никому зла. Поэтому Винчестеры отпустили ее. Но потом раздался звонок, и она сообщила, что в беде. На самом деле это был просто предлог для того, чтобы вновь встретиться с Дином.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
Sam and Dean are in town, as there appeared an unusual girl. Deciding that it is dangerous, and not knowing how to deal with it, Dean shot her. The brothers decided that the case is over, and went to the motel, and the girl came to life in the meantime. They again found her, and it turned out that it is immortal. All three of us talked, and she convinced them that will not cause harm to anyone. Therefore Winchesters let her go. But then the phone rang, and she said that's in trouble. In fact, it was just an excuse to meet again with Dean.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
sam and dean came to town, so there appeared an unusual girl. deciding that she is dangerous and not knowing how to fight her, dean shot her. the brothers decided that the case is finished and went to the motel, and the girl, meanwhile, came back to life. once they found it, and it turns out that she is immortal. all three of us talked about it, and she convinced them that won"t hurt anyone. therefore, the released her. but then there was a phone call, and she said that"s in trouble. actually, it was just an excuse to meet again with the dean.
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