Я думаю, нет ни одного человека, который не употреблял бы вредную пищу. Но есть те, кто стал зависеть от такой еды. Таких людей мы можем разделить на три категории: те, кто любят сладкое, фастфуд и снэки
I think there is no person who would not use junk food. But there are those who have become dependent on this food. Such people we can be divided into three categories: those who love sweets, fast food and snacks
I don't think there's a single person who doesn't eat junk food. But there are those who have become dependent on such food. Such people we can divide into three categories: those who love sweets, fast food and snacks
I think no one does not eat harmful food. But people began to rely on the food. We can divide these people into three categories: people who like sweets, fast food restaurants and fast food restaurants.<br>