Ханна встретилась с Джейми летом 2010 года. Это было её двадцать перво перевод - Ханна встретилась с Джейми летом 2010 года. Это было её двадцать перво английский как сказать

Ханна встретилась с Джейми летом 20

Ханна встретилась с Джейми летом 2010 года. Это было её двадцать первое день рождения. Они с друзьями пошли в клуб. Им не понравилась музыка, она была ужасна. Ханна пошла к ди джею, чтобы попросить другую песню и ди джей сказал, что у него есть идеальная песня для неё. Через две минуты он посвятил ей песню, Ханна поняла, что это для неё. Когда Ханна покинула клуб с друзьями, ди джей ждал её около выхода и Ханна дала ему свой номер телефона. На следующий день Джейми пригласил её на ужин в французский ресторан и они говорили весь вечер. После этого они виделись каждый день. каждый вечер они встречались в 5:30 в кафе-баре.Они были безумно влюблены. Однажды вечером в октябре, она как обычно собиралась встретиться с Джейми, но опаздывала. Она ехала очень быстро, несмотря на темноту и дождь. Вдруг человек побежал через дорогу и она быстро положила ногу на тормоз.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hannah met with Jamie in the summer of 2010 year. This was her twenty-first birthday. They went with friends to the Club. They didn't like the music, it was awful. Hannah went to Dee Jay, to ask for another song and Dee Jay says that he has the perfect song for her. Two minutes later he dedicated her song, Hannah knew that it for her. When Hannah left the Club with friends, Dee Jay waited for her near the exit and Hannah gave him his phone number. The next day, Jamie invited her to dinner at a French restaurant and they talked all evening. Then they saw each other every day. every evening they met in a café-bar 5:30. They were madly in love. One evening in October, she as usual was going to meet with Jamie, but was in a rush. She was riding very fast, despite the darkness and the rain. Suddenly the man ran across the street and she quickly put her foot on the brake.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2010. It was her twenty-first birthday. He and his friends went to a club. They did not like the music, it was terrible. Hannah went to di Jay to ask for another song and the DJ said that he has the perfect song for her. Two minutes later, he dedicated a song to her, Hannah knew it was for her. When Hannah left the club with friends, dj waiting for her near the exit and Hannah gave him her phone number. The next day, Jamie invited her to dinner at a French restaurant and they talked all night. After that, they saw each other every day. every night they met at 5:30 am at the cafe-bare.Oni were madly in love. One night in October, it is normally going to meet with Jamie, but late. It went very quickly, despite the darkness and the rain. Suddenly the man ran across the road, and she quickly put her foot on the brake.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hannah met with jamie in the summer of 2010. it was her twenty-first birthday. he and his friends went to a club. they don"t like the music, she was horrible. hannah went to dee jay, to ask for another song and dee jay said he had the perfect song for her. two minutes later, he dedicated the song to her, hannah knew it was for her. when hannah left the club with friends, dj waited for her outside option and hannah gave him my phone number. the next day, jamie invited her to dinner in a french restaurant, and they talked all night. after that, they saw each other every day. every evening they met at 5: 30 in the баре.они were madly in love. one night in october, she as usual, going out with jamie, but she was late. she drove very fast, in spite of the dark and the rain. suddenly a man ran across the street and she quickly put your foot on the brake.
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